23 October 2006

Never A Dull Day For PcBY

...That was the title I had when I planned to write today. Amy, in her recent post, said that school's been unevenful and so routine. Contrarily, I seemed to find enough to post all last week. It could be because I just didn't want to study for midterms, but I had things to say. Well, I guess that's not too difficult to being with. I suppose the difference is in the frame of mind and...what actually did happen. Yes, school is not that different and not difficult to adjust to, but many things did happen that is new, interesting...and need to be let out of my system. But maybe it's just me being easily interested.

This is my place to speak without being too afraid of being uninteresting. Or too random. Or too scary. Or too emo. (wait. Nevermind on that. That's already done.)

Last night was supposed to be uneventful. Amy went out to explore the Sacramento airport, while I stayed in the room to study for the Chem midterm (the last one for the moment). First day of vegan/vegetarian diet, but I've been doing that for years. Boiled noodles and cooked vegetables for myself, but that's been done the night before too. (By the way, there weren't nearly as many aphides on the bokchoy as the package from the night before.)

Amy came back around 21:00 (21:30?) and bought cup ramen from RiteAid. Cleaned the casseroll dish for me and used it to boil water for the ramen. After a while she ran in, told me she poured boiling water on her feet, and went to the bathroom. Maybe I should've warned her about spiling, since I did get a bit on me when I tried to pour hot water a little earlier. So after checking that she's okay, I went back into the room to find the first aid kit. And guess what I did. I panicked. I completely forgot that I put it on the shelf next to the door and went rumaging my closet, drawers, etc, etc for the box, even thinking that I might've left it behind at home. Yeah, so much for being cool-headed.

I found creme for burns and non-stick pads, but no gauze pads, gauze rolls, or cloth tape. Basically what we have left after the cat healed. So I ran around the floor (okay, just on my side of the building) and looked for these things. People tried to be helpful and was caring, I'm glad to find.

Today she didn't go to class (MUS010) and was still asleep a couple of hours after noon.

In the meanwhile, I got my Calc midterm back (98/100, 115 pts possible), learned about bread and wine and cheese, and failed my Chem midterm (not in the joking way).

I should mention that my computer had been acting strangely for the past few days. I couldn't find any viruses, but sometimes it would turn on by itself in the middle of the night after I've turned it off, staying on until I wake up and hear its whirl. It happened again last night, keyboard lights flashing spasmodically and hard drive making chuggling noises. I turned off the UPS and unplugged the ethernet cable before I slept.

This morning I plugged the power back in and tried to see if it still has problems, and found that I couldn't even turn it on. After classes I took the cover off the tower and checked for loose cables and such...and when that didn't work, I called Father. After wishing him happy birthday, you're one year older, and such. Checked a few more things and he said the power supply for the computer must've burnt out. (eMachines' tend to do that often, he said.)

SOOOOO. No computer until Sunday. Awesome. I'll be going home this weekend (through Davis-Berkeley shuttle, yay!), so I guess a new computer part is another thing I can look forward to.

Went to TAPS to get the shuttle ticket, and walked ~40min to The Marketplace when I could've taken paid public transportation. At least I took Unitrans back. And at least I have a good idea of some of the area north of UCD now. I like walking; gives me a sense of where things are. I don't notice as much on bikes or buses...well, I'm mostly trying not to crash and get to some place as soon as possible when I'm on a bike...

Bought gauze pads, a gauze roll, and a roll of cloth tape. Used my credit card the first time (MUST REMEMBER TO PAY THE BILLS). Went to safeway to buy Melba toast for the goat cheese I bought last weekend, also got two tiny pumpkins that I don't know what to do with. Decided the "vegetarian food" at DC not only has entirely too much oil, but is making me feel sick. Thus I bought a strawberry whirl (yay for trying new food) and will be having that for dinner.

Got back, gave the model # for the power supply to Father, went to Cowell with Amy, came to Hutchinson's, got a bit lost trying to find the computer lab, and here I am, spending more time than I should ranting about insignificant details of my day. Not the worst day, but getting there.

I'm really trying to have vegan diet for 9 days. Father said I shouldn't though, since I have school, and I don't have the greatest selection of foods here. Eat eggs and milk products like you have been previous years, he said. He laughed when I said I'll go on the diet as well on Saturday, when they got back from their trip.

Oh well. The cheese will have to be eaten.

Too much oil makes me sick. It's an uncomfortable weight in my stomach that wouldn't go away.

Mother called around 12:30 to see how I was doing. I was frustrated at the computer and thus was unkind and impatient when we talked. I feel guilty now. Father was...so business-like. "Okay, I'll see if I can get the power supply for you. Goodbye." -__-;

As I was walking to Albertson's (though I didn't see any Albertsons and ended up in Safeway), I talked to myself in a cheerily sacrastic tone. Oh yes, just a brilliant day today. I wonder if it's going to get better? No, I'm not pissed, no, no, not at all. A warm sun and failing chem. What more could I ask for? Ah, I hope it won't get any colder when they turn on the central heating system on the 26th. It's not warm enough until it feels like an oven. I briefly considered talking to others this way, but decided I don't need to get other people irritated too.

Meh. I have a writing assignment (w/ internet reserch!) due Thursay. Sounds like a good time to spend an obscene amount of time in the computer lab sometime soon...

I can't wait until Friday. Really. Not only because will I be done with this hellish week without my own computer, but because I is going to have dinner with Larry, Elton, Mayo, and maybe other people too. Yay.

My phone is running out of battery again. GARH, RAZRs use too much battery....


  1. Burn cream is overrated. When my legs got burned, the left one the doctors sort of ignored, because it was small, and it healed fine. The right leg, they cut away the dead skin and put some cream on (and some special heat lamp), and there was a lot of scarring. Running cool water over it is the best thing you can do. (Not ice, though.)

    If you fail chem, don't worry, you're in good company.

    No computer for a week, huh...

  2. Is it really because of the burn cream or is it because it's a larger burn? Anyway, I think she got the blister drained. She seems rather okay.

    Yes, my computer is sick/dead (obviously, because it's horizontal underneath my desk!) until Sunday. Very much hope so. Can't wait until Friday. Can't wait. I've never look towards the weekend so much, so early in the week.

    It'd be nice if being in good company helps =D
