09 May 2005

Temporary Fleeing The AP Cage To Watch Kitchen Utilities Demonstration.

So this is it. Done with AP testing for the year. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I'll still have annoying English stuffs, but other than that, the rest of the year seem to look fairly easy. Let's have a recap:

Monday, May 2: English Language and Composition
To say English is not my best subject is an understatement. It's my worst. Um, simply speaking, I think I only got a 2. (That is assuming that my English is not so horrible that I only get a 1...which may be possible...) The essays were horrible, really. Average 4 for each essay, probably.

Tuesday, May 3: Calculus
I went in the room with a little of something people call confidence. I didn't think the multiple choice sections were that difficult, but then again, I tend to get many wrong anyways. I guess getting a 5 on the Practice AP stopped me from freaking out. (Though the one after school on Thursday of the week before was O__O;;) There were a few strange ones on the free-response that I don't think I got right, but overall, it was ok. I hope for a 5, but really won't be so shocked if I get a 4. Hey, at least I can spin graphs along an axis and stuff well.

Friday, May 6: U.S. History
Oh. Woe. I didn't study for this one. I was trying to get my 2-week overdue English Essay done (which turned out to be utter crap anyways). I would be quite happy and content with a 3. I was dangerously close to falling asleep towards the end of the multiple choice, but Lily's slice of plain wheat bread saved me from the same fate in the essay portion for getting only four hours of sleep. The good thing is, I knew some stuff on the essays. The stupid choices I made on essays can be blamed on the lack of sleep. It's not as utterly and hopelessly trashy as the English one though. I actually have some hope for this one.

Saturday, May 7: SAT Reasoning Test (formerly SAT I)
It was easier than the last one in April. Maybe the preceeding AP tests only made this one seem easier by compareson. Still, I think I did better than the last SAT. The proctor was a pain (arriving late, taking step-by-step instructions veeeeery sloooowly) and made us finish the test at almost 2. The essay seems so similar to the last one...at least, I talked about inventions and innovations on both...or was that the English AP test? I don't know anymore...I saw 'mayo (Yumeo) when I got there, and me 'n Barnie (Arnold) were a few people from being in the same room. The TV in the room was on, and the blackened blank screen said "SAT". Whether it meant "Saturday" or some other on function, I don't know. But I really didn't think that was funny and kept hearing high-pitched noises from it, disturbing me. (The high-frequency, not quite hearable noise that TVs make, you know?)

Monday, May 9: Biology
It's D-Day! Um. It was okay. Harder than the Practice exam but managable. It could've been easier...there were so many plant stuff. I liked the animal classification stuff better. Hoping for a 5 because I had a solid five in the Prac. I was actually nervous about this one last night. (Thus sprouted a heartfelt conversation with my mother, on Mother's Day, no less, that is something on my "to be blogged" list) we got out twenty minutes before the lunch bell rang and Ms. Ward treated us with self-serve sandwiches~ (thus I didn't eat my lunch until now) Ah, and I conversed with Meiko before the test because we arrived that the same time.

5 four-hour tests in eight days. Mother said it's like the final exams in Hong Kong. Ahh, so tired. I'm going to miss those two do-nothing days (because even if Japanese still goes on as normal, it's not really a class)...

I must post this (これをポストをしてはいけませんかない...EW I sounded like HUNTER-sensei...):

■ 第60屆日本超級變變變:#25

This is so silly. The order of tools are as followed: Daikon slicer, Chopping Knife, mincer, egg slicer, Undon roller, juice squeezer?, sunny-side-up egg, sweetened egg, steam cage?, and those things that make things into powder...


And oh, a related FedEx Commercial:
■ Relax, it's FedEx


  1. My computer (or rather, my WMP) won't play either of those videos...

    That's improper Japanese, isn't it? Kore wo posto wo? Iie. :) Only one wo per sentence. And don't you mean kono posto? ^^

    Aah, who am i to talk, i haven't even written my "essay" yet. Why in the world did he call it an essay anyway? "Sakubun" da ne?


  2. OOps. Yeah. it's either kore ga or kono posto, huh. yeah. I think 'mayo asked too, and he said that's the way he says it o__O;

  3. OH HAHA, gomen. i got it. i read too quickly since the videos didn't work.

    Still... what you said seems awkward to me.

    My computer's weird dictionary program says...
    arawasu - to write, to publish; to show, indicate, display

    (Kya... >_>;;; ... but i'm not THAT embarrassed that i'll delete my previous comment. ^^;;)


    Eh? Yeah, i was thinking either change the verb or a ga should be in there somewhere, LoL. ^___^;;;

  4. ^Grammar Shantung Army Factionists?
    Because "Nazi" probably doesn't apply to Japanese.

    Fed-Ex is bad. DHL is the "tru azn way."

    Hm...staying up late to study defeats the purpose if it makes you too sleepy to do well on the tests. And if you were doing things other than studying, well...shame!
    I rememeber watching the Matrix sequel after my APs that said "what happened happened and couldn't have happened any other way." I ignored it, because I knew I didn't have to worry anyway.

    Why do they make you take the AP English as a junior now anyway?

  5. They don't make you take English AP exam as a junior... Is it a rhetorical question? Because a number of my classmates did not take the AP, i mean that it is your choice or not to pay 80$ to take a very potentially torturous exam. :)

    There are two AP tests for the subject of English.

    This year's junior class in AP/Honors English 5-6 was working toward and focusing a lot on the English Language and Composition AP - did i name the right one? - so that is what the majority of us took last week, whereas the English Literature and Composition AP was taken by seniors, three days after...

  6. Oh, and yeah, i forgot to add that i've been called a "Grammar Nazi" quite a few times before... Even way before we started taking Japanese...

  7. Hmph, back in MY day, only ~20% of the AP English seniors took that "other" AP English exam. Although I guess it does make more sense to push this one into junior year in the name of SAT prep and everything.

  8. I wasn't staying up late to study, Larry. I was trying to write a 2-week overdue essay for English...

    Haha. I think it's great that you're a Grammar Factionist/Nazi, since I have close to no concept of this grammar thing. (Almost typed Fationist, LoL.)

    NO! Don't delete! You're correct! O___O

    It's nice as a SAT prep, I guess, but Baker sure didn't do much prep on these tests... XD

  9. Yeah, general consensus is that Baker's useless if you want to learn English. If you want tips on writing, ask McGlashan. (He has good taste, he always used my essays as good examples <3)
