10 November 2004

Happy Pocky Day?

Hrm. IT seems like in Korea there's something called Pocky Day, which is something akin to Valentines Day, only more specific—Pocky (Pepero) is given instead of chocolate...And when I searched 'pocky day' on Google image, the 5th image listed are condoms. With SafeSearch on too... -_-;;

(Gasp) I have uploaded my first art onto my DeviantArt.com account! The art was so crappy that I don't mind uploading it. ^^;;

I have been...lazy with blogging.


  1. So you're only willing to show off the drawings you tihnk are bad, and you don't want other people to see the pretty ones? Why doesn't that make sense to me...

    You'd be more likely to find condoms if you were doing a SAFEsearch, wouldn't you?
    Okay, I'll be quiet now.

  2. Hrmph, i don't see any art in your gallery. :(

    Do i have to be a member to view? Poop.

    i stalk around DA every now and then but i've had no real incentive to sign up. If i did, you know, a few photos and sketchy things would end up there, (maybe some of my stupid poetry too :D...) but i think it would just be another thing i sign up for and kind of waste so... yeah. i'm disinclined to sign up.

    i sent you my speech, by the way. Hope you're checkin' your e-mail soon-ish. Then again, you usually do. i'll talk to you sooner or later. Have a nice weekend. Let's bring up all that fundraising-related stuff at our next few meetings, ne? ^^


  3. Click on the link, then click on scraps, and there's a picture of Sasuke right there. It's not hard to find?

    You've become popular lately. Hm...the Ivan person sounds like Elton.
