12 June 2005

Virus Confirmed

Perhaps a Japanese saying: "only idiots get sick during summer."

...I'm an idiot.

My blasted runny, sneezy nose and the heat my cells are generating to disinfect their environment is stopping the collective being of those cells from doing commenting on a deadjournal and two fanarts.


  1. :( You know what it is?

  2. ~void anything you want, just not my main{}...

  3. Anonymous13.6.05

    You should just post on xanga. Having everything in "my subscriptions" is very nice ^_^. Anyway, sucks that you're sick. Though, as long as it's nothing serious, you'll probably be up and about in a couple of days. So don't despair?

    Seems like you had fun at Al's bday party too. Happen to know what school Al and/Adriana is/are going to? I'm so out of the high school ring or whatever :P

  4. Adriana is going to CalPoly SLO, Al is going to UOP Stockton, or so Al told me.

  5. csrjjsmp: yeah, I know what it is. (insert some kind of statement about knowing what idiocy is)

    ...it's a flu. Well, some kinda small bacterial infection now. i'm heeeealing~ (with help of some conveniently packaged chinese medicine drinks)

    lee: no excuses for a common cold/flu. ^^;;

    neoncloud: xanga is the death of me. It's semi automated html-code-system-thing is incompatable with my OS. Besides, Amy uses deadjournal.

    Hmm...I was just feeling unwell. And maybe I got told by parents again? Perhaps I sound too serious/depressed..? I'm not even all that sick...I was eating In 'n Out yesterday and barbeque duck today...then again, you can say that it's me not taking care of myself...

    LoL. It's not a bday party.

  6. High grease/fat/energy content should be good if you're sick. Don't believe the lies...
    Flu, eh? Well, it could be worse. At least you're sick now and not during finals.

  7. Hey, nobody laughed at my C joke :(
    Did I screw it up or something?

  8. i don't know C so no laughs from me. :P

    Yay! That's correct, i use DJ. Don't give in to posting into xanga. i still haven't! Whee!

    Oh and btw, since my David-friend on DJ bought me a year of paid account as a birthday present, i've got codes generating... So if you would like a DJ, you know where to poke!
    Amy's squishy fat-flesh 'cause she squirms and will relinquish a DJ activation code to you! YAY!

    (Not really... LoL. It's not really that exciting... nor interesting... Quite disgusting, really. LoL.)

  9. You go out of your way to make it sound unappetizing.

  10. :D

    Disturbed yet?

  11. LoL. I would want one just so I'll stop forgetting to sign my name when commenting on your DJ, LoL.

    Ew. Fats/high energy x Sickness? Ew.

  12. The three most important things you need when you're sick are protein, fluids, and energy. Since most people don't feel like eating very much when they're sick, fat is good because of the high energy density.
