25 June 2005

Wasting Summer

Kyaa--! [Insert more fangirl squeals and gushes and hearts here] BeccaAmon's Spiral Falling ended with chapter 32 yesterday and I've finally gotten to finish it~ (heart heart heart) Spiral Falling has got to be one of the best SasuNaru fanfics around. The story was engaging throughout, the writing was great, and it ended in a very satisfying way without dragging the story or over dramatized it. Well, actually, it was quite soapy, but...eh, I guess I get my serving of soap from fanfics instead of tv, haha. Gaaah! I already want to read it over though I've already done so around chapter 28! ><;; Hehe, I should finish/fix the fanart of this fanfic I drew sometime during the school year...

I'm forcing myself to write or else I will stop writing completely.

I've been wasting my summer away. I did pretty much nothing I've planned. Scratch that. I've done nothing. And I'm already 3 weeks into summer vacation!!! EEp.

I've also been avoiding human contact, getting in touch with my anti-social self by avoiding phone calls (exception being the 2-hour conversation with Lily), not going online although I can, etc etc. Especially so for the past week or so...or after I started cleaning my room.

Good news—I've cleaned and organized my room (though minor details still remain) and even vaccumed under the bed and washed my carpet. It dried today. Hmm...Took me two weeks. >_>;; The carpet was really disgusting. The water that came off it was this rich, dark yellow-brown color, and I had to wash it with Woolite and PineSol and Oxy oO;;;;; I beated the carpet before hand to get the dust/skin sheddings out beforehand and that was really scary too. Dust clouds flies out every time I wacked it with a stick...

I finally got a DVD burner! Yay! So far I've only burned 2 DVDs (Yakitate, NARUTO) because I need to organize my computer to find enough related stuff to burn. So that's what I've been doing too, going through files and deleting stuff I won't need or want. Ah, Compy went through a makeover too, as I've finally installed StyleXP and change the theme and login and bootscreen~ I still need to work on cursors, icons, and make a wallpaper though...

BUT ANYWAYS I'm really excited because I have more than 1/16% of my harddrive space freeeeeee~! (I wonder how long that'd last though, as with people who must spend money they have on hand, I download with avaliable space.) Heh. I'm working towards burning complete manga now...then mp3s, which are a mess. (I think I'll gather up all my Gackt+Malice Mizer stuff and burn them =\)

Because I'm going to China from July 13-26 (AAAH!!!!13 days without a computer!!) I went to get a visa (which I didn't need to because I have a return to China card thing, as I found out when I went to get the visa..) and thus went to Japan Town two times for the past 1.5 weeks. Total stocking of items during these two days mounted to four Shounen Jump (sooo tempted to get a ZEROSUM too...the cover is Hakkai from Saiyuki RELOAD for this month~~), a June Animage, Death Note 6, and NARUTO 27. Hehe, I got Father to pay for $30's worth of manga on the first day XD (The second day I paid and bought 1 Shounen Jump, LoL.)

Father went to HK (then Maccau) to deal with his business stuff again. As soon as they set up a coporation there they can start manufacturing...something...and earn money. Father's partners seem somewhat incompetant, though, as I've inducted from what Father has told me? YAAY! MORE MOGOLIAN MILK!!! (DROOL)

< showers >

Our family went to Hollis's house to pick plums last week . Eh, he most likely doesn't know, but whatever. Hmm... when I tried climbing onto a brach, I scraped myself on a stub and now I have a scratch ontop of a bruise on my upper inner left thigh. (sigh) Another similar point between Byakko and I; another excuse for my parents to call me the cat and Byakko 'Bernice' (They don't confuse our names on purpose either, which makes it even sadder)...

I haven't said anything about Byakko being attacked by most likely a raccoon. I should get to that in its own post. Same with my very disappointed Sasuke vs. Naruto.

I should stop sleeping until I wake naturally (usually being 10-11 hours of sleep). It makes summer pass too fast. I loose time to slack work more. I have almost too many things planned and I'm not getting them done at all. School's starting on August 16. x__X;;

I have more, but must sleep. It's almost 1am and I need to wake early tomorrow to set my internal clock to wake around nine instead of around 10:30...


  1. I don't think Pine Sol is meant for washing carpets, fyi.

    16th? Hopefully that means that for once, they've changed the schedule so that you actually get done with finals before winter break. You'd better, since that's even earlier than school starts for me.

    Everyone will tend to describe their business partners as incompetent, it rarely actually means anything.

    I would think that a raccoon would hardly be able to take on a cat, unless the cat in questions is unneccessarily (too many double letters?) pacifistic. Maybe that's an indication that you should let him sleep inside?

    I hope it doesn't make me sound too much like nagging M or whoever, but really, if the summer passes too fast, you should get a job or something. I started work last monday and it has been the second longest week of my life.

    Ah, never mind, the trip to China is mistimed for that. Well, you can...um...improve yourself through literary means? That's always good.

  2. Disinfection. Oxy's for cleaning XD

    Yup. finals before winter break.

    I can understand Father's point of view though...his friends are rather...short sighted and brash ^^;;

    NO. Racooooooon attack cats and do eat kittens =) But then again, my cat's physically challenged. Not my fault that it didn't come back until very late =\

    I want to get a job, really. I don't know where to start though.

    Haha..so far I've been improving my literary skills by reading fanfictions. whee.

  3. It depends on what kind. If you're not very ambitious and are satisfied with retail/service it shouldn't be too hard, just wander around until you find a "help wanted" sign. Odd jobs like...I dunno, babysitting you can look in the newspaper classifieds. A mediorely cheesy job (office gopher for a startup, telemarketer) can similarly be found on craigslist. If you want a good job, tell your parents to ask their friends about any openings they might know of. It does depend a bit on what field they work in, but even if the relationship is only peripheral, other Chinese will be glad to help you find a temporary spot in their company.

    Fanfictions would make you worse, not better, wouldn't they?
