11 June 2005

On Some Lighter Note

Let's start with this excerpt from Bangage, a not superb SasuNaru fanfiction writtin by a British, though it serves no purpose other than giving me some giggles and has nothing to do with whatever I write in this post purposely:

“In this case it means shut up and get up.” Sasuke said with mild irritation.
“Ooh, why’re you being all like… snotty?” Naruto put on a cheerleader voice poking Sasuke in the ribs.
“No reason.” Sasuke shrugged, “Do that voice again.”
“Totally no way!” Naruto cried in falsetto tones, “Get out!”
Sasuke grinned with amusement. Naruto had yet to hear his actual laughter. He’d hear a sardonic snigger now and then, but nothing that might portray any glimpse of happiness. Now he had a mission to accomplish.
“You watch too much television.” Sasuke said accusingly.
“Oh my God, shut up! That’s like way uncool, Sascake!”
“Sascake?” He opened his mouth in mock shock.
“Uchibuns Sascake!” Naruto screeched.
“Oh, now that’s just too camp to be acceptable!” Sasuke said, his smile broadening.
“How about Itchywang Sasgay?”

Sorry. Had to get that out.

Last Tuesday I went to Al's suprise graduation party at Malibu, and I had fun. Umm...basically we ate after suprising (scaring?) Al, ate, ate more (Mrs. Choi was trying to over-feed us!!), car- "racing", arcade, bumper boats, mini-golf, bumper boats, arcade, then lastly "racing" again. Let's elaborate though, shall we?

Urgh, I give up trying to make this flowing and connect and stuff. This will be choppy and I don't want to care now.

Al was funny when she saw us (instead of the birthday party she thought she was giving a ride for her friend(?) to) and backed out of the eating area we were in. It was one-something, and the invitation (that I didn't get because I probally said it wrong when Mrs. Choi called on some schoolday at 7am) asked to meet at 12:00. Her courtesy didn't fail her though, as her first things that she said after regaining her speech and said "hi" a few times was, "thanks for comming, guys."

Her mother then tried to stuff us with food. 3 large pizzas for (Me, Garris, Arnold, Jon Lee, Al [didn't eat], Richel(?), Andy, Ann, Adriana, Melissa Yuen, (some girl), Asuka, Heather Frank, Molly...is that all?) PLUS lots of nachos later on.

Racing was split into two groups: the ones with driver licenses and ones without. Ones without: Ann, Richel(?), Me, Arnold, and Andy, who actually drove to Malibu with someone else's driver license...It was kinda fun. The "I am going to break down any second" sound from the carts when turning and the disel smoke wasn't fun though.

Arcade next to the race tracks: played air hockey with Adriana after seeing Arnold beat Al & Adriana, shot dinosaurs in Jurassic Park: the Lost World, and PWN'D the guys in Tekken 4 (Al too!). The best part was me winning with a panda with pink sillicon wristbands...Later won with a bear and Garris made some commments about me prone to animal abuse, which, as I later thought, is completely wrong because I'm fighting as an animal—i'm just pro human abuse.

Some of us went to the Bumper boats while others started mini-golfing. I took the button marked with "squirt" and an arrow as a bad omen and I was right. we got very wet. The guy in charge looked bored.

Mini-golfing was short and played with any way imagined, including me hitting a ball out of the fence.

About half left, and we decided to abandon mini-golfing for..something. Ended rounding up the others for another round of bumper boats. This time, even wetter because of more people. I got one with a low angle had a great time getting people close-ranged (that particular one allowed me to shoot water straight at someone's head rather than getting them 2 boats away). Andy went in the waterfall twice and was wet, but not nearly as much as Jon, who was completely soaked to this socks. I was again glad that I wore my (very noisy) but fast-drying pants, although I didn't know there would be water-stuff in Malibu. We were cold and had to obtain heat by convection from the cement afterwards though. That wasn't fun either. The water was salty and sticky, ew. Arnold was pretty soaked and when I commented on that, he said it was my fault =) (and indeed it is, partly.)

They mentioned something about leaving then, so I went back in the main arcade to trade back my tokens which I got without knowing the DDR machines are free (with the 10 bucks tues-thurs thing), and ended up getting distracted by the DDR Extreme machine (which I played a little earlier). I dried faster after playing though. It's the lights, I tell you. The others came in when I was playing after seeing that I won't be back so soon and caught me distracted by the DDR machine =P Then I played a few games with this really good guy who crossed my path earlier on. Actually it was her girlfriend. As I finally decided to play after eating (not a very good idea) and was stepping on, her girlfriend ran on and but me off =( I wasn't too terribly upset, though the others seemed to be quite irritated by it. But that was around 14:00 or something. That guy was good though.

More arcades afterward. Watched Al and Ann play House of the dead. pretty disgusting game, really.

Arnold & Garris left as the few remaining were going to the race carts again...and I should've asked for a ride from Garris, but didn't think of it until they left because I already asked Al. Me and my one tracked mind =
Carts again: around 7 arounds or so as the sun set. Hands became numb.

The people who attended were given a gift pack from Mrs. Choi, which most people didn't get, LoL. Hmm... got a ride home from Al and her sister (?) Liz, getting home around 21:00.

The next two days were plagued from sore arm muscles from driving that cart and a lump on my spine from bumping against the hard seat so much x___O;; I'm still a bit sore on my left forearm (the one doing the most turning) and the lump (probally a bruise under all the skin and fat) stil hurts if disturbed.

Yeah. Cold shoulder when I relayed my day to parents. =
GAAH...this took 61 minutes to type making now 01:32 x_X;;;;;;;


  1. Wow. I managed get a speechless reaction from Larry.

    (not very up to perky extra symbols and such b'c of flu(?))

  2. Not quite speechless. But the hour was late and the entry was long and nothing needed to be said, so I was content to leave it be. Don't stir things up :P
