14 March 2004

No, it's not that I have nothing special going not but rather no time to write.

Friday: garris knocked me down while playing indoor soccer and I rolled over =P

Saturday: Out most of the time because people coming to repaint the outside of our house; went to Golden Gate Park and Ocean Beach. I was at a horrible mood because of the clamoring outside @ 08:00 [I slept at 2am without showering in the LOWER bunk--the sofa bed-- the night before and it wasn't very comfortable] and not being able to stay at home infront of my computer and 'accomplish' things I want to be done i.e. watching anime, downloading, look at good-tutorials.com, potentially work on website, play on photoshop, RO, try another RO server, and finish cleaning up my room [which has to be done before I do any of the above]. But I got happier after playing at the beach. I was so close to finish making a lizard before a wave came in and almost got me wet. O______o

Sunday [today]: slept until 11:00, for I did not go to sleep until 02:30 [was watching Monsters Inc. and some chinese movie]. Then went to eat brunch. The house stinked because they were painting the bathroom too. Amy & Patrick came while I was cleaning up, and they played Off Road Fury 2 while I finish cleaning up, and went to play w/ them [and DDR] until like...18:30.

I almost forgot that it's minimum day tomorrow and completely forgot that history is not due until tuesday. So my math hw is not done. Amy saves the day again! All Hail Kitsune!

Maybe I should, sometime, make a website. While going through my old drawings [ewww!] I found a layout that I planned about 4 months ago.

I want to go to Japan Town to buy more copic pens and manga =D

'As ever, you are my rival, Kakashi! But this time, you will not win! You will not take Iruka from me!' - Gai : Love is the Strongest Energy//Naruto Fanfiction :: +ROFL+ this is the most hillarious thing i've ever read. And it doesn't really matter whether it involves homosexual relationship or not. If one knows the series, it's funny XD too bad the ending is not very exciting.
� Sanctus - Angel Sanctuary OST �

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