25 April 2005

Protein And A Certain Missing Authoritative Figure

AP Biology Practice Exam during the evening. It was easier than I thought. If only I can write as much in English as I can in the Bio Free Response...

I had my mother shave off some black protein yesterday. Now it's short in the back, strangely long-hair-like in the front, and they are just long enough to cover my eyes. Most of the black mass on the floor I saw, my mother said, was from the back—they had gotten long and thick. I read Don't Kill the Freshmen in the meanwhile.

Which reminded me. I haven't finished Who Let the Blogs Out but had to return it...

A Certain Missing Authoritative Figure
My father is going on this Business Trip for the duration of my AP exam period (Today-May 10). To China to see if this partnership of a friend's and his relative's is worth investing, from what I've heard. They'll be making Disney toys. I put together a list that includes a DVD burner, a drawing tablet (which he says he can find [meaning:buy]), and some software, among other things.

Ah, getting off topic again, but last Saturday was the AP U.S. History Practice Exam. All I can say is: UGH. And I don't even know my score. That's always bad. I'm only getting a B+ because I have a nice short term memory (which is not the TRUE short term memory...but whatever).

I got my grades for this grading period. I improved in Calc.
Sci Research A
Bio 4AP B
English 6H B
Calculus 2AP A-
Art 2 A
Newspaper A
Japanese 8H A
US History 2AP B+


  1. I believe most of that is weighted, so thats like a 4.13, right?
    AP exams aren't really that tough (but of course, your mileage may vary) compared to the tests you take in class, especially for Bio. And their grading scales are pretty lenient. You should be fine.

    Never use shave when talking about hair unless you're serious. It just conjures up bad images.

  2. LOL! I wasn't even thinking about that word in that way...URG. I blame my lack of English skills.

    Which leads to the point that the chances are I won't pass AP English. Only Bio and Calc is easy, it seems (even then I'm still barely getting a 5 in Calc Prac)

    Right now I have a 4.282, miracles upon miracles, LOL.

  3. Hm...they must be weighting differently or something then.
    Don't you have another year till AP English exam anyway? Might as well worry about what you have to take this year, which looks like just Calc, History, and Bio?

  4. no they're not. English Language(?) is offered this year...and technically English H6 Should be Enlish 6H/AP
