16 April 2005

EEWWW! Winry's English Voice!

OK. I take back my comment that Ed's voice is messed up. It's just...different from Romi Paku's. It's not OoC for Ed, now that I've gotten used to Ed having another voice. Huges's English dubber is nice, all the way down to the "I love my daughter" mush <3 Roy's nice too...But Seska's voice actress...(shudders)

Ugh.But Winry's VA is WORSE. EEEWWW...she doesn't sound 15 at all...she sounds like a 25-year-old preeeeeeep. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I can't even begin to list how wrong it is...eewww...

EDIT: While Al doesn't have such a bad voice, that kid can't act. He just doesn't quite get Al's emotion's right. (sigh)...


  1. If they're using a kid to do Al's voice, they've got it wrong already. I'd have expected them to use a real actress, much as they did for Rugrats.

    If you've already seen the subbed version, and you dislike the dubs? Why are you watching it? Masochism?

  2. Anonymous17.4.05

    I had a bet with Hollis as to which character's voices would be screwed up... forgot what characters we bet on though >.<

  3. Yeah, but if Hollis isn't there to watch with you, it doesn't help all that much, does it?

  4. I originally wanted to put more faith into the newer subs, praying that they have gotten better...

    LoL, masochism...

    At least not all of them are screwed up.
