30 June 2005

Jibun Nitsuite (About Oneself)

I'm spamming again.

In an attempt to save some rants about the last post, I switch to analyzing myself, which is where this sprouted from (like a bean!)(Think FMA or D.Gray-Man! hahah...)(Moyashi! <--beansprout!)

Some time ago, I told my parents that I don't really social because I have nothing to say. It's not really true. I can be silly and chatty. But when in a gathering, an automatic filter system activates and only selecting those few sentences with a significant contribution to the conversation, whether it be intelligent or not. One pessimistic rendition of that would be saying "the reason I don't talk much is because I'm not smart enough," but that's really me trying to kick my easily inflatable ego to a corner and cutting it off before it rampages. Message boards are like that. You see so many kinds of people...and it helps identifying how I present and treat people.

I still don't know wether I take jokes well or no...Parents sometimes think I take somethings too seriously...

Somehow, in the bathroom, I was thinking about gossips too. Oh, from the little piece of new information regarding the family who lives in my Fourth Aunt's house next door. I finally got to see Alice's boyfriend—they were outside the gates talking or somthing when I saw them. And once afterwards. My only memory of him, as I've only allowed myself a glance (the way they were hiding from the house's view tends to not want others know/stare), was that he is tall. Alice has to raise her arms pretty high to reach his ears, LoL. Hmm...That lead to thinking about gossips, how I really hate this current relationship with their family, which lead to thinking that it's my fault that I display this antisocial stance, which lead to the third paragraph of this post, which tend me thinking about my disinterest with gossips and relationships is part of the reason I just don't have a lot to say with my cousins (or many of my female classmates, for that matter) along with the whole deal with displaying (in which evey way avaliable) oneself to attract a male and all that... I don't think that made much sense. Anyways. I don't quite feel the need to "get a guy" or whatnot (not because guys flock to me, but because I simply don't think anyone will want this creature) and I feel that I won't want other people to be cooing about how cute my relationship is, so I don't bother cooing about how cute other couples are. If I don't want something done to me, I won't do it to others. Simply that. I tend to avoid couples because of embarassment too, but I'm working on that ^^;; I don't want to be a "lightbulb," as the Chinese calls someone who gets in the way of a couple.

Hmm...I guess, in summary, my bashfulness from dealing with relationships and sillines (I don't want others to think I'm annoying ´Д´) in general marks me as aloof and antisocial and quiet and mean and strict and too serious?!°Д°

Am I trying too hard to be not annoying in a silly or rabid way that it's annoying?! AAAAHhhhhhh....

That's why I want everybody to diss me in my yearbook next year...It's difficult to diss someone if you don't know them, and I want to know how difficult to survive with I am, though this 'favor' would probably make people hate me more, Haha...I didn't even ask the people I don't really know or talk to to sign my yearbook this year because I hate seeing the commercialized "stay sweet" or "have a great summer" or any similiar variants that sort of scream "I don't know you, but since you're desperate for popularity and since you asked..." I liked Meiko's entry, which is honest in saying "I don't really know you, but there's next year!" in different words. I'd like to get to know her better too, as I had some prejudice against her in the beginning ^^;;;; By compareson, Sylvia's is longer, but I feel more alienated after reading it because it feels like a formula.

Amy still hasn't signed my yearbook, nor have I signed hers yet. LoL.


  1. no, we just put it off because we figure that there'll be another chance

  2. Not what I meant. I'll explain. Later. Right now I'm too tired to even read everything you posted (what a first)

  3. Yearbooks are not places to be insulting. In fact, most people make a conscious effort to say good things about someone even if they don't know them that well or don't like them very much. If you really are planning on keeping it for several years and going through it at some point to look at what people wrote, are you going to want to see lots of people insulting you? Chances are you'd remember that you asked them too, but it still seems rather silly. Far better to lie to yourself and be able to pretend that you were popular or something. It works out better for everyone like that, because the people who feel the most uncomfortable with behaving that way are the ones most likely to remember what really happened and be cynical about people being undeservedly flattering in yearbook notes.
