30 December 2003

Oh, almost forgot. Anita Mui [the actor, not my mother who has almost the same name] died of Overian [?] Cancer yesterday around midnight. It's the thrid celebrity that died this yr [close enough], and one of the LAST cantonese-speaking stars that can actually SING. First there was Roman, then that bishie [that was homosexual, but that doesn't really matter], now Anita. She got first place in the First annual singing contest-thingie in HK. So she can actually sing, unlike the newer celebrities in HK: can't sing, can't act, and not even very pretty.
This is a reply to a friend on email that I wish to post. Dated 20031214 12.33 :

sorta busy at the moment, so i'll just ans your Q regarding the YnM thing. I did some research on Matsushita Youko [the mangaka/artist] and found out that YnM has been suspended for over a year now. Apprently Matsushita-sensei got obesessed over video games, even made fan webbies of them, but because she used her real name, she was flooded w/ Qs like 'how's the series [meaning YnM] doing', so she closed them down. She did expressed in her webbies that she doesn't want to be a mangaka anymore, so there might be a chance that YnM will end w/o an ending and vol 12 will never come out.

btw, i don't know her webbies [wish i did], i got these info by searching 'matsushita youko' on google.

it's really sad and i was sad to hear this news. i honesty hope that she would continue YnM. She's amazing because YnM is her first series [i heard she did 2 other short stories, but i have not read them], and it got into a two-digit volume. that is amazing because usually artists, when they first draw as pros, they start w/ two/three volume stories. this shows her skills and potential to become sucessful. it's dissapointing to hear that she lost interest.

Uhh...last week of winter break =oO;;= and i haven't accomplished much. At all. amari nai. And the cat right now is sleeping on my left arm. He's getting heavy =oO;;= Silly kitty, I love him. Did I mention that we went to see Monarch butterflies on Sunday the 28th and I took pictures of them using a monocular?

I currently have all the Hikaru no Go anime [all 75!!], and am trying to burn them onto CDs. I've already messed up 3. I don't know what happened, but after burning the CD would have reduced total memory with no contents. =~"~;;= Last night and today so far I've been organizing my hard drives. renaming them and putting them in the right places, etc.

I got presents for 5 or so people. I wish I can get more allowance. I need it. OH by the way, it seems like I'm getting through to my mother to buy me a PS2.

AHHHH I still need to make a new layout!! and still trying to find what is wrong with Blogger & Prohosting. Maybe I'll try using Greymatter instead.

I'm getting fat and my drawing skills are not getting better. Which reminds me, the Third Rising Stars of Manga [RSOM] begins accepting entries on January 1, 2k4! Must start storyboarding, Kit-chan! And there's always the homework...

I really like the lyrics of Hikaru no Go openings & endings. +sniff+

'The you begin to ask, "what is reason? What is logic?"' - John Nash : A Beautiful Mind
� The Huge Tree in the Tukamori - Tonari no Totoro [My neighbor Totoro] :: OST �

28 December 2003

Went to see monarch butterflies. They're so pretty. My Digital Camara doesn't zoom enough so we 'attached' a mono-cular in front of the lense. It sounds stupid but it works well. Must go load the pics in now. I'll upload them later.

19 December 2003

Again, I abandoned my blog for almost a month, and since I'm on winter vacation now, I'll try to fix everything and get back on blogging. Who am I talking to anyways? =oO;=

Went to a Graphics Novel sneak preview yesterday in the San Mateo City Library; it was fun. Made a ton of suggestions, LoL. Uh, got a new computer during thanksgiving weekend, so I've also been sorting out my files and such. I can watch .avi formats now!! Nonetheless, I lost my addressbook in outlook express, and outlook express have been behaving strangely lately [i.e. stuff inside local folders dissappearing, bulk mail dissappearing when I try to move them to the local box, etc], so maybe I should stop using outlook express.

Ah. on Tuesday we had a field trip to the cartoon art museum in San Francisco. We were wave 2: eat, museum, city cruising. Ate in the Metreon [I played DDR instead; found a free pad inside a store]; this sandwich place inside the foodcourt is GREAT, except they use way too much oil. The museum had a Political Cartoon event-thing, and I found a My Neighbor Totoro cel +heart+. Too bad we didn't have enough time for a full-route city crusing lead by the 3D-art teacher...lanburg? I'd've loved to walk around a bit more.

Only got 2.5 hours of sleep. Why did I have so much homework/project/tests on the last day ANYWAYS?!

gotta work on blog now.

'I don't know why. My body moved on its own...Naruto, don't die...' - Uchida Sasuke : Naruto
� At the Beginning - Anastasia :: Soundtrack �

26 November 2003

Whoa. Haven't posted in, like, forever. And the previous statement I haven't been updating mainly because of the blogger-FTP problems. Then there is the homework [lie]. Some of the highlights in the previous 2/3 weeks include a friend almost walking into the boy's locker room in Self-Guilded and...my kitty just jumped onto my sofa bed and started cleaning itself. Okay, that's not it, but today is a good day.

Today! [notice the date and time] The power went out in school. Not only it's late start, the power went out. tw00t. How fun, an extended thanksgiving holiday! [That makes it a 5-day weekend!!] hehee. Now I'll spent my holiday trying to figure out what is wrong w/ my blog itself. By the way, my old address, http://kakeru.blogspot.com, has been taken over by some unknown Chinese person. I'm guessing that person's a girl. My kitty just fell asleep. So now really have to learn how to move my blog to my prohosting site correctly.

'Some day you'll ask, 'what's more important, me or my life?' And I'll answer, 'my life' and you'll leave me without knowing that you ARE my life.' - Anonymous
�#151;造 Veggie - Earth Girl Arujuna :: OST 2 造�#151;
�#151;造 Chikyuu Kyoumei [Resonance of the Earth] - Yoko Kanno//[Arujuna??] :: Into The Another World 造�#151;

18 October 2003

Alright. It's uploaded and stuff, but WHY WOULDN'T BLOGGER ACCEPT THE CODES AND JUST APPEAR ON THE THING ALREADY?! maybe I just need to publish it...here we go...

quote/music later =D

16 October 2003

whoo. the new layout is 'done' and just needed to be uploaded. Now only the step to figure out what that blotchy thing on the right of the blog is and to upload using FTP. Ok, so maybe that's two steps, but it doesn't matter, it's probably not going to be touched until Saturday afternoon when I'm done with the PSAT stuff anyways.

The kitten, in 5 days, learned to drink from a dish, learned to eat solid food, learned to play with toilet paper, learned to play with imaginary target, learned to play with us, learned to jump up to our living room couch, learned to jump down to our living room couch, claimed our living room couch, discovered that the place between our neck and collar bone is the best place to take a two-hour nap, and to run/hop around the house quickly like a rabbit [a cabbit, it is!]. I think that's quite a lot, don't you?

AHH! I forgot to put a TagBoard in my blog! AHH! must go do that now....

' Faye: What's with all of you? Why are you hiding behind the couch?
Ed: Bact-teria~!' : Cowboy Bebop the Movie ::i think... Ed & Ein is so cute =^o^=
� Yasahi Yoake - See-Saw//.hack//SIGN :: ending �

12 October 2003

I knew this would happen. Stopping in the middle of a project of some sorts and I'll never start on it again. I didn't work on the layout all day. First went to half-moon bay to buy a 20lb king salmon, then got a phone, then went to the library.

An ugly spider just dropped down from the ceiling on to a piece of paper about 20cm from my arm with a sharp plop. Traumatized.

Everything extra needs money. Darn it. Including those bloody format-converting programs. GDI. Anyone, by this point, can pretty much tell that either I am really mad, I need sleep, or I need money. The answer is the last two.

OK. Tomorrow I plan to finish my blog, do my homework, and post the bloody 'self-intro' for the SRI thing. I will add a wishlist to my blog, not that anyone would buy me those things, but that's my way of telling people that I need money. The two newest things would be a USB cable for my cell, and some cash so I can buy that bloody converting program.

'Kurikara is my Shikigami!' - Hisoka Kurosaki : Yami no Matsuei
� Futari no Kamui, Futatsu no Shinken -//X/1999 : TV X/1999 OST �

11 October 2003

Whew! Finally done with the coding! But I still have to put the contents in, upload, perhaps make it a blogger blog, etc etc. The layout is actually a relatively simple one...but it too one so long because it's the first time I've used DIV tags, along with some new stuff, and this is only my 2nd layout that I sucessfully coded and will be put online. Yup, lacking exprience. [conisidering i can't even remember the link tags...it's sad] I'm tired, gotta wake up early to buy fish tomorrow, and I really wanna sleep. My abs & one of the chest muscles are sore from weight training yesterday...my arms will probably be sore tomrrow...=oO;;=

'What siding with the humans? Right from when I was born, I've always been only on my own side' - Genjou Sanzo : Saiyuki
� Reprise - Joe Hisaishi//Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi : Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi OST :: Spirited Away, Joe is the composer, i think �

10 October 2003

OkiE. The Layout iS Finished. I only have to code it. Which...I am kind of looking forward to, and kind of not. Which...I might finish today or not. I am hoping I'll finish, but it might not happen at all. whO__Ot it looks pwetty.

more later.

� I'll be the One - HAL//Hikaru no Go : Hikaru no Go - Best Of �

05 October 2003

Whew, finally round 1 of USAMTS is finished! Though I finally didn't answer one of the questions...can't blame me, considering I only had 2 weeks instead of 4. Yesterday was no-work for the whole day. Mailed the answers, then it's web and manga and games. FUN. No, i didn't work on the layout at all finish the layout, but I did get myself hooked on some fan-made RPG games. The searching-and-downloading of the programs needed to play the games took me half a day alone, considering many sites that had the downloads were shutted down. Next were the problematic installation...yes, that's the reason I slept @ 2am.

I got the games from Cursed Moons, a doujin and original site with webmistresses who draws & colors beautifully and...support shounen-ai. XD Yami no Romance was easy, because 3 of the 5 endings had guides written on their site, and one of the remainding endings was just plain obvious [the Muraki one!]. BUT I CAN'T GET TO THE HIJIRI ENDING!!

Then Wan Wan 1-ko is...extremely difficult. But you're hearing this from a games-defficient girl, so maybe it's not that hard. Maybe it's the problematic controls. Last, Love Impact, is the one that I'm tempted to play right now but I should do homework instead. It's really precise and I haven't been able to get to any endings except 'GAME OVER'...There's a guide for one of the endings, but it's not complete to the end, and even though it allows you to save, it's really time consuming. It's so cute though. Hail Akane's & Inma's drawing skills! [BTW, they're trilingual in Spanish, Japanese, and English]

I forgot if I have English homework or not. oh well.

OOOH, I'm beginning to like L'arc en Ciel music =)

'We all love penguins; penguins are the best.' - Trujillo, C. : Sophmore History 6�:: it's after Mr. Light kept on saying we need penguins for a Global Organization.
� In the End - Linkin Park :: +gasp+ it's an English song! �

27 September 2003

The ta has been stalking Arte the whole week. It's getting creepy, considering he already know where her locker and classes are. Good thing he doesn't know her phone # and AIM screen name.

I'm done with the main layout picture. Now I [insert sarcasm here] only have to code it and put some border lines, etc on it and I'll be done.

go here. It's the link to a nation-wide mathematics competition open to all high school students. It's free and you get your name in universities and companies. the USAMTS is a good thing. Go try.

'Jeep...come back...I'm gonna eat you like a roast chicken!' - Goku : Saiyuki Reload
� Hitomi no Chikara - Misuki Arisa//Hikaru no Go : Hikaru no Go - The Best of �
� Kumikyoku [Chi no Ryuu] - //X/1999 :: it's a BGM =) �

19 September 2003

Well, it's Friday, so I though that I should talk about my case also, though it has ended for a few days now. 2nd week into school this guy in my physics class [I KNOW I KNOW I SHOULD'VE BEEN IN AP BIO! STOP RUBBING IT IN!] told me he liked me through IM. At first I'm ok w/ it, but sooon it started getting out of hand. He started calling me every single night 'for physics and Japanese homework'. Even tried calling at 12am. Outrageous. i didn't know him until this year, and he said he started liking me during the 2nd day of school, AND i didn't give him my number. BRRRRR. so on Tuesday , when he IMed me, asking 'what's the matter with you these days' [i've been cold toward him], i said, in third person, 'dude, stop bothering her'. it was meant to be to scare him with my split-personality-ness, but he took it all the same. end of story. the first week he asked me to go to the movies, and i made the mistake of saying 'yes'. then the next two or three weeks he asked too, but i said no.

the problem really is that i don't like his personality. There's just something annoying about how he tried to show his good face to me and how he wouldn't make the decisions and how small his voice sound in the phone. i never liked phones anyways.

yeah, so now you know. actually there's something in here that i haven't even told my friends...not even to whom i asked advice to [thank you, even though i acted before you wrote the mail, LoL].

and that's why i didn't thought it was 'cute' and 'exciting' when Arte got the note. my past case left an annoying impression. But Arte's a lot much more nice than me so maybe Lars won't end up like that guy. But sometimes Arte's too nice. hehe.

'If you keep going round and round and round and round like that, you're going to get stupid!' - Ryuichi Sakuma : Gravitation
� Open Up Your Mind - Mirai//Gesomaden Saiyuki : Gesomaden Saiyuki Best Collection :: i'm not even sure of the album name.... �
i just finished Princess in Love by Meg Cabot. it's so cute. the interesting thing is that i can actually relate to her a bit. haha, the bit of the 'Secret Snowflake Revelation' was funny.

OKAY. here's the part that i got permission from a friend of mine to 'publish', since my friend says i can put it on my public blog as long as her name is not mentioned. so...let's call my friend...Artemis...or Arte. [just because i am/was/going to read Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer...he has such a cool name...]

It seems very unreal and unbelievable, like something people'd see in a shoujo manga, or movies, or teen romance novels [picked that up from Tina from The Princess Diaries]. After Archery, when we were finishing up on carrying the stuff back to the store room, the ta poked me and handed me a folded note, taped with clear tape with 'For Arte' neatly written neatly on the small, thick piece of paper in all caps. for a background note, the ta wasn't there until 2 days ago and none of us know who he is. not me, not Arte. i was returning the bow, quiver, arrows, and our score board, and when i was about to leave, he poked me. didn't even say a thing. i looked at it and said, 'oh. okay.' Arte was carrying the target up w/ another friend then. I carried the big, straw-stuffed thing up the rest of the way and i gave her the note. she opened, then gasp and started and...well...suprised. the note said:
Meet me at center court
at lunch if you're interested
[I'm interested]


By the way, i changed the ta's name too...Lars from Princess Diaries...should've used Michael, LoL. Nonetheless, the twins were very excited. me? i was suprised, certainly, but was also telling Arte that it's ok, that he'd know her name by how the twins screamed 'Go Arte' every time she shoots, on target or not. Arte was trying to convince herself that whoever Lars is mistook her for me [ha! as if!]. Although we weren't sure if the ta's name is Lars, we're pretty sure. our freshmen P.E. teacher helped us ask for our teacher's ta's name and found out it IS him.

well, i wasn't 'happy, because i sort of felt for her. especially later when i see Lars following Arte everywhere. it was scary like a stalker, in a way. b't 5th period and 6th period i went to find Arte because she left her spanish book in the japanese room, and there he is, following Arte. she knows, but it's freaky to see, since he already followed her from where we eat lunch to japanese class..[gasp. to go club, but the meeting's ending XD] After school Arte told me she got another note from him of his phone number and AIM screen name.

i'm not sure if he's a junior or senior, but pretty sure he's not a sophmore and definately not a freshmen. It'd be funny, in a way [gasp, like Holden in Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger], if he's a senior. that'd be the 2nd case in 1 month. first would be me. i'll say something about that later. i'd wonder if the seniors are getting desprate for a prom date. LoL.

thanks to Arte for letting me post this on my blog!

'Why can't you be here with me, Tsuzuki?' - Hisoka : Yami no Matsuei :: when hisoka was stranded in a desert... scary how i know these quotes by heart.
� Silent Life & Obsession TV mix - .hack//SIGN : .hack//SIGN OST 1 �
gaaah! yami no matsuei ep 5.avi [so i can't watch it] has 4 kb left!! =oO;;= WHY DID IT STOP?! there's not much time left....

'I hate being alone...' - Hisoka Kurosaki : Yami no Matsuei
� Angel Dust - Nittle Grasper//Gravitation :: Angel Dust is one of the nicknames of a drug...which, i won't tell...the name sure is pretty though.... =) �

11 September 2003

I almost fell asleep during 6�History...We're doing review for unit test tomorrow, the room was dark, the AC wasn't working..I fought to stay awake... but ROBOTICS WAS FUN. not really the 'winning' that was fun, but rather the thinking, and the building part that's fun. Of course, the fact that the thing works is an addition too the fun factor. That sounded like sims.

i want that 'I failed today' sticker =)

i should really get studying...

e d i t / 8:39pm : wow. never realized Jordan Neri of 10th grade is actually Jordan Neri Jr, considering his dad, Mr. Neri of Physics, has the same name as him. =)

'If there's anywhere I would return to, it would be back to your side.' - Hisoka Kurosaki : Yami no Matsuei :: XD
� Yo Te Amo - Chayanne : Meteor Garden II OST :: Spanish [wow], and it's NOT a MGII original �
Waaaai! Yes, another entry about robotics. That's pretty much all that has been exciting other than endless homework. I still have hw, consider i only got home @ 6:30 and am eating. The teachers are all heartless...sorta. Anyways, very interesting robotics today. We first checked 'homework'�0 questions regarding chemistry, physic, history, technology, etc. It's hard...I only got 9/50 right without cheating and 38/50 cheating. bwaaa. Then we did the safety test...there were trick questions =T T;;;= Then lecture, then the design and build project [yay]!

we had to make something that would transport a ping-pong ball to a cup in the center of a 6ft diameter circle. We can't go in the circle[any part of out bodies either], cannot touch the ppball directly, all members [3 people] have to physically participate at all times, and can only use a certain amount of tape[5cm], paper clip[1], string[20cm?], paper[A4], and 4 rubber bands. No scissors. We have to design and build within 35minutes, and gets 2 rounds at trying. Whoever that fails gets a smiley face sticker that says 'I failed today'. I want that sticker...i mean, our group did fail once...

Most people just punctured 3 holes on the cup, got strings through it, and dropped the cup and ppb in the bigger cup. we tried using paper to build a 'bridge' to the cup and slide the ppb in the cup, but failed once. [NOTE: WE HAD A STRING ATTACHED TO THE PPB JUST IN CASE IT FALLS!!] then we tried again, it fell out, but Liz caught it by the string and saved it. we finally had to use the 'bridge' as a stick to guilde the string which the ball is attached to into the cup. we got lots of applause =) i still want the sticker.


'You are a blob. You have no individuality.' - B. Faustine : Aragon High School
� Bird - Shuichi Shindo//Tomokazu Seki : Gravitation Sound Story II �

28 August 2003

uhh...feel less useless in robotics today...[2nd half anyways]'learned' to use the saw, and was sanding those...wochaumcallits. =D not supposed to be using machines b'c haven't taken the safety test yet. oh well. the wachaumcallits are for the wheels for the 2k1-2k2 robot, i believe.

currently: stuffing oneself w/ doritos b'c one is not going to get dinner until 8, and i just came from robotics..and i'm starving to death hungry. [robotics from 3:30-6]

ahh, saw mars on night of aug 26, 2k3. more on that later when i upload pictures and do layout

'even if only one person trusted you, you're saved.' - Jin : Hunter x Hunter
� Dan Dan - Dragonball GT OST : DragonballGT//Zard : Opening, redone from Dragonball opening 'Dan Dan' �

27 August 2003

a side note added: saw clarence when going home... i waved, and he glared at me. =~ ~;;=

'As the twig is bent, so grows the tree...' - Doc Homer : Animal Dreams, Barbara Kingsolver
� Super Drive [Silent Beat Mix] - Gravitation TV OST : Gravitation : currently have ~10 seconds of it out of 1:40min XD �
alright. last week was cramming 4 chapters in 5 days. we went 1 chapter a day for ch 10, 11, & 12. very impressive progress. but i still have some more jap to do =^^;;=, eventhough it's 3 days into school now. ah, last weekend [aug 23, 24] i read both animal dreams and 1984. i'm proud, LoL.

currently tired.

i like animal dreams. mainly because of the scenery, jack, and loyd. in that order.

i should work on a layout...i was working a layout of Sai in Hikaru no Go, but when i'm very close to finishing, i realize i'm gonna have a hard time making it into a blog layout. it functions more as an 'updates' layout...yeah....i'll have to look for another image to edit now....XD

  1. English 3-4H, Daniel
  2. Physics 1-2, Neri
  3. Self-Guided PE 3-4, Flynn
  4. Pre-Calculus 1-2, Serrao
  5. Japanese 5-6, Miyamoto
  6. Sophmore History/World History/American History H, Trujillo

'Memory is a complicated thing, a relative to truth but not its twin.' - Codi : Animal Dreams, Barbara Kingsolver
� Honey : CardCaptor Sakura : track 19 �

08 August 2003

wow. haven't posted for 2 weeks. ano...because cousin came, i guess. eh. i just feel sort of like...'blah'...

ah. still have 1.8books to read, a whole yr of japanese 3-4 to cram, layouts to finish [hmm...yes, i've been doing that instead of studying], a manga to draw, among other junk. waaaah only about 11days until schooll....and i just finished chem too.... hi, i mean i finished chem on tuesday.

-[Yami no Matsuei]
-hisoka kurosaki
-asato tsuzuki
-seiichiro tatsumi
-yutaka watari
-tagare kurosaki

-[Hunter x Hunter]

-[Hikaru no Go]

-kamui shirou
-seiichiro aoki
-subaru sumeragi

-[CardCaptor Sakura]
-syaoran li
-Eriol Hiiragizawa
-Yukito Tukishiro

-[Count Cain]
-cain hargreves
-ralph riff

-daisuke niwa
-satoshi hiwatari

-Gourry Gabriev

-Ryuichi sakuma
-eiri yuki
-hiroshi nagano

-[Angel Santuary]
-Lucifer [aka Sakuya Kira]

-[Magic Knight Rayearth]


-[Hanazakari no Kimitachi e]
-Izumi Sano
-Shuichi Nataku
-Daiki Kayashima
-Minami Nanba

-[Dragonball Z][Cell Saga]
-Gohan [the blonde one =D]

-[Tsubasa:RESERVior CHroNiCLE]
-Syaoran [again!]
-Fye D. Flowright
-Kurogane [just because he gets made fun of by Fye and that he stares at food the same way mokona does]

-[Final Fantasy 7]
-Cloud Strife [he reminds me of one of the guys in Menkui XD]

-[Final Fantasy 8]
-Squall Leonhart

-[Kingdom Hearts]
-Cloud Strife
-Squall Leonhart

-that guy that looks like Cloud XD

really need to find a place to put it =) i'm such a...menkui...rofl.

[D E F I N I T I O N]
Menkui: literally means 'face-eater', used to describe a shallow person.

'To take the place of our rotten hearts,... all we do is shove 'sawdust' into our empty souls and pretend that we are alive...' - Sawdust : Stigma
� Hikari : Hikaru Utada//Kingdom Hearts �

15 July 2003

been reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. started @ sunday around 12:00am and finished yesterday around 9:00 pm. no, i slept, ate, went to CSM, did hw, and meetings....

btw, i found some potentially wrong grammer in HP5

btw, i'm MORTALLY CORRUPT! [self-proclaimed]

'I DOE YOU HAB!' - Neville Longbottom : HP5
� Hypnotic Distortion - Gravitation TV tracks : Gravitation : track 14 �

12 July 2003

third post of the day, but back from kat's party. it' went ok.

wow. i'm a supreme being on Kazaa [LoL] ... w/ 1000 participation points. hehe.

no quote. too late, had 2 today anyways.
� Hidamari - Amethyst no Hitomi : Yami no Matsuei �

'dare ga ikusa nado noso mouka...' - Kurikara-ryuuou : Yami no Matsuei
'who would hope for a war...?' - Dragon King Kurigara : Decendent of the Dark

� Reflection - Mulan : Manderine version �
i never knew Gravitation and Yami no Matsuei were liscenced~[YnM: DVD 1-4 $89.99, what a ripoff...but me want.] both are liscensed by RightStuf.

-[Yami no Matsuei]
-hisoka kurosaki
-asato tsuzuki-
seiichiro tatsumi
-yutaka watari
-tagare kurosaki

-[Hunter x Hunter]

-[Hikaru no Go]

-kamui shirou
-seiichiro aoki
-subaru sumeragi

-[CardCaptor Sakura]
-syaoran li

-[Count Cain]
-cain hagreves
-ralph riff

-daisuke niwa
-satoshi hiwatari

-Gourry Gabriev

-Ryuichi sakuma
-shuichi shindou
-eiri yuki
-hiroshi nagano

-[Angel Santuary]

-[Magic Knight Rayearth]

-Ran[?] [well his name means indigo...]

hmm..what was that, you ask? give you a hint, they are all male =) there will be more later.

'he's actually pretty cute when he's not talking...' '+stirrs in sleep+ ...mmm...stupid tsuzuki...' 'i take back what i just said.' - Tsuzuki & Hisoka : Yami no Matsuei
� Predilection - Gravitation Sound Story III : Nittle Grasper//Gravitation : Sung by Yamaguchi Kappei �

09 July 2003

Tomokazu Seki is also Shuichi Shindou from Gravitation =)

� Shining Collection - Gravitaion OVA : Nittle Grasper//Gravitation �
hm. was naturally high yesterday. don't know why. => >;=

anyways, i posted because of a very interesting quote i found in today's post in Lelola.net.

Tomokazu Seki is one of the four members of a group of singers called Weiss Kreuz [yes, them four are the seiyuu for the anime Weiss Kreuz]. He's also the voices behind countless characters such as Satoshi Hiwatari [D.N.Angel Drama CDs], Kamui [X], Touya Kinomoto [Cardcaptor Sakura], Chichiri [Fushigi Yuugi], Van [escaflowne], etc. having listened to his Satoshi & Touya voice, i'd have to say his voice is... yummy =9 i love his voice.
goto Pan-chan's Weiss Kreuz intro to Seki to know more. i think the middle picture is the Psychic Force thing...but just a guess =) go to her site�it's good w/ lots of info about various anime.

[D E F I N I T I O N S]
Seiyuu: Voice Actor/Actress

ah, and i -should- give an explaination of my credits system:
'[quote]' - [character] : [series/location of quote spoken]
� [current song name] - [Album] : [artist/series taken from]//[series taken from] : [further information about song] �

'My head is big.' - Tomokazu Seki : during a Psychic Force interview
� Love Me - Amethyst no Hitomi : The Hong Kong Knife//Yami no Matsuei : Yami no Matsuei ending �

27 June 2003

Lately I've been paying more attention to the debate whether fansubs are illegal. A few weeks ago there were posts in ANN showing evidence that Fansubs, though claimed to be OK if weren't licensed in North America, are completely illegal. However, today, according to Lelola.net, Anime Nation, and the link to the debate, shows both sides of the argument, and it is very interesting. Which side will you take?

personally, I agree with the fansubber's point of view, especially the fact that most companies do not make a quality dub/sub, and assuming the reason is because they are not fans themselves, only working for the money. Therefore, if they don't make a quality sub/dub that that are better than the fan-made ones, then why spent money on something that is worse than something you can get for free?
Also, one side note: the fansubbers/fandubbers do not make money, they do all the work [timing, subbing, translating, etc], because they want to, and they are pretty professional, if not better. Like manga scanlation, they put up good, accurate translations, while making side notes to readers if the translation is not as accurate as it can be.

Ah, just so everyone knows, Fanime Con uses fansubs =)

[D E F I N I T I O N S]
Anime: Japanese Animation
Manga: Japanese for 'Comics', widely used between western fans referring to japanese-styled comics.
Subs: short for subtitles.
Dubs: the translation from one language to another, re-doing the voices in the show.
Fansubs: Fan-made[ususally non-profit and volunteer work] subtitles; distribution method is share, not sell.
Fandubs: rare, but basically fans dubbing a show =)
Scanlation: the scanning and translating of a manga to another language onto the computer by fans, distributing online among fans.

-eh, no quote. tooo lazy =^^;;=-
� Daybreak - I am... : Ayumi Hamasaki �

26 June 2003

HOOOTT =OO;;= @ 16:05 in my resident, temperature is 35.1°C outside and 31.7°C outside [in the shade].

i'm...close to melting point, but not quite.

'I love him. That's why i believe that he can defeat his next apponent.' - Anna : Shaman King
again, bad and inaccurate translations out of the top of my head.
� Yellow Alert - The First Donuts : Trigun �

25 June 2003

um...more scattered random ideas.
† discovery of being puppets instead of having 'will' [seeing wires connected to ppl's arms, legs, etc]
† that fate is in control, but one thinks they are. like chess pieces in a chessboard. sacrifices are needed in order to accomplish a goal, a goal that the chess pieces are oblivious to.

oh, btw, i'm sorry if some of your comp does not support japanese display. please see translation below. [mainly because i'm bored from studying for Chem & Health & Jap => >;;=]

‡ The day before and friday was FANIME.CON. Me & Kitsune-Chan went to FANIME.CON. The day before, [I] spent $160 in one and a half hours. 'Used a lot of money', heh.(laugh) [I] bought CLAMP's Works, Yami no Matsuei in Japanese, etc. Therefore, [I] did not only buy mangas. FANIME.CON is cool. [I] will also go next year!! ‡

oh how primitive my japanese are! LoL. Ah, i should've also used {demo,..} (But,...), oh well. that only means i have to write more. oh. forgot to mention. on Friday i saw a very good Vash, from now on would be known as Vash #1. Tall, long spiky hair, perfect red coat, boots, everything. All except the coat color and the fact that he has braces. But that can't be helped, can it? (laugh) There was also another Vash, from now on would be known as Vash #2, present @ the Fanime Con. he is about 5'8" [not a good Vash height], coat color too dull, hair not long enough,and has a suitcase [VASH DOES NOT CARRY A SUITCASE AROUND]. But he was present on both Fri and Sat, and has Millie & Wolfwood w/ him, so he gets some points back from that. =D [BTW, a lot of people were Wolfwood]

It's OK if you didn't understand what that last paragraph is about...since i don't think the population watches Trigun and passed/in Jap 3-4 =^^;;=.


ugh. i'll figure out something´need to improve/learn CG skills, scanner quality, and my drawings => >;;=

'...and it took them 200 years before they are happily smashing up atoms. ' - Lawrence, Y. : Chemistry 192DX Lecture :: College of San Mateo
[yes, i'm running out of quotes. i should start re-reading my mangas to find quotes that everyone would understand]
� Sleepless Beauty Sacred Beauty Air Mix - Gravitation TV Tracks : Gravitation �

23 June 2003


well.. -that- took me forever. (see above). yes, i've been saying it in english too much, so i thought i'd give it a shot in Japanese. LoL. Anyways, got 5 needles poked into me arms today; on the left are the TB skin test & Hep A shots, and on the right are blood test, Td [i think they are the ones that prevent -spasms- in muscles if you got cut and that kind of disease got in. something like that. anyone know?], and Rubella [more commonly known as German Measles]. so. got holes all over my arms. => >;;= and i think it gave me this headache too. ugh. i feel like fainting.

yay! got a VREY vague idea for our manga! something about thinking you're in control but actually controlled, like chessboard & chess pieces. <--vague, isn't it? so we still need a strory plot/line. hopefully i can get that out by mid-july.

more later. perhaps. i still have to read Unit A for chem, do the evauation for lab 4, read the health chapters, and write about my day in japanese. probably all by tomorrow, weds, thurs, and friday respectively. JOY.

'so it's a favor when i listen, and it's an order when i'm not, Tsuzuki?!' - Souryuu : Yami no Matsuei [bad trans; somewhere along that line =^^;;=]
� Affectionate Time - Image Album vol.3 : Gensomaden Saiyuki �

16 June 2003


+laughs+ i really do. yes, i get excited/high when when the name is mentioned. |D LoL anyways. something i thought was interesting:
Standard Yaoi Pervert
The standard Yaoi Pervert
You probably favour Tsu/Hi, 'cause they have TWO
VUW!!!!! You may blush while reading smut.

What type of Yami no Matsuei pervert are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

hehe. yes. imma yaoi pervert and imma PROUD of it XD hey, it's better than 3-some, hentai, or peeping tom [3 of the worst results in my opinion]=^^;;= really don't wanna...umm...see/like '3-some', really. uhh...not going to talk about that here...

oh, a note. for any names i will mention in [first-last] format, even in languages that supposedly use [last-first] format cuz this is in english =)

'Even if there's only one person that would trust you, you're saved' - Jin Freaks : Hunter x Hunter
� Addicted to you - Distance : Hikki Utada �

aaand.... never thought scheduling/planning can be so stressful. [health, chem, jap, and fanimecon2k3 all in 3 hrs] aaargh. well. i -was- stressed. still am, actually. oh well. this really don't belong here though...should be in R O A R instead...

By the way, i think i've gotten over my 'allergy' to Somewhere Out There. <=)

'and even though I know how very far apart we are, it helped to think we might be wishing on the same bright star' - Somewhere Out There : An American Tail
� Drops of Jupiter - Drops of Jupiter : Train �

12 June 2003


honestly, why do i cry when i listen to Somewhere out there...especially when i try to sing it? +tearful+ really, i have tears as i type =; ;= do i miss someone or something or...?

'Ku-ro--ga-ne?' - Fye Flowright : Tsubasa RC
� i should explain this: the person Fye's Teasing is Kurogane, and when said as 'Kuro, ga ne', it means 'Kuro[black], isn't it?' because Fye calls Kurogane 'Kuro-chan[Blackie]' and Kuro-chan hates it =^^= �
� In the Moonlight : Gravitation OVA �
Fwee�d'l-ed Chobits Artbook, .hack booklet thingy from newtype, finished Yami no Matsuei ep 9 on kazaa [FINALLY], a few new AMV of Gravitation [the Somewhere out there one made me cry], and some new chap/vol of manga. i'm so easily satisfied. Now i want to see the whole gravition anime & OVA, the whole YnM anime, OWN all YnM manga [still continuing tho], own all D.N.Angel, own all X/1999[maaaybe?], read all Gravitation, see all Trigun, and....i still want Animatrix. haven't gone to costco yet so haven't bought it.

from ANN, fansubs are actually illeagal, but so are many other stuff, y'know. +shrugs+ who knows, i might get arrested one day for doing all these illeagal activities. ME WANT GRAVITATION AND YAMI NO MATSUEI! [yesh, they both are BL/shounen-ai]

+looks around+whispers+ i should've never read Gravitation Remix ch1 =oO;= now one is tainted. [this is what hardcore yaoi does to fangirl XD] +a dialogue flashes through her memory+ =OO;= i better go...really.

'I've always thought you were no mere mortal, but I've never though you were a cat...wait, what the hell am i saying?!' - Nicholas D. Wolfwood : Trigun ['you' referring to Vash after he 'turned into' kuroneko-sama AKA leaving the bill to wolfwood]
� Sound Life : Trigun � [not sure if it's from 1st donuts or 2nd donut happy pack]

09 June 2003

i'm such a simple creature. i was feeling sort of unenergized today...don't know why. but then i finally got arnie to respond [b'c i sent him an email about summerschool...] and i became happy--! i like talking to him |D yes yes, i'm a easily satisfied and simple creature.
yet i'm not.

so which am i? =oO;= hahaha. i'm so weeeird.

Been too bored, methinks. Taking too many online quizzes such as ones from Emode.com and Quizilla.com. i'll put some results in here:

What Flavor Are You?Mmm ... mocha! Strong and rich �but not too sweet �you're the flavor of late nights and early mornings. A coffeehouse regular, you've cornered the market on deep thoughts and probably have a little more than your fair share of brains. In fact, those who know you may even consider you an intellectual, a label that suits you just fine. Deep and thoughtful, you love the academic life �or at least the structured pursuit of nowledge. And, since hitting the books often means all-nighters, what better flavor than mocha to keep you company? Chocolaty and intense, you're a truly tasty treat.

perhaps later i will make images to go along with it or whatever. for now though, that's all you get XD

'God...not even my crown or my big chair.../felt as real as the warmth of that hand.' - Metatron : Angel Sanctuary
� Single Women : Anita Mui/Sammi Cheng �
YAAAY-- it was actually yesterday, but i've pestered my parents enough to buy me Animatrix. [oh, not that i can't pay for it myself, just don't wanna spent $$ on it]

today: S I C K O F P O P C O R N [went to see Finding Nemo, jamba juice, dukaru, etc] bought letter paper and fountain pen and yummy gum.

tried gel-ing my hair today. never thought gel was so sticky and annoying and hard to use. anyways, it made my hair messed and weird =~ ~;= hehe. i should really start doing something CONSTRUCTIVE. all i've really been doing is drawing/reading manga/online/listening to songs/eat. i really should.

'Wake up, YukI~! I'm gonna eat you if you don't~!' - Shuuichi : Gravitation
� Sasuraibito : Zoids Shinseiki/ZERO �

06 June 2003

now i wonder if that entry was too long. i pressed post on the last one and it worked. bloody curses, and i spent hours writing that too.

� Foreigners - .hack//SIGN OST 1 : .hack//SIGN �
curse it. i'm so mad.
shit. i think my lecture on the wastefulness of people that i experienced today is all gone. shit. i just clicked 'post' and not 'post and publish' and poof. it's gone. i can't even figure out where that 'lecture' went either. curse that bloody...ok. yeah, i'm mad.

� current song: Interlude - .hack//SIGN OST 1 : .hack//SIGN �

31 May 2003

well. you'd think i forgot about the blog again. well. i didn't. anyways, finals are comming, and monday is PE & English, so i'm hoping i'm not going to do bad b'c i really need the good grade to get an A. Today, i passed Dynamite Rave on Trick. I'm so proud [though my friends can do it loooong ago].

woke up, ate, studied.
went to Wing's, DDR, ate, DDR, ate.
walk, scooter, bike, walked, tagged, walked, ate [LOTS OF WATERMELON & WATER], DDR, came home, tried to play Ragnarok ONline [GARHH!! IT WOULDN"T WORK!!], and then this.

lots of exercise today.

that's all

[current song: Pale Ale - Hunter x Hunter OVA opening]

21 May 2003

kyyaa--! new CLAMP series!! CONTINUATION OF CCS?!?!
yup. published in Young Shounen Magazine, 1st ch. is published today. KYYAAAA-- features Syaoran & Sakura [whee--!] [can't you tell i'm -excited-?] i want a copy...though i don't understand enough japanese to read it... more info: CLAMP-NET and Shonen Magazine

oh. oops. you still don't know the title, huh?

it's Tsubasa - RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE!!

SUGOI!!+skips about and sings+


[current album/song on play: Earth Girl Arujuna OST; Be My Angel - Angelic Layer]
alright. so i lied about posting again the next day. i wasn't too interested to talk about that anyways. who would care?

scary thing ahead!!

Something semi-interesting event came up: a bright orange koffbirthcontrolkoff showed up near Kit & Kat's locker, [heeey, i never realized that Kitsune and Katherine makes KitKat!! anyways...], and bobo purposely showed me & Kat the bright orange thing[b'c we went to their locker after they discovered it]. well...the problem is that kat mistaken it as a deflated balloon.
bobo: +rofl+
Kitsu: ...
me: +suprised+
Kat: +doesn't get bobo's reactions+
me: +tells kat it's a good thing she does know, she doesn't need to know, and to ignore bobo+
it doesn't quite end here. when we were at the parking lot [waiting for ride], bobo brings out 'the issue out again' and starts explaining the function of it, trying to into details. glad we stopped him long enough for dad to come...[wait, he was still talking about it even after getting in the car. but then i told him not to =^^;=]so, CONCLUSION: If Kat ever have -tainted- thoughts, it's all Bobo's fault!

on an unrelated issue, it started today; that means i gotta run in the hot sun instead of swimming in PE...+mooou+
[mou is an equivelant to +whine+]

16 May 2003

i am a clumsy, clumsy taro.

am i a little -addicted- to this? anyways, i just thought that this would be my first actual entry on the blog. it's about yesterday. i went ice skating-- it's a 6-week course, sort of funded by the community thing, so it's $50 include entry and skate rentals....anyways. yesterday was my 4th lesson. the main point is, while attempting backward swivels @ about 8:40pm [practice time], i fell on my bottom. hard. i sort of twisted to my left side, so now my left bottom hurts. i hope i didn't crack/damage the end of my spine.

another thing. that morning i scraped my hand against the side of the pool when testing for backstroke. it stings. so now my right hand is the only limb not injured. great. i'm a clumsy, clumsy taro, and that's why i get hurt easily while doing sports.

tomorrow [in 3hrs] i'm going to 'gather abalone'. more muscle-stressing work. [wow i've been excercising a lot this week!] more on that tomorrow. need to take shower, wash swimsuit [or at least dry it], and sleep.

nemasu / neru
i'm such an indecisive girl....this is my xth time comming back to edit my 1st post, but i decided against it =9 anyways, mainly just to say that i'll prob'ly change the layout once i figure out where everything is, since this layout is so...commerical. well...that'd have to come after staring and looking at other blogs =^^;=
ok, i'm throughly lost. hopefully i can delete this post later when i figure out everything. +cackles+

RINKU DESU [to manganews.net]

wow. subconsciously i went for a blog. i wasn't even tempted by all the 'xangas' floating arounf AIM profiles, LoL [which reminds me of our 'sub-profile' phrase]. yeah, perhaps a blog to ramble on is fitting since i always talk to myself anyways. hmm...maybe i should actually work on a website during summer. whee. learn the codings and tables and flash [=oO;= seems so complicated] and php and stuff. yeah. hmmm. i should start my scanlating job for DGT Tranz. i'm supposed to be a freelance translator...but...things happen and i've never read their their current 'regular project'...

nyoo--?! i rambled again.