31 March 2004

WHEW! Finally done with my essay. Next is...an apparently longer spring break which will turn into a bombardment of make-up work. Wow. The 3-hour sleep is finally beginning to take effect. Thank my father for letting me sleep in and took my cousin to CSM first, so I don't have to wake up at 07:15, since it's a late-start Wednesday.

Must make the scone dough tonight so I can wake up early [if that's ever possible] and bring fresh-baked scones to school for breakfast...at 06:30...to bring to the Sillicon Valley Regional...to eat...

WOW. I got 6 subscriptions to my Xanga that I'll probably never update. I am so proud. And just talked to Razuki-hime. Wh00t. Go fellow kaka-obsessors.

By the way, my final title for my essay is 'Of Fruit Pies and Gentleman', which, if all goes well, will be a section in my soon-to-come site X)

'That is MY way of Ninja. ' - Uzumaki Naruto : Naruto

Finale - L'arc en Ciel
Okay, so I lied, as always [about last post]. But anyways, I just finished my Great Expectations Essay, which I wrote about Fruit Pies and Gentleman. Tomorrow [or today], I must go around to ask for Thursday's assignment, for I will be at the F.I.R.S.T Sillicon Valley Regional. Supposedly I am to be present at the games on all three days: Thursday to Saturday, but I am thinking of getting there after 2�on friday, considering my parents are worried about missing 2 days of school [which shouldn't be a problem on friday because half the school will be gone anyways], and my worse classes are in the first 2 periods. I will talk to my parents about that. My essay is 107 words over the limit, dammit. Oh well. I hope he doesn't mind reading just a little more...

29 March 2004

LoL. It's brunch right now and I'm currently in the library. Wh00T. In Physics we were looking at those magic eye stuff for the last 15mins of class and now, being used to looking at things off-focus, I can't read properly unless I focus XD

Brunch bell just ringed. More later.

27 March 2004

It seems like Ragnarok is going to have their own animation. Wow. First manga, then game, now movie =~ ~;;=
View Trailer [it's the green arrows]

Bleh. I've been trying to do homework but appearently I've only been reading Naruto. How interesting...We don't know Iruka's age or his whole name...we don't even know if 'Iruka' is a first or last name...he's even more mysterious than Kakashi and what his lower part of his face looks like...LoL.

'Today I got lost on the road of life.' - Hatake, Kakashi : Naruto

Sadness & Sorrow - Toshiro Masuda//Naruto : Naruto OST 1 :: If by now no one can guess what I've been listening, then the world will end.

26 March 2004

Perhaps I'm blogging even more because I'm encouraged to do so from Rasuki-Hime =D

Interesting, go take a look. It's Saiyuki RELOAD GunLock, the third season of Gesoumaden Saiyuki. I'm suprised that it's still going on [perhaps it's the fangirls, you'll never know], but I'm upset on how Minekura-sensei switched the personalities of Hakkai [supposedly the perverted womenizer] and Gojyo [the faithful water spirit]. It really bothers me. Maybe it's because I read the novel in which this is based, The Journey to the West. Oh well, too late to change now =P

Naruto 76, ANBU & Anime One version, is out and downloading. The next 2-3-4 episodes will be good, especially at the end of Naruto & Gaara's fight. I know. I've read the manga. I'm seriously obsessed with Naruto & One Piece & HikaGo. Maybe a little unhealthy-ly obsessed. Wh00t. Go Kaka' and 'Kira and Sanji and Zoro and Iru and Sasuke and Shikamaru and Naruto and that guy and that guy and...+trails off+

Currently trying to find Naruto fanart.

'Now I understand why this guy is so strong; he has comrades he cares for.' - Gaara : Naruto

Kakashi's Theme & Go Go Naruto! - Toshiro Masuda//Naruto : Naruto OST 1 :: Guess what I've been listening all afternoon/night =D

25 March 2004

AHH! I'm updating like CLAMP now! But I'm even worse because I'm only one person and CLAMP's 4 =oO;;=

Anyways, I'm addicted to Hakate Kakashi...I mean the series Naruto now. Because when I read, 'A 17 year old Kakashi will be making an appearance ...in a flashback when the team goes to a place that Hatake Kakashi knows from his work as an ANBU when he was a teenager,' I was like, 'YES! XD'

=~ ~;;=
Hmm...I hate to say it this way, but Aragon HAS gotten much publicity because of Mr. Andrew Dang. Ah, Diana Fraser was on TV, and Yu-Loung Chang & Larry Wang were in the Newspaper.
WAAAAI~! So Happy! Someone found my blog other than someone I know at school! ALL HAIL RAZUKI-HIME~

guess who hasn't been doing homework like she's supposed to.

Waah? Mokona is a GIRL?! Here. And here, LoL.

CLAMP updates even more than I do. And I forgot to wish Touya nii-chan from Card Captor Sakura a Happy Birthday on 20040229. Wow. The comming April 1st will be CLAMP's fifteenth anniversary.

Updated side column.

24 March 2004

OOH. I must admit that i need to move One Piece and Naruto further up my list...and drop some other anime/manga like Angel Sanctuary...because although it's great, it's...not good enough =D

EDIT: Xanga skins are horribly easy to steal, even if one doesn't have premium.
I was looking at other people's Xanga sites, and it bothers me how they use background images that lowers their entry readability. Do they really want people to read them anyways? hmm. Maybe, if I have time [which I don't, usually], I'll make Xanga and Blogger layouts for people to use =D Haha. Thinking big, I am.

Yeah, just in case there's someone out there that actually read this remote blog AND didn't catch my tone, I have a headache and I still have a ton of work to do. I need to release my pressure and anger, dammit.

Now it is really bothering me, the background images that renders the font unreadable, that is.

Yeah, I'm being irritable. Yeah, everything is hitting me at the same time. That includes MSs and Essays and Big Homework Assignments and Sickness and Social Issues and Projects. Why do my estrogen HAVE to lower at this time. It's early, I think. Numbsulls, If You Are Still Reading This, You Either Have A Scary Level of Tolerance, A Scary Level of Curiosity of My Life, or That You Are Very Bored. By The Way, I will be sorry about what I said tomorrow, and perhaps delete it, but not now. And Why the hell am I wasting my time whining about having too much work? dammit.
We watched PANDEMIC today in History. It was kinda sad. Some People cried. I copied down 2 quotes. I have much homework to do today.

'I have to fight the desire to cry in self-pity. You can't cry and do something at the same time.' - Sergei, HIV+ IDU

Confrontment - Toshiro Masuda//Naruto : Naruto OST II :: Well, guess what soundtrack I've been listening to for the past to days; you get 3 chances and 2 of them doesn't count.

23 March 2004

I tweaked minor things, and I believe I'll need to make the Blogging space [the column you're reading] wider...I dunno.


But I'll definately work on Sancta over spring break =D

sore ha[wa] yakusoku da yo! That's a promise!
Well. Andrew Dang, 2002 Aragon HS graduate, died on Sunday, March 21, 2k4, at 12 midnight in Iraq while on a humvee patrol. I don't know him or his brother [a HS senior] personally, but I do know of his duty from the ART eGroup. It is sad how such a pointless war killed so many. We should tell the people who wants the war to go fight the war, especially our smart, intelligent, and selfless President Potato bush [no, he doesn't deserve to be capitalized =D] to be on the frontline. Then we'll see if he would like to continue the 'war against terrorism' or not.

Honestly, I'm not easily saddened by someone dying. I don't know why, but even when the grandpa on my mother's side, whom I'm quite close to, considering I lived with him for at least 10 years, died, it only felt like 'I'll miss him because I'll never see him again', and it's true. Yes, I cried, but only for half an hour. Even at the funeral...I feel indifferent. People can say I'm heartless, but I prefer to say that I don't see death as a big deal.

I'd like to continue, but that only means going into the mysteries of my belief, and to most people, I guess, is not that much more [if any] interesting than my daily life blather.

By the way, I'm still sick, and I skipped machenical-tics because of that.

'Rest in Peace my brother, Andrew Dang. 03/21/04 - He died for this country and with honor. I will do everything I can to make you proud.' - Anthony Dang : brother of Andrew Dang

Music: Afternoon of Konoha - Toshiro Masuda//Naruto : Naruto OST II :: Uh, I really don't think listening to such happy music is the right feel for what I wrote...

NOTE: Just for those who just didn't get it, the description about our current president is SARCASM and machanical-tics is robotics.

22 March 2004

Okay, that was ' I finished Gunslinger Girl. But, I didn't study for history or work on my English essay.' Yeah, I'm so proud that I had to put that in Japanese...or tried to.

Anyways. I am sick and Life is Hell. My nose is stuffy and runny and it hurts, my throat hurts, I kept sneezing etc etc. UGH. I hate this. BUT, Claes is so cool =D she's my hero, LoL.

21 March 2004

I am sick. I have a sore throat. My nose is runny. All since I woke up at 11:30am.

'And moreover, I know the happiness of spending meaningless time. That is something, maybe my father, taught me a long time ago. That is what I feel.' - Claes : Gunslinger Girl

20 March 2004

My cat threw up 15minutes ago on the plastic sheet over the DDR pad. We tried cleaning the mess up with sand, but the brand we're using is not as effective as the brand we were using last time he threw up, so we ended up wiping the floor and plastic sheet up with kitty shampoo. It was funny, though, because as we thought we did a good job wiping the vomit off, my kitty, Byakko, came and started to try burying the traces of vomit off with sand...except there was no sand. So I wiped the floor again, asked Byakko to test, failed [he was pawing at the title floor again], and wiped again, and he smelled the floor and walked away. SUCCESS!

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I think I pulled my right neck muscle while trying to get the litter container. my neck hurts. =x__0=
Okay. I burned around 50 episodes of Naruto, and I believe that I'll soon run out of CD-RWs if I keep this up [which I will].

Things left to burn:
- All of Witch Hunter Robin [26]
- All of Hunter x Hunter [around 80 with the OVAs =oO;;=]
- All of Matantei Loki Ragnarok [26; or not...dunno, I don't really like this series]
- HikaGo 2004 New Year Special [the smaller version]
- Gunslinger Girl [13 when I finish downloading]
- Completed Manga
- eep. there's actually more...

Anyways. I was reading over the Naruto manga where ep 75 left off, and in ch142 & 143, Uchiha Itachi & Kakashi Hatake's conversation hints that Naruto will be the 5th Hokage, the Isan to the 4th.

Hatake: You're looking for Sasuke[Itachi's little bro], aren't you?
Itachi: No...We are after the forth Hokage Isan...[in a frame w/ Naruto eating ramen next to Jiraiya]
Hatake: the Forth's Isan, you say...[Hakate's thoughts]Naruto, huh
Is it a miskate from the Scanlators? from the Editor? I guess we'll find out in time, eh? This is a little questionable since the emergency council appointed Jiraiya to be the Fifth Hokage, but in Jiraiya's [the open pervert/pervert senin, as naruto calls him] refusal, he promises to bring back Tsunade to be the Fifth. Hmm...I'm so confused =@ @;;=

Well. That was some anime talk =D

'Why Why WhY! Why do I have to go on a trip with a pervert senin! Why should I go? And what for!?' - Naruto
: ch 144 ::boy, isn't Naruto annoying...but apprently he's the most popular character...

Music: Morgana : Kaijiura Yuki//.hack//SIGN Extra soundtracks

Isan: the successor/inheritor/lineage
Senin: hermit

19 March 2004

Tihs is cool:

The phaomnneil pweor of the hmuan mnid.

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

isn't it?

18 March 2004

Whoa. Death Note, a rather new series by Ooba Tsugumi and Obata Takeshi [he drew HikaGo!] is a very intriguing series.
Death Note is a notebook in which Shinigami, or god of death, carries around. Whoever's name written in it will die of a heart attack, if no other cause of death is written in. One particular forgetful [or bored?] shinigami left his Death Note in the human world, and just so happens that a 17-year-old genius student picks it up. Now he has the power to kill anyone, and he has begun exercising his 'justice' of cleansing the world...

Okay, so this is a rather corny summary that I threw together just now. But it is a good series... =* *=

Alright should go do hw now...

'Wouldn't YOU like to know the results?' - Kagami Taro, Death Note Ch 0, the pilot

Music: eX Dream - Myuji(V)Julian Lewis(L)//X TV

17 March 2004

Whether I'm getting fat and lazy or that I've been disappointing myself in academic and social aspects, I don't know. I, I, I. Three 'I's in the first sentence and 7 counting this one. Or maybe I'm just...mentally tired. Refusing to think. There, 8 'I's, nevermind, make that nine.

I've been thinking of do this for some time, and perhaps if I started now, it'd be finished by senior year.
My plan: to make several password-protected page dedicated to people that I want to give a shout-out to, but unable to due to various reasons. Why not e-mail, one would ask? It's a form of indirect message, for another may never look at it, but at least one would've said what one wanted to say, one would answer. Confusing sentence? That may very well be one's purpose...

Okay. One will admit that one is a little depressed.

One is becomming more anti-social by the day, one thinks.

There are such intellegent people in this world.

'I would not know love if it wore a nametag and hit me on the head with a mallet'

Music: Assembly of Kusanagi [the making of a cyborg] - Ghost in the Shell
I've encounter some problems, but I did the splash page for a new site I'll be working on, and it's on the 'site' section. But it only has a splash page that has a loop link =D

By the way, the some of the text is draggable on that page.

15 March 2004

Ugh, I don't think I should ever eat fast food again, ever. We went to Burger King for lunch, and I'm still not hungry since this afternoon.

'Proper Care and Feeding for Husbands' - Some random medicine box
Music: Principlles of Lust - Enigma

14 March 2004

Wow. I haven't been on RO for a week. I wanna play. =P
No, it's not that I have nothing special going not but rather no time to write.

Friday: garris knocked me down while playing indoor soccer and I rolled over =P

Saturday: Out most of the time because people coming to repaint the outside of our house; went to Golden Gate Park and Ocean Beach. I was at a horrible mood because of the clamoring outside @ 08:00 [I slept at 2am without showering in the LOWER bunk--the sofa bed-- the night before and it wasn't very comfortable] and not being able to stay at home infront of my computer and 'accomplish' things I want to be done i.e. watching anime, downloading, look at good-tutorials.com, potentially work on website, play on photoshop, RO, try another RO server, and finish cleaning up my room [which has to be done before I do any of the above]. But I got happier after playing at the beach. I was so close to finish making a lizard before a wave came in and almost got me wet. O______o

Sunday [today]: slept until 11:00, for I did not go to sleep until 02:30 [was watching Monsters Inc. and some chinese movie]. Then went to eat brunch. The house stinked because they were painting the bathroom too. Amy & Patrick came while I was cleaning up, and they played Off Road Fury 2 while I finish cleaning up, and went to play w/ them [and DDR] until like...18:30.

I almost forgot that it's minimum day tomorrow and completely forgot that history is not due until tuesday. So my math hw is not done. Amy saves the day again! All Hail Kitsune!

Maybe I should, sometime, make a website. While going through my old drawings [ewww!] I found a layout that I planned about 4 months ago.

I want to go to Japan Town to buy more copic pens and manga =D

'As ever, you are my rival, Kakashi! But this time, you will not win! You will not take Iruka from me!' - Gai : Love is the Strongest Energy//Naruto Fanfiction :: +ROFL+ this is the most hillarious thing i've ever read. And it doesn't really matter whether it involves homosexual relationship or not. If one knows the series, it's funny XD too bad the ending is not very exciting.
� Sanctus - Angel Sanctuary OST �

11 March 2004

Meh. We stopped buying milk because of the Mad Cow disease, bovine
spongiform encephalopathy
, or BSE, so now, in the absence of juice, soy milk, and milk, I'm living on Pepsi and Mountain Dews [and water] for my liquid intake. I have Dr. Peppers too, but I don't like them. EDIT (18:05:13): I found the Offical Mad Cow Disease Homepage, how interesting.

Just back from robotics and should really do my homework, but am not.

I have been sleeping ~8:30 hrs lately eventhough it's only for the last 2 nights, but it doesn't seem like my headache is going away.

I have been also trying to draw this HikaGo fanfiction, but realized how defective I am, for I've barely drawn 2 pages. [that particular story is around 80-100 pages, typed.] So maybe my goal to draw it is a little far away.

I'm downloading more than I have time to see/watch/listen/read.

09 March 2004





08 March 2004

I re-watched the Hikaru no Go 2004 special [the one subbed by AJ...my other one was subbed by AnoE] and am wishing that they would make the rest of the Hokutohai Arc, even IF the ending to the manga was rash. [Maybe they can make it even loooooooonger =D]

Dying to get my hands on lyrics of Everlasting Snow.

If I look deeply into your eyes, I soon warms up, trusing the words written on the mirror.

Right now, midist of this falling snow, I am searching alone for you.

All these couples walking around town, they seem blessed, don't they?

My heart becomes pained, as they are like us back then.

In those loney nights, I want to hear your voice.

I can feel you even on those days I cried.

It was no coincidence that we met.

I was able to overcome everything, because you were there for me....
- Everlasting Snow : Hikaru no Go

� Everlasting Snow - Dream & BOUNCEBACK//Hikaru no Go 2004 New Year's Special : Ending :: heh, I was listening to this because I was trying to translate the lyrics myself, but instead taking most of the translations from the AonE version instead. Maybe oneday I'll actually, truely, understand the lyrics =D �
Yesterday I went hiking, and got hyper after/during hiking. Either it's because I rested next to a huge redwood right before, or because I drank Pepsi on the way there.

06 March 2004

Today's such a nice day.

The perfect day to be comfortably lazy.

Good day to be replying my friend's letters and mails.

But I'm lazy.
It was the club Expo on Thursday, and I was there to help. What was their problem to tell the clubs to start setting up at 5:30pm while the parents are not going to come until 8:30pm?!

Also, I changed several minor things on this blog. Including which sever I play RO on =D

'As to what I dare, I'm a old bird now, as has dared all manner of traps since first he was fledged, and I'm not afeerd to perch upon a scarecrow. If there's death hid inside of it, there is, and let him come out, and I'll face him, and then I'll believe in him and not afore.' - Abel Magwitch : Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
� The Starry Sky - HAL �

03 March 2004

OOH. I'm obsessed with Ragnarok Online.

AND, some interesting article regarding finding evidence of water once flowing in Mars was found by Mr. Yim and was posted on the ART eGroups...the link is somewhere around this paragraph =P

Whoo I only had math homework today, and just because I didn't want to do it in class too...I should've did my math in class...

Yesterday was a leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeap year! And year 2000 didn't have a leap year because of the setback that happens only once every 400 years!!!! Aren't we lucky to be living in this era/century, with all the millennium things and black hole proof and stuff =)

By the Way, today is hinamatsuri, or dolls festival, and we made a pair of origami dolls today in Japanese. Girls got to steal the guy's emperor doll to take home =P This is the first time that I noticed that we have the same amount of female and male students not including our TA.