30 June 2005

Jibun Nitsuite (About Oneself)

I'm spamming again.

In an attempt to save some rants about the last post, I switch to analyzing myself, which is where this sprouted from (like a bean!)(Think FMA or D.Gray-Man! hahah...)(Moyashi! <--beansprout!)

Some time ago, I told my parents that I don't really social because I have nothing to say. It's not really true. I can be silly and chatty. But when in a gathering, an automatic filter system activates and only selecting those few sentences with a significant contribution to the conversation, whether it be intelligent or not. One pessimistic rendition of that would be saying "the reason I don't talk much is because I'm not smart enough," but that's really me trying to kick my easily inflatable ego to a corner and cutting it off before it rampages. Message boards are like that. You see so many kinds of people...and it helps identifying how I present and treat people.

I still don't know wether I take jokes well or no...Parents sometimes think I take somethings too seriously...

Somehow, in the bathroom, I was thinking about gossips too. Oh, from the little piece of new information regarding the family who lives in my Fourth Aunt's house next door. I finally got to see Alice's boyfriend—they were outside the gates talking or somthing when I saw them. And once afterwards. My only memory of him, as I've only allowed myself a glance (the way they were hiding from the house's view tends to not want others know/stare), was that he is tall. Alice has to raise her arms pretty high to reach his ears, LoL. Hmm...That lead to thinking about gossips, how I really hate this current relationship with their family, which lead to thinking that it's my fault that I display this antisocial stance, which lead to the third paragraph of this post, which tend me thinking about my disinterest with gossips and relationships is part of the reason I just don't have a lot to say with my cousins (or many of my female classmates, for that matter) along with the whole deal with displaying (in which evey way avaliable) oneself to attract a male and all that... I don't think that made much sense. Anyways. I don't quite feel the need to "get a guy" or whatnot (not because guys flock to me, but because I simply don't think anyone will want this creature) and I feel that I won't want other people to be cooing about how cute my relationship is, so I don't bother cooing about how cute other couples are. If I don't want something done to me, I won't do it to others. Simply that. I tend to avoid couples because of embarassment too, but I'm working on that ^^;; I don't want to be a "lightbulb," as the Chinese calls someone who gets in the way of a couple.

Hmm...I guess, in summary, my bashfulness from dealing with relationships and sillines (I don't want others to think I'm annoying ´Д´) in general marks me as aloof and antisocial and quiet and mean and strict and too serious?!°Д°

Am I trying too hard to be not annoying in a silly or rabid way that it's annoying?! AAAAHhhhhhh....

That's why I want everybody to diss me in my yearbook next year...It's difficult to diss someone if you don't know them, and I want to know how difficult to survive with I am, though this 'favor' would probably make people hate me more, Haha...I didn't even ask the people I don't really know or talk to to sign my yearbook this year because I hate seeing the commercialized "stay sweet" or "have a great summer" or any similiar variants that sort of scream "I don't know you, but since you're desperate for popularity and since you asked..." I liked Meiko's entry, which is honest in saying "I don't really know you, but there's next year!" in different words. I'd like to get to know her better too, as I had some prejudice against her in the beginning ^^;;;; By compareson, Sylvia's is longer, but I feel more alienated after reading it because it feels like a formula.

Amy still hasn't signed my yearbook, nor have I signed hers yet. LoL.


I'm really tired of playing guessing games with slight hints between words and actions that is really telling me, "I want [this]!" or "I don't like [this]!" and try to be "polite." This case is especially true when the said person is supposed to "act like family" or some other shit like that. (And it irritates me to no end that I am complaining around a corner.)

Close family are not supposed to act like friggin guests and be embarassed about asking for something! Sure, some habits and rules may differ from one person to the next, but it's really irritating when her most recent stay is more than half a year and counting and this is her fourth time living in this house and I grew up with her.

Mother said it's the way Hong Kong people act, afraid of asking for help and thus showing weakness. The emmense and overbearing competition and the rapidness of gossip going around because of the lack of personal space, apparently. Just like the "Hong Kong-ese" way of speaking god forbidden LAZY CANTONESE, I am ashamed of these people. Afterall, I do still identify myself as a Hong Kong person. I've seen so many things wrong with Hong Kong inhabitans as a whole that I worry for myself that there are some irritating habits embedded in me that I yet have to identify.

I realy want to say "fuck their stupid way to speaking and their fragile esteem."

It saddens me that I can't change what has creating them as a whole for the majority, if not their whole, lives. Saying I very much desire to help them is a little over the top, but if they don't put their guards up so high and soild, I'd be happy to help. Of course, they will eventually find their way and settle and be accustomed to the (dull) life (without a car), but when their opportunities could be so much greater and their lives much more accomplishing yet they abandon that for an easy road that leads to where the McDonald-workers go, it pains me.

It hurts because it's like offering food to a deathly starving (it doesn't quite make sense but whatever) person who refuses it because of some stupid reason like pride or something.

Hah. I always loose the steam and the momentum to complain and rant after I shower. This is no exception. Usually because I would think enough in the bathroom that I don't feel the need to repeat myself.

Summer Weather

I've been hearing Cicadas when the day got warmer, past noon, for the last three days. It somehow comforts me and convinces me that the weather isn't changing that rapidly, that there's still some time before Brazil becomes the new North Pole with the Poles at the Equator. Still, despite the warmer, stiffer air that usually catagorizes "summer" of North Ameri...no, Californi...no, San Mateo, the days are not warm enough for June-soon-turn-July days. Though this unusual temperature unsettles me, I don't really mind. I like it. My room becomes slightly suffocating as more time passes from sunrise, despite the open window, open door, and a breeze from the fan, but the temperature (90°F? perhaps a little higher) seems to suit this creature with bad circulation, allowing the said creature with a ridiculously small clique (biology-wise, mind you) to pad around the house in shirt and shorts, in the most comfortable temperature, not sweating nor shivering, while still can enjoy the warmth of sun-heated cement barefooted without burns or funny dances like some specie of desert lizard. The farthest this creature had traveled during the past 4 days was to the end of the driveway, to close the gate, to let the cat loose.

The new wound and the old wound merged and evolved into one big wound that refuses to heal. I wonder if the cat's not healing because Father did not say "goodbye" to BBMao when he left. Byakko is rather attached to him, in one way or another.

29 June 2005

Forward - The building process of a Noah Ark

-----Original Message-----
From: Zina Khaykina
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 9:14 AM
To: Everyone at GLP; Everyone at Drozda; Everyone at Veverka
Subject: The building process

In the year 2005, the Lord came unto Noah, who was now living in the
United States, and said, "Once again, the earth has become wicked and
very populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me.

Build an Ark and save 2 of every living thing along with a few good
humans." He gave Noah the blueprints, saying, "You have 6 months to
build the Ark before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40
nights." Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in
his yard-- but no Ark.

"Noah!" He roared, "I'm about to start the rain! Where is the Ark?"
"Forgive me, Lord," begged Noah, "but things have changed. I need a
building permit. I've been arguing with the inspector about the need for
a sprinkler system. My neighbors claim that I've violated the
neighborhood zoning laws by building the Ark in my yard and
exceeding the height limitations. We had to go to the Development Appeal
Board for a decision.

Then the Department of Transportation demanded a bond be posted for the
future costs of moving power lines and other overhead obstructions, to
clear the passage for the Ark 's move to the sea. I told them that the
sea would be coming to us, but they would hear nothing of it.

Getting the wood was another problem. There's a ban on cutting local
trees in order to save the spotted owl. I tried to convince the
environmentalists that I needed the wood to save the owls - but no go!

When I started gathering the animals, I got sued by an animal rights
group. They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their
will. They argued that the accommodation was too restrictive, and it was
cruel and inhumane to put so many animals in a confined space. Then the
EPA ruled that I couldn't build the Ark until they'd conducted an
environmental impact study on Your proposed flood.

I'm still trying to resolve a complaint with the Human Rights Commission
on how many minorities I'm supposed to hire for my building crew.
Immigration and Naturalization is checking the green-card status of most
of the people who want to work. The trade-unions say I can't use my
sons. They insist I have to hire only Union workers with Ark-building
experience. To make matters worse, the IRS seized all my assets,
claiming I'm trying
to leave the country illegally with endangered species.

So, forgive me, Lord, but it would take at least 10 years for me to
finish this Ark."
Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine, and a rainbow
stretched across the sky.

Noah looked up in wonder and asked, "You mean you are not going to
destroy the world?".

"No," said the Lord. "The government beat me to it!"

Matthew Damos, P.E.
Water Agency Engineer

2227 Capricorn Way, Suite 108
P.O. Box 11628
Santa Rosa, CA 95406
(707) 547-1983 Phone
(707) 524-3782 Fax

25 June 2005

Wasting Summer

Kyaa--! [Insert more fangirl squeals and gushes and hearts here] BeccaAmon's Spiral Falling ended with chapter 32 yesterday and I've finally gotten to finish it~ (heart heart heart) Spiral Falling has got to be one of the best SasuNaru fanfics around. The story was engaging throughout, the writing was great, and it ended in a very satisfying way without dragging the story or over dramatized it. Well, actually, it was quite soapy, but...eh, I guess I get my serving of soap from fanfics instead of tv, haha. Gaaah! I already want to read it over though I've already done so around chapter 28! ><;; Hehe, I should finish/fix the fanart of this fanfic I drew sometime during the school year...

I'm forcing myself to write or else I will stop writing completely.

I've been wasting my summer away. I did pretty much nothing I've planned. Scratch that. I've done nothing. And I'm already 3 weeks into summer vacation!!! EEp.

I've also been avoiding human contact, getting in touch with my anti-social self by avoiding phone calls (exception being the 2-hour conversation with Lily), not going online although I can, etc etc. Especially so for the past week or so...or after I started cleaning my room.

Good news—I've cleaned and organized my room (though minor details still remain) and even vaccumed under the bed and washed my carpet. It dried today. Hmm...Took me two weeks. >_>;; The carpet was really disgusting. The water that came off it was this rich, dark yellow-brown color, and I had to wash it with Woolite and PineSol and Oxy oO;;;;; I beated the carpet before hand to get the dust/skin sheddings out beforehand and that was really scary too. Dust clouds flies out every time I wacked it with a stick...

I finally got a DVD burner! Yay! So far I've only burned 2 DVDs (Yakitate, NARUTO) because I need to organize my computer to find enough related stuff to burn. So that's what I've been doing too, going through files and deleting stuff I won't need or want. Ah, Compy went through a makeover too, as I've finally installed StyleXP and change the theme and login and bootscreen~ I still need to work on cursors, icons, and make a wallpaper though...

BUT ANYWAYS I'm really excited because I have more than 1/16% of my harddrive space freeeeeee~! (I wonder how long that'd last though, as with people who must spend money they have on hand, I download with avaliable space.) Heh. I'm working towards burning complete manga now...then mp3s, which are a mess. (I think I'll gather up all my Gackt+Malice Mizer stuff and burn them =\)

Because I'm going to China from July 13-26 (AAAH!!!!13 days without a computer!!) I went to get a visa (which I didn't need to because I have a return to China card thing, as I found out when I went to get the visa..) and thus went to Japan Town two times for the past 1.5 weeks. Total stocking of items during these two days mounted to four Shounen Jump (sooo tempted to get a ZEROSUM too...the cover is Hakkai from Saiyuki RELOAD for this month~~), a June Animage, Death Note 6, and NARUTO 27. Hehe, I got Father to pay for $30's worth of manga on the first day XD (The second day I paid and bought 1 Shounen Jump, LoL.)

Father went to HK (then Maccau) to deal with his business stuff again. As soon as they set up a coporation there they can start manufacturing...something...and earn money. Father's partners seem somewhat incompetant, though, as I've inducted from what Father has told me? YAAY! MORE MOGOLIAN MILK!!! (DROOL)

< showers >

Our family went to Hollis's house to pick plums last week . Eh, he most likely doesn't know, but whatever. Hmm... when I tried climbing onto a brach, I scraped myself on a stub and now I have a scratch ontop of a bruise on my upper inner left thigh. (sigh) Another similar point between Byakko and I; another excuse for my parents to call me the cat and Byakko 'Bernice' (They don't confuse our names on purpose either, which makes it even sadder)...

I haven't said anything about Byakko being attacked by most likely a raccoon. I should get to that in its own post. Same with my very disappointed Sasuke vs. Naruto.

I should stop sleeping until I wake naturally (usually being 10-11 hours of sleep). It makes summer pass too fast. I loose time to slack work more. I have almost too many things planned and I'm not getting them done at all. School's starting on August 16. x__X;;

I have more, but must sleep. It's almost 1am and I need to wake early tomorrow to set my internal clock to wake around nine instead of around 10:30...

14 June 2005


I just noticed that my counter is dead.

Oh well.

I need to go sleep.

12 June 2005

Virus Confirmed

Perhaps a Japanese saying: "only idiots get sick during summer."

...I'm an idiot.

My blasted runny, sneezy nose and the heat my cells are generating to disinfect their environment is stopping the collective being of those cells from doing commenting on a deadjournal and two fanarts.

11 June 2005

Plus One More Thing

Oh, and I finished Eddie's ep10-30 of Gundam Seed Destiny. Ep 19 is now the scariest and cutest episode. Ray/Rei/Rey luv!

Ah. I found AsuKira crack 3 days ago. I was just browsing Fafner fanart...right. Who am I kidding. I was reminiscing some Uke!Kira crack I found while browsing Fafner fanart a long while back, and found crack FLASH animation XD

■ WILD SEVEN > GALLERY > FLASH > ENTER > アスランザ☆ライブ (2005.02.17)


And I went through my harddrive yesterday, watched/deleted around 10 Prince of Tennis and all of my Gundam Seed Destiny. Now I have around 6 gigabytes free! YAY!

On Some Lighter Note

Let's start with this excerpt from Bangage, a not superb SasuNaru fanfiction writtin by a British, though it serves no purpose other than giving me some giggles and has nothing to do with whatever I write in this post purposely:

“In this case it means shut up and get up.” Sasuke said with mild irritation.
“Ooh, why’re you being all like… snotty?” Naruto put on a cheerleader voice poking Sasuke in the ribs.
“No reason.” Sasuke shrugged, “Do that voice again.”
“Totally no way!” Naruto cried in falsetto tones, “Get out!”
Sasuke grinned with amusement. Naruto had yet to hear his actual laughter. He’d hear a sardonic snigger now and then, but nothing that might portray any glimpse of happiness. Now he had a mission to accomplish.
“You watch too much television.” Sasuke said accusingly.
“Oh my God, shut up! That’s like way uncool, Sascake!”
“Sascake?” He opened his mouth in mock shock.
“Uchibuns Sascake!” Naruto screeched.
“Oh, now that’s just too camp to be acceptable!” Sasuke said, his smile broadening.
“How about Itchywang Sasgay?”

Sorry. Had to get that out.

Last Tuesday I went to Al's suprise graduation party at Malibu, and I had fun. Umm...basically we ate after suprising (scaring?) Al, ate, ate more (Mrs. Choi was trying to over-feed us!!), car- "racing", arcade, bumper boats, mini-golf, bumper boats, arcade, then lastly "racing" again. Let's elaborate though, shall we?

Urgh, I give up trying to make this flowing and connect and stuff. This will be choppy and I don't want to care now.

Al was funny when she saw us (instead of the birthday party she thought she was giving a ride for her friend(?) to) and backed out of the eating area we were in. It was one-something, and the invitation (that I didn't get because I probally said it wrong when Mrs. Choi called on some schoolday at 7am) asked to meet at 12:00. Her courtesy didn't fail her though, as her first things that she said after regaining her speech and said "hi" a few times was, "thanks for comming, guys."

Her mother then tried to stuff us with food. 3 large pizzas for (Me, Garris, Arnold, Jon Lee, Al [didn't eat], Richel(?), Andy, Ann, Adriana, Melissa Yuen, (some girl), Asuka, Heather Frank, Molly...is that all?) PLUS lots of nachos later on.

Racing was split into two groups: the ones with driver licenses and ones without. Ones without: Ann, Richel(?), Me, Arnold, and Andy, who actually drove to Malibu with someone else's driver license...It was kinda fun. The "I am going to break down any second" sound from the carts when turning and the disel smoke wasn't fun though.

Arcade next to the race tracks: played air hockey with Adriana after seeing Arnold beat Al & Adriana, shot dinosaurs in Jurassic Park: the Lost World, and PWN'D the guys in Tekken 4 (Al too!). The best part was me winning with a panda with pink sillicon wristbands...Later won with a bear and Garris made some commments about me prone to animal abuse, which, as I later thought, is completely wrong because I'm fighting as an animal—i'm just pro human abuse.

Some of us went to the Bumper boats while others started mini-golfing. I took the button marked with "squirt" and an arrow as a bad omen and I was right. we got very wet. The guy in charge looked bored.

Mini-golfing was short and played with any way imagined, including me hitting a ball out of the fence.

About half left, and we decided to abandon mini-golfing for..something. Ended rounding up the others for another round of bumper boats. This time, even wetter because of more people. I got one with a low angle had a great time getting people close-ranged (that particular one allowed me to shoot water straight at someone's head rather than getting them 2 boats away). Andy went in the waterfall twice and was wet, but not nearly as much as Jon, who was completely soaked to this socks. I was again glad that I wore my (very noisy) but fast-drying pants, although I didn't know there would be water-stuff in Malibu. We were cold and had to obtain heat by convection from the cement afterwards though. That wasn't fun either. The water was salty and sticky, ew. Arnold was pretty soaked and when I commented on that, he said it was my fault =) (and indeed it is, partly.)

They mentioned something about leaving then, so I went back in the main arcade to trade back my tokens which I got without knowing the DDR machines are free (with the 10 bucks tues-thurs thing), and ended up getting distracted by the DDR Extreme machine (which I played a little earlier). I dried faster after playing though. It's the lights, I tell you. The others came in when I was playing after seeing that I won't be back so soon and caught me distracted by the DDR machine =P Then I played a few games with this really good guy who crossed my path earlier on. Actually it was her girlfriend. As I finally decided to play after eating (not a very good idea) and was stepping on, her girlfriend ran on and but me off =( I wasn't too terribly upset, though the others seemed to be quite irritated by it. But that was around 14:00 or something. That guy was good though.

More arcades afterward. Watched Al and Ann play House of the dead. pretty disgusting game, really.

Arnold & Garris left as the few remaining were going to the race carts again...and I should've asked for a ride from Garris, but didn't think of it until they left because I already asked Al. Me and my one tracked mind =
Carts again: around 7 arounds or so as the sun set. Hands became numb.

The people who attended were given a gift pack from Mrs. Choi, which most people didn't get, LoL. Hmm... got a ride home from Al and her sister (?) Liz, getting home around 21:00.

The next two days were plagued from sore arm muscles from driving that cart and a lump on my spine from bumping against the hard seat so much x___O;; I'm still a bit sore on my left forearm (the one doing the most turning) and the lump (probally a bruise under all the skin and fat) stil hurts if disturbed.

Yeah. Cold shoulder when I relayed my day to parents. =
GAAH...this took 61 minutes to type making now 01:32 x_X;;;;;;;

10 June 2005

Con't From The Post Before Last

This will not be anywhere as angry as...nevermind. This will be a ranting and raving post.

Mother came in just after I typed "as" and questioned me about my accomplishments in serious work so far, meaning if I have done math (which slipped out half way) and studied for SATs. I told her I won't want to do anything until two weeks into the break, and she took it as me not planning to do anything. I am near my cursing point. She noted my trip to China (I retaliate by the mere 10 day's I'll be gone) and it has been two weeks (Of summer, I was guessing? I challenged her by looking up the days I've been out of school and irritably told her I only took the SAT IIs last week. She left, leaving the door open; I closed it to stop the draft from my window, and soon afterwards she opens it (quite violently) and said, "if you hate studying so much then don't go to school next year," and bangs the door shut as I shouted, "It's not as if I don't plan to study." Oh, she said that she left me to myself for a long time already too, which I knew she was going to say at some point.

That is B's tension with M. B thinks she had already has mentioned this, but whenever B tells M & F about her fun times, B would either get a cold shoulder or a perfect example of a killjoy (SAT vocab word!) by telling B to study more.

F still has a bad attitude towards G. He always act annoyed and irritated at G's request for something, most recently this evening when G didn't want so much spaghetti and F helped switch plates, only to place it on the table quite harshly. G avoids F by either hanging out with her friends or hiding in our room (as much as B!!). Perhaps unrelated, but at 22:00 G wanted to see a show, B turned it on, and after a few minutes G told B to turn it off and muttered about how she couldn't hear (she is hearing impaired) and B turned it off but didn't turn it up. Did B do wrong? The room would've been very loud (with B playing Sims 2) and hearing-damaging to B. G is the kind who would want others to take hints, and the more B thinks about this, the more she thinks it a hint to turn it up (despite it being pretty loud to B already). Also, B thinks G is sick, but G doesn't admit it, and this morning B woke with a sore throat. B should've drank some medicine-type drink today, but didn't. B wonders if it's the virus or something else that caused the sore throat.

B & F's relations are better now, now that B does not have school and talks to F about F's primary obsession nowadays: Armageddon and prophecies. Though F did scold B about always trying to do things quickly, make mistakes, have to do it over, and end up needing to do it again. B was trying to type on the keypad quickly for some password setting. Ah, and F bought a DVD burner today from newegg.com. USD$57.9 with tax and shipping. B finally will get to unleash her pyromaniacal tendencies and burn stuff off her computer.

Lighter incidents after the break (must shower).
The above line is just for L, LoL.

BlogThis: Shotacon or not?

Interesting discussion on whether Loveless by Kouga Yun is shota...with definations and such. Hmm... and I lied about continuing my last post...

WARNING: BL, adult-child relationship.
■ Loveless (Raburesu), Shotacon or not?

08 June 2005


It has been perhaps a little too long since I blogged—properly blogged with sembalence of real content. Only since May 27, but still too long, considering the arrival of free time and the amount of "things" I want to leave behind in words.

Since 27 May, I've been meaning to say this to people who responded: thank you thank you thank you thank you. B is touched and moved and wants to give E and L and A and J hugs (even if the comments went strange and strayed from the original post, as chains of comments usually go).

The conclusion of that episode of my life is that I...I can't find the words now. I'll continue this tomorrow.