30 April 2005

NARUTO Movie - Daikatsugeki!! Yuki-Hime Ninpoujou Dattebayo!

Umm...saw the raw (since DB has already subbed it) today. (Damn, I'm really wasting away)

Took 65 screenshots.

Lots of Sasuke's expressions and actions are open to interpretation. But I'm convinced that he purposely stuck the baton in Naruto's butt. There's no excuse for it.

Konoha no Sato no Daiundoukai
The short film, Konoha no Sato no Daiundoukai, is another potty joke thing like the 2nd OVA (Waterfall Village). Despite the silliness, I did enjoy finding dead characters popping up in random places, as well as the abundance of hinted pairings...As for the Sasuke sticking a baton into Naruto's Butt incident, while I can see Sasuke doing that for sadistic purposes, it's the reaction from the girls that really led me to think otherwise. Especially Hinata's blush—I guess those 12-13 year olds aren't so innocent as I'd like to think XD

The line to the bathroom in the Men's side is really amusing; ironcially, there are no lines to the women's side. The line itself was interesting too. Look carefully and you'll find Waraji, Inari, Haku, Tazuna, some sound nins, Gaara, Hayate, Jiroubou, Sakon, that spider guy (gedoumaru), Kabuto, Ebisu, Itachi, Kisame, 2 anbus, Hiashi, Shibi, Chousa, Shikaku, Inoichi, Sandaime, and Homura XD Later you also see Yondaime (AKA Yondy)!! Zabuza can also be spotted as Naruto is being carried off by Shino's bugs. Which was kinda funny. When Shino came out of the stall and Naruto was going to go in, Shino slams his hand on the side of the stall, blocking Naruto's way, and said, "it's my fault" then carried Naruto out with bugs XD Again when Shino is carrying Naruto off to the stadium, you can see Sandaime with Yondy talking to girls, LoL.

Yuki-Hime Ninpoujou
The movie itself is kinda interesting...typically Naruto, with the whole angsty client and Naruto's 'I've had worse so shut up' speech, but had me guessing on some plot. I do find the different, more modern setting refreshing.

I'm convincing myself that the only reason Sasuke is in Sakura's lap is because he got thrown against a boulder very, very hard. LoL. Pleased to know that Sasuke came to stall time for Naruto, who could hear Sasuke's mental scream in his head and woke up from his call XD As expected, Sasuke performed the most impressive nin/tai-jutsu; Sakura deemed herself useful with calculations and the ability to take out the female snow nin; Naruto, on the other hand, was the most useless and boring. His signature moves, period. I was surprised that he could easily call on Kyuubi power in the beginning, but didn't again though the situation called for more Chakra.

And Koyuki is going to be in Icha Icha Paradise the Movie! Gotta love Kakashi's O__O expression. What do you think of the kid you rescued from Snow ten years ago being in your favorite series on the big screen, kakashi? XD

The epilogue was nice... ^^
Naruto: gaaah! I forgot to get her autograph!!
Sasuke: I have it.
Naruto & Sakura: WHHAAT?!
Kakashi: (still recovering from Koyuki's Icha script, but looks surprised)
Sasuke: (holds out an envelope to Naruto, looking not very pleased)
Kakashi: (shocked)
Naruto: (takes out a card, gapes and blushes)
Sakura: =D
Sasuke: (looking less pleased than before, probably thinking either 'why does that Dobe get a kiss' or 'Why does she get to kiss my Dobe')
Photo: Fuyu-Hime kissing a sleeping/recovering Naruto on the cheeks


(BTW, on a unrelated note, Maito-Guy is actually 'Might Guy', according to Tou no Sho, LoL.

Also, Itachi seems to have changed cloaks several times; the cloud patterns are different XD)

Ugh. I'm really getting wasted.

Self Ad Plus Reminder

The Kazuki Sketch that I fully intend to color someday.

2nd Anniversary of Kakeru is quickly approaching. I've been spilling my randomness onto this speck of the World Wide Web for almost two years now. Well...I guess it's not so quickly approaching, seeing it is supposed to be 14 years and 361 days younger than Amy....

I want to to a reflection of my growth, but I'll wait a few more weeks. I progressed from the smilie-abuse stage to the overly fancy smilie stage to the mostly angst and fangirl rant of now, with almost no record of my daily life because...I'm too lazy. It seems strange to write memories down. They seem different when written down by me.

Kat + Amy + PcBY was predicting what it'd be like 50years from now today after school.

PcBY and Kat goes on natural crack in Japanese class.

Maybe it's just my reluctance to describe details of my life (not over the concern of privacy, mind you) that makes me think I don't like writing details...I mean, I don't even rant about arguments and happenings anymore, though I should.

I'm not even making sense anymore; I'm too tired.

A Worry For Some Lack of Urgency

I had been saying this for a few days now: I worry about my lack of motivation to cram or study or seek help or something despite the looming AP exams. (AP English Language and Composition on Monday, AP Calculus on Tuesday, AP US History on Friday, AP Biology the Monday after)

I really just...don't care. Or rather, I don't want to care, which is more probable since I am worrying about my lack of care and that I'm just afraid of the pressure. I'm running away.

...nigete nigete...sei ni shigamitsuku ga ii...
(...run, run, and cling onto life...)*

As for AP pass confidence...Bio & Calc I'll probably pass w/ hopefully a 4 or 5 (since I got 5s for both prac exams), a 3 for History, but I really don't think I'll pass the English AP.

* This is, like, what, the third or forth time I use that particular quote from Itachi? Well, to say the least, I really like the quote.(First posted here.) And regarding to saying 'happy 25 forever' to Iruka, this statement has beed proven false: in the new NARUTO data book, Tou no Sho, Iruka is now 26 and Kakashi 27 XD

29 April 2005

The Garden Club

My aunt had a get-together dinner with her co-workers at The Garden Club, whose lamb ribs are rumored to be great. So in the absence of Father, our family tagged along to dinner. We meet at the South San Francisco CalTrain station at six—? Mother southbound, Me and Grandmother Northbound, Aunt picking us up at the station. Grandmother and I arrived at the San Mateo station 5minutes before the 5:46 train, but the 5:36 train was late by three minutes, thus almost convincing me that we missed our train.

We ordered NY Steak, Lamb, and the Special Spare Ribs to share between the four of us. I must say, the meat itself has almost no meat flavor—?there was little to distinguish between the lamb and the steak—?though the Italian flavoring did hide that fact pretty well. The worst was the spare ribs; even the fat had little flavor. The lamb was the best, though the was little to credit other than the impressive use of seasonings plus adding an almononexistentant layer of bread crumbs before roasting, which made it more appealing to chemoreceptors on our tongues and in our nostrils. There were also shrimp salad, clam soup, and dessert, which, with the exception of the sundae (or tapioca pudding, depending on our choices), were all overly salty for my taste. However, this is not a fault of the Club: our family generally eat less salt for health purposes.

I'm also not used to eating so much meat in one sitting, strangely enough. I used to love meat. Even now, I can still feel a heavy weight of proteins sitting in my stomach, amist gastric juices with a pH of 1. My oral cavity felt like it was coated with a layer of fat earlier, but it was taken care of with a mug of hot tea.

Music: Flugel (Instrumental Vers) - Makabe Kazuki (Iishi Makoto) // Soukyuu no Fafner Character Single: Flugel

28 April 2005

BlogThis: Is This The rumored 蒼穹のファフナー OVA?!

Ahh! No! Not the longed for 2-yr-after OVA as hinted in the Newtype but 1- .5yrs before?! Nuooooooooo~ I want Soushi in Tatsuyama Island~ (trying hard to not spoil anything)

■ 蒼穹のファフナー 『竜宮島回覧版・0428号』 and translations here

And the final DVD: Arcadian Report 09—the cover is definately suggesting something. But yes, it's another one of my items on my wants list. (Plus the CAAAARD! Me Wants!)

25 April 2005

Protein And A Certain Missing Authoritative Figure

AP Biology Practice Exam during the evening. It was easier than I thought. If only I can write as much in English as I can in the Bio Free Response...

I had my mother shave off some black protein yesterday. Now it's short in the back, strangely long-hair-like in the front, and they are just long enough to cover my eyes. Most of the black mass on the floor I saw, my mother said, was from the back—they had gotten long and thick. I read Don't Kill the Freshmen in the meanwhile.

Which reminded me. I haven't finished Who Let the Blogs Out but had to return it...

A Certain Missing Authoritative Figure
My father is going on this Business Trip for the duration of my AP exam period (Today-May 10). To China to see if this partnership of a friend's and his relative's is worth investing, from what I've heard. They'll be making Disney toys. I put together a list that includes a DVD burner, a drawing tablet (which he says he can find [meaning:buy]), and some software, among other things.

Ah, getting off topic again, but last Saturday was the AP U.S. History Practice Exam. All I can say is: UGH. And I don't even know my score. That's always bad. I'm only getting a B+ because I have a nice short term memory (which is not the TRUE short term memory...but whatever).

I got my grades for this grading period. I improved in Calc.
Sci Research A
Bio 4AP B
English 6H B
Calculus 2AP A-
Art 2 A
Newspaper A
Japanese 8H A
US History 2AP B+

24 April 2005

I Am A Dudette!

LOL. I got a comment on DA on my bag calling me a dudette. LOL.

WWWAAAAi people like my bag! Yay! I'm very happy; they wants to buy it, heheeeeee.
I've been getting a lot of comments on DA and LJ....(hearts)

23 April 2005

Me Likes Praises.

Waai~ I'm so happy (despite my low estrogen level)! I got praaaaised~ (contented sigh)
(This is bad. I really don't want to venture into the "I can only draw" realm ?д?;;)

But I got praises on my SasuNaru Bag! Yay! People want to buy it, Wh00t. Maybe I will make more to sell >) (kyaa— I'm such a comment whore...I can feel my ego bloating, much like how my lower abdominal region feels...)

Aaand...my first Aristocrat illustration that wasn't finished at home (because it's already late)!! My usual article satire illustration...


21 April 2005

20 April 2005

Day of Silence

A week behind the National one, but nonetheless, Aragon's Day of Silence. All day I carried an 8.5x11 paper on my binder with the following message:
Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participating in the Day of Silence, a national youth movement protesting the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their allies. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which is caused by harassment, prejudice, and discrimination. I believe that ending the silence is the first step toward fighting these injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing today.

What are you doing to do to end the silence?

Although this day of silence is for the cause of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender harassment, prejudice, and discrimination, this also speaks for all who are silenced from racism, sexism, and discrimination from religion, social status, and social groups and the injustice they face every day.

The day was interesting. Especially so when neither party can speak, LoL. Though we communicated by writing, the gesturing part is fun. Some didn't care, some only knew of this as 'the Silence thing', some understood, and some didn't know about it but wanted to participate. Due to the short notice and lack of planning (GSA didn't organize it, so Amy had to organize it for a week later, today), we only had 11 participants, but since Amy will run GSA next year, we'll do better.

Chinese Government Stance on Anti-Japanese Protests And Japanese War Crimes

■ 'Masses' told to stop anti-Japanese protests / First call by a top Chinese official to rein in rare rallies

Yay. Rational government, at the very least. Though I disapprove of what the Japanese did in WWII, the 'mini-riots' in China is merely proving to the world that the Chinese are not civilized. Damaging properties of Japanese companies only because they are Japanese can, in no way, be justified, no matter how 'right' the Chinese are or how wrong the Japanese were. The chances are, the companies had no part in torturing the Chinese, yet they are the ones being directly punished. Sure, this will get the government to do something, perhaps, but the companies are not in the wrong.

The ones who are wrong are the people who change the textbooks (but really, what country doesn't downplay the events in which they're on the 'bad' side?), the people who believe that Japan did nothing wrong, and the government, who worships war criminals in Yasukuni Shrine and won't apologize. Some say that Japan's response of something along the lines of 'will deeply reflec' is already an apology and that the word 'apology' is rarely used (and perhaps that it's very respectful...I don't quite remember). But hundreds of thousands of humans who were massacred deserve that usage of word, whether or not Japan thinks those Chinese deserve that respect. (As I've heard from my father, Japan doesn't think China deserves respect because they didn't lose to China but to U.S.)

Boycotting all Japanese goods is stupid too. It's not distinguishing between the people involved in the history and the race: this is racism and stereotyping. I've already said so during the Asian Cup this summer, when China was penalized for the littlest things and Japan got away with lots of rule-breaking and therefore won the Asian Cup and the people in China rioted and the team was not respecting the winners, that it just shows their ignorance, stupidity, and lack of Gracious Professionalism (whee—). Stupid.

About rejecting Japan's request for a Security Council seat:
My father thinks I am biased towards towards Japanese crime during WWII because I said I don't know whether Japan should be admitted. Obviously he is biased about me liking Japanese entertainment. I tried to explain that I'm just not willing to take only the Nanjing Massacre (Rape of Nanking) into account because of Japan's economy and such, but Father just asserts it's because of my ignorance of China in WWII since I learned from the watered-down, biased version of U.S. text books. I told him I did research of my own, which only led to the conclusion that I'm angry. Uh, hello. I don't think you'll let me talk and express my view unless I talk quickly and not let you start because you'll not let ME talk?!

Oh, and why are there suddenly two current new articles from SFgate? Because my parents decides that I don't read newspaper enough (true) and thus have miraculously produced SF Chronicles for me to read (because of my shamefully* low SAT scores). Really, I don't know where they got it; we don't subscribe, yet the newspaper is folded and in a plastic bag...

* I wanted to use 'fucking', but somehow decides it's not the most in character of me...yet I still think it speaks my attitude towards it more...whatever.

The New Food Pyramid

■ New food pyramid difficult to digest / Abstract update requires Web access for personal plan

16 April 2005

EEWWW! Winry's English Voice!

OK. I take back my comment that Ed's voice is messed up. It's just...different from Romi Paku's. It's not OoC for Ed, now that I've gotten used to Ed having another voice. Huges's English dubber is nice, all the way down to the "I love my daughter" mush <3 Roy's nice too...But Seska's voice actress...(shudders)

Ugh.But Winry's VA is WORSE. EEEWWW...she doesn't sound 15 at all...she sounds like a 25-year-old preeeeeeep. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I can't even begin to list how wrong it is...eewww...

EDIT: While Al doesn't have such a bad voice, that kid can't act. He just doesn't quite get Al's emotion's right. (sigh)...

12 April 2005

Tsubasa Chronicle the Anime

Eep. I should be doing homework, but I really couldn't resist complaining about the anime Tsubasa Chronicle.

Eeww..Syaoran is too soft-spoken and Sakura is OoC. Her seiyuu, Makino Yui, is a n00b. Eep. No wonder Sakura is not only hyper enough, but she hasn't much emotion in her voice, and though it'd make sense later on, she's so...Out of Charater. ><;;

Syaoran's seiyuu (or VA, depending on my mood) is really not the right person for Syaoran. Irino Miyu voices Daisuke of D.N.Angel, Sena of Eyeshield 21, Kouyou of Fafner, and Haku of Spirited Away, who are all characters that lean towards the soft, push-around type. And as sweet as Syaoran can be, he's definately not soft-spoken, and would not have a voice like Irino Miyu. He's also Sora from Kindom Hearts, which only proves my point more. I thought his voice sounded familiar when I watched Tsubasa. I didn't think I've heard him so many times...especially recently in Fafner too...Syaoran sounds like Daisuke...which is just not quite right XD

Fye is Japanese Frodo, LoL.

Another eewworthy seiyuu would be Kikuchi Mika, or Mokona. She's another newbie. So not Mokona.

Maybe I just have standards higher than someone who just started the series without previous CLAMP background because I've seen and heard and am familiar with the majority of the characters already. But honestly, not knowing the characters takes a lot of enjoyment away from the series...guess I'll just stick with the manga (which I have not been following closely on) and stay away from those bad seiyuus.

LOL! Yukito (Tsubasa) is young Vash (Trigun) and Hanatarou (Bleach), and their seiyuu, Miyata Kouki, doesn't look anything like those characters!

Touya (Tsubasa) = Crim (.hack) = Urahara Kisuke (Bleach) = Mikagi (Ceres) = Tsuzuki Asato (Yami no Matsuei) = Taichi (Gravitation) = (some guy in Initial D) = Mizuki (NARUTO) = Sephiroth (Kingdom Hearts) = Kojiro/James (POKeMON) XD!!! = Yoji (Weiß Kreuz OVA) = Miki Shinichiro...! LoL.

11 April 2005

OMG I'm Such A Failure.

(I really hope the OMG thing doesn't become a habit.)

The New SAT Scores are online today. I'm a whopping 30 points away from a 2-header.


And I will humiliate myself my showing a screencap of it.
■ DeviantART.com: OMG I'm such a failure

08 April 2005

OMG So I Do Have It. And There It Is.

The Soukyuu no Fafner Character Albums, I mean. I downloaded the songs (but deleted them because they can't sing...especially the seiyuu for Maya ><;;;), but I wanted the instrumentals. So I whined (internally) about wanting the whole single (There's also that I heard there is an interval interva...damn it! Stupid lack of sleep! interview of the seiyuus.) And While trying to find the PV that I said I wanted to show amy, I suddenly saw that I do have the singles from when I hadn't even started Soukyuu! Maybe I'm just that destined to obsess over Soukyuu...I have their stuff even before I started the series XD

But apparently I only have the song part of the singles...nipponsei don't scan the stuff inside =( I won't be able to read them, but still. me wants.

And I found the PV I was talking about within 15 min of sitting back at the computer. That song, which I said was the PV for 1000 no Kotoba, is actually Real Emotion. No wonder I couldn't find it using Google Desktop Search. Wait, that's not right either. The name's in symbols. AND .rmvb format. -_-;;

(Oh, Amy came over after school and watched Soukyuu no Fafner 1-4 and various MVs, AMVs, PVs, and CMs (commercials).

07 April 2005

BlogThis: w175n57: Fafner - Drabble

I post for the comment. The fans at LJ Comm Fafner_Yaoi and LJ Comm Soukyuu are so funny. The Fic itself...is not really SouKazu. It just so happens that Kazuki can cook better than girls and Soushi seems to rely on his 自動販売機?(Jidouhanbaiki)* a tad too much XD

■ w175n57: Fafner - Drabble

*Jidouhanbaiki(自動販売機): vending machine <3 (and it is worth more than one lenghy thread, LoL)(One must watch Soukyuu no Fafner ep 17 to get this.)

05 April 2005

Gmail Accident Again?

I find my gmail account to be 2062MB today. Last time, before the time when everybody has a gmail account, they mistakenly gave me 100GB (though it was fixed the day after). I made another screenshot. I hope this 'upgrade' is pernament as a tactic to win over Yahoo!mail, which has announced to expand their users inbox space to 1GB...

AND one click on 'new features' tells me that it's not a mistake.
From Gmail help:
G is for growth
Storage is an important part of email, but that doesn't mean you should have to worry about it. To celebrate our one-year birthday, we're giving everyone one more gigabyte. But why stop the party there? Our plan is to continue growing your storage beyond 2GBs by giving you more space as we are able. We know that email will only become more important in people's lives, and we want Gmail to keep up with our users and their needs. From Gmail, you can expect more.


And I still have 50 invites (it seems like they constantly refresh my invite quota) avaliable...If anyone wants a 2GB storage/mail, comment + address and I'll send you an invite ^^

Love Soukyuu no Fafner and Shangri-La

04 April 2005

Japanese Class and LaiChi Hi-Chews

Jon brought LaiChi-flavoredd Hi-chews from Japan. Kat was licking the white soft candy and throwing away the wrapper when our infamous Mathew Hunter-sensei suddenly stopped in whatever he was reviewing on and asked, "are you licking an eraser?!"

Azure Skies

LoL. What a crappy excuse for a title.

Anyways. I'll add Soukyuu no Fafner : Dead Agressor onto the list of things I must blog about...plus Who Let the Blogs Out? by Biz Stone.

Now onto the featured presentation.

The sun is confusing me. It's almost 19:00 and I'm still thinking I have time to finish all my homework...it feels five.

03 April 2005

BlogThis: Fiction Ratings

I must talk about a book and Gundam Seed, but before I forget:

■ Fiction Ratings

ff.net changed its policies yet again, along with its rating system. I heard a few grumbles about it a few days ago. I dunno...It seems to reflect what society sees as acceptable...

Wow. 10000+ fics in the NARUTO section...with a lot of people who can't spell or write. Guess I'm better off sticking to recommandations of others.