30 April 2005

NARUTO Movie - Daikatsugeki!! Yuki-Hime Ninpoujou Dattebayo!

Umm...saw the raw (since DB has already subbed it) today. (Damn, I'm really wasting away)

Took 65 screenshots.

Lots of Sasuke's expressions and actions are open to interpretation. But I'm convinced that he purposely stuck the baton in Naruto's butt. There's no excuse for it.

Konoha no Sato no Daiundoukai
The short film, Konoha no Sato no Daiundoukai, is another potty joke thing like the 2nd OVA (Waterfall Village). Despite the silliness, I did enjoy finding dead characters popping up in random places, as well as the abundance of hinted pairings...As for the Sasuke sticking a baton into Naruto's Butt incident, while I can see Sasuke doing that for sadistic purposes, it's the reaction from the girls that really led me to think otherwise. Especially Hinata's blush—I guess those 12-13 year olds aren't so innocent as I'd like to think XD

The line to the bathroom in the Men's side is really amusing; ironcially, there are no lines to the women's side. The line itself was interesting too. Look carefully and you'll find Waraji, Inari, Haku, Tazuna, some sound nins, Gaara, Hayate, Jiroubou, Sakon, that spider guy (gedoumaru), Kabuto, Ebisu, Itachi, Kisame, 2 anbus, Hiashi, Shibi, Chousa, Shikaku, Inoichi, Sandaime, and Homura XD Later you also see Yondaime (AKA Yondy)!! Zabuza can also be spotted as Naruto is being carried off by Shino's bugs. Which was kinda funny. When Shino came out of the stall and Naruto was going to go in, Shino slams his hand on the side of the stall, blocking Naruto's way, and said, "it's my fault" then carried Naruto out with bugs XD Again when Shino is carrying Naruto off to the stadium, you can see Sandaime with Yondy talking to girls, LoL.

Yuki-Hime Ninpoujou
The movie itself is kinda interesting...typically Naruto, with the whole angsty client and Naruto's 'I've had worse so shut up' speech, but had me guessing on some plot. I do find the different, more modern setting refreshing.

I'm convincing myself that the only reason Sasuke is in Sakura's lap is because he got thrown against a boulder very, very hard. LoL. Pleased to know that Sasuke came to stall time for Naruto, who could hear Sasuke's mental scream in his head and woke up from his call XD As expected, Sasuke performed the most impressive nin/tai-jutsu; Sakura deemed herself useful with calculations and the ability to take out the female snow nin; Naruto, on the other hand, was the most useless and boring. His signature moves, period. I was surprised that he could easily call on Kyuubi power in the beginning, but didn't again though the situation called for more Chakra.

And Koyuki is going to be in Icha Icha Paradise the Movie! Gotta love Kakashi's O__O expression. What do you think of the kid you rescued from Snow ten years ago being in your favorite series on the big screen, kakashi? XD

The epilogue was nice... ^^
Naruto: gaaah! I forgot to get her autograph!!
Sasuke: I have it.
Naruto & Sakura: WHHAAT?!
Kakashi: (still recovering from Koyuki's Icha script, but looks surprised)
Sasuke: (holds out an envelope to Naruto, looking not very pleased)
Kakashi: (shocked)
Naruto: (takes out a card, gapes and blushes)
Sakura: =D
Sasuke: (looking less pleased than before, probably thinking either 'why does that Dobe get a kiss' or 'Why does she get to kiss my Dobe')
Photo: Fuyu-Hime kissing a sleeping/recovering Naruto on the cheeks


(BTW, on a unrelated note, Maito-Guy is actually 'Might Guy', according to Tou no Sho, LoL.

Also, Itachi seems to have changed cloaks several times; the cloud patterns are different XD)

Ugh. I'm really getting wasted.


  1. I hope that last line is not literal.
    As for the movie itself, I'll wait to watch it, as I can't dl it the fast way yet, and I am reluctant to go back to bittorrent after I have been spoiled so.

  2. No, no, not literally...figuratively and mentally, though, is a whole another business...

    hmm...? What 'fast way'?

  3. Using DC++ generally gets me around 6 Mb/s. It's usually worth it to wait until someone else dl's it the normal way, so I can just get it off them in no time.

  4. Anonymous1.5.05

    AnimeOne is subbing the movie too right? I think I might just wait for their release... :-/ What can I say? I like AnimeOne subs

  5. Ew, what? Batons in buttocks? @x<;

    "Getting wasted"..? You know that that phrase means to get drunk, right?

    "Wasting away" =/= "Getting wasted"


  6. Yes, I do understand that, Amy. Don't worry, it's just how I feel like.

    Wow, 6mb?! O___O

    Yes, I do think AnoE's subbing it, Jeff, and certainly they do a better sub than DB, as cute as I think their name is.

    And yes, Amy. I have screenshots to prove it. =)

  7. Hm. Is that considered "kancho" too, or do you have to use your fingers?

    The princess is a jerk, as of...10 min into the movie.

  8. Hm...think they copied enough from Evangelion? The zeppelin was a bit silly as well.
    I liked Kakashi's pathetic lotus imitation though.

    Animation style looked really different from the series. Weird.

  9. Kancho? What's that?

    Hmm...I guess it's a little different because there aren't any manga to base off from. (ARGH, I must rant about Ep133!)

  10. http://outpostnine.com/editorials/teacher1.html
    Funny stuff.

    Rant plz. We're waiting.

  11. Geh. I'll rant when I get my Hw done, haha...

    o__O;; Whoa. Now I know where that sennen goroshi comes from...

  12. Lol, I finally saw the sports festival segment. I think it made me stupid.
    The Shino segment was funny. But the rest of the humor was a little bit..."strained?"

  13. Pun?

    It's only natural that you find potty humor a not very funny. But do consider the screaming, squealing, annoying pre-teen to teenagers who do. They tend to be the majority of the fans...

  14. It's not unfunny by the nature of it. It depends on the delivery. If you have a person with the right look, he can just say "poo" and the whole room will crack up because it looks so incongruous and therefore funny. But if it's overdone and repeated like it was in the Naruto sepcial, THEN it becomes unfunny.
