30 June 2005

Summer Weather

I've been hearing Cicadas when the day got warmer, past noon, for the last three days. It somehow comforts me and convinces me that the weather isn't changing that rapidly, that there's still some time before Brazil becomes the new North Pole with the Poles at the Equator. Still, despite the warmer, stiffer air that usually catagorizes "summer" of North Ameri...no, Californi...no, San Mateo, the days are not warm enough for June-soon-turn-July days. Though this unusual temperature unsettles me, I don't really mind. I like it. My room becomes slightly suffocating as more time passes from sunrise, despite the open window, open door, and a breeze from the fan, but the temperature (90°F? perhaps a little higher) seems to suit this creature with bad circulation, allowing the said creature with a ridiculously small clique (biology-wise, mind you) to pad around the house in shirt and shorts, in the most comfortable temperature, not sweating nor shivering, while still can enjoy the warmth of sun-heated cement barefooted without burns or funny dances like some specie of desert lizard. The farthest this creature had traveled during the past 4 days was to the end of the driveway, to close the gate, to let the cat loose.

The new wound and the old wound merged and evolved into one big wound that refuses to heal. I wonder if the cat's not healing because Father did not say "goodbye" to BBMao when he left. Byakko is rather attached to him, in one way or another.

1 comment:

  1. Cicadas might seem comforting to you now, but wait until you see thousands of them dead all over the ground and I'm sure you'll have second thoughts.

    In the past four days, there hasn't been a single day where I haven't gone at least 50 miles from home (and that will continue through Saturday then fail for just one day). I can't believe you'd rather it be hotter. Maybe if you did leave the house you'd notice.

    Maybe he's been licking it? Cat saliva is good for disinfecting the wound, but constantly irritating it will only make the healing process slower.
