26 September 2004

Scared...and Scarred.

I was randomly blog-surfing (Bad Bernice! Sit! Stay!) and came across a blog whose posts are repeated in groups of three...and they are all advertisements for a penis extender...then the next is one blog by the name of jackpeterson4402, who has an unhealthy obsession with Grannys. What happened to the blogs of poets and writers that I saw when I just began to surg blogs? It is a sign for me to stop blog-surfing?

(GASP!) I want to go to the NARUTO Matsuri! (NARUTO festival)

Oh, I have more to rant...I just need to do homework...really. [And I found out who got 1000, yay! Remind me to say something about that, ya?

I want to put a quote here...but that'd take time...

Larry: You're really bored, aren't you...[more later]

232, Jesus, and Sin

I meant to post last night...I mean this morning, but I was too tired. Anyways, I would like to start with commenting about Sasuke's Wing-Limb thingys on his level two drugs Curse Seal. They look like evil versions of duck legs...on his back, to boot. Then his lipstick...

Last night I watched Passion of the Christ. Yes, it was sickening, as I did have to wince. But it's not the blood and gore that made me narrow my eyes in disgust. It was the laughing soldiers, taking joy in beating another human being; it was the mob, choosing a renouned murderer over a leader of a growing crowd. Speaking Aramaic and Latin throughout the flim was great, James Caviezel [Jesus]'s light brown contacts made his eyes almost red, Lucas Lionello [Judas] is the choice dubber for Tom Cruise and Michael J. Fox, and the soundtrack is awsome. Um, yeah, I speak from a non-religious, not-bible-knowing point of view =_=;;

I thought I was going to finishing FFX agaiN! Yet I did not. Yesterday I spent around seven hours on it...I'll probably go on treasure-hunting next week, then level up a bit =)

Shiro has been mistaken for a girl. How cute.


I will rant about my cousins when I come back.

Music: The Passion of The Christ soundtrack teasers [marwgh! must go find the whole thing!]

Anonymous-san 1: Yes, I know it's you. But just who ARE you?
Anonymous-san 2: Oh. Sorry for leaning towards the dark side for the past few entries.

(a night during the build period of robotics, student parking lot)
Adriana: Bernice, come to the light! (beckons PcBY to join Al and her under the dim, yellow light of a ligh tpole.)
PcBY: No! Who needs light when there's darkness?!

25 September 2004


It was wishful thinking on my part to believe that I got to the end of FFX that kept me up to this ungodly hour. It turns out that there's much more to go. But at the same time, I love the story even more. Wow! my Rikku can attack with 2000+ damage [to Besaid creatures that gives 6 exp points rather than 9000 that I've been fighting]!

'Without hope, the people of Spira will drown themselves in sorrow...' - Yunalesca : Final Fantasy X :: Yunalesca is scary o__O;; That big, evil head of hers is frightening...

23 September 2004

R-Ants: Miniscule, Profuse, Biting, Itching, Just Wanting to be Noticed.

Last night a black cat passed by our back door and was intrigued by our cat's attempt to chase him off his territory by speaking human, so it perched right outside of the back door, in Byakko's face and much to my hormone-overflowing cat's enmity.

NARUTO Chapter 232 was...like 231, but a tad more interesting, seeing their 'signature' attacks [which are not their invention] deviating. I still think Naruto's tail and ears are cool *_* Episode 102 had deformed faces—clearly something not based on Kishimoto-sensei's sketches. It was very obvious that it's a filler and undoubtedly implausible [either that or Tsunade's crazy]. Sasuke showing off his skills was funny, but strange that he went shopping with Sakura.

D-ko [COMICS?231] updated with a chapter 231 parody; I laughed myself silly:
Sasuke: (2nd Stage?)...But I am more special than you...
Naruto: (Kyuubi-Naru Stage) You*..
Naruto: (with very cute chakra ears) You cross-dresser**! That hair! Those lips!
Sasuke: Who did you say, you rascal!? [perhaps 'bastard' would be more appropriate?] (turns around and looks at a hand mirror) Hmm?
Sasuke: (Drops mirror, stares at reflection in horror) What is thaaat...I have Lipstick...Ah, but the Sharingan number is a weak point [I have no idea what she meant by that...]
Naruto: Sasuke!! Make-up remover! Make-up Remover! Drive out the Cross-dresser!
(Orochimaru's Den, somewhere else)
Orochi: His curse seal is specially made, unlike all others~ fufu-n <3 Kabuto, tea.
Kabuto: There is a quick-make-up function included. And cannot be taken out [I think?] Yes sir.

When my grandfather died, I cried for half an hour. The last half, I remembered, was forced, not because I was 'sad', but it felt like I should cry more. I didn't even know why I cried. I didn't feel sad. I love him. I cried, partly, because I thought that was what I'm suppposed to do. Partly. Especially the last fifteen minutes.

Father is especially irratible today. Probably from my lack of sleep but still went to robotics and breaking the plastic lid for one of the containers. The latter is not my fault, because it's plastic, dammit, and plastics do loose their flexibility!

I am having trouble writing the outline for my essay.

Mother gave me an art book of various artists, painters and photographers alike.

Talk to Dartnell and Underwood about Aragon Robotics website.

I am tired.

38/41 in History and 24/31 in Bio. Probably a 10 in Bio Free Response though.

In my STAR tests, I'm 'advanced' in English, Physics, and History but not Summative Hich School Mathematics. Ha. My highest score is in English, of 441. How Ironic [situational irony]. Apparently I suck in Physics' 'investigation and experimentation' and History's 'causes and effects of the Second World War'. My Algebra 1, Geometry, and Prob/Stats were average. Wow. My score is higher in all catagories for English. The world as I know is gone. Doomsday!!

This week's Asuma & Kurenai I'm pretty satisfied at. Next week will either be Jiraiya/Tsunade or Genma/Hayate. Then I think I should do Sakura/Lee again.

Ms. Ward's aunt or something is on Survivor, I think. She was trying to get Mr. Faustine to watch it, who said something along the lines of being immoral, teaches teenagers to backstab, and always having some women with their boobs hanging out. He commented that watching re-runs of West Wing is much better.

Dammit. The ART website is in serious need of updating.

I will worship anyone who can do things I can't, do things I have wanted to do, and do things much better than I.

um. Should get back to working. it's 23:06.

22 September 2004

Yo. What's Up.

Err, more like 'what's up with me', but anyways >_>;;

Robo-Tics—The long uncared for code! Apparently only I am what's left of last year's programming team, and I need to make sure we had our latest code from last year—which we didn't. It was in Garrix's notebook and he says the notebook doesn't work...So either we have to trial-and-error our autonomous code over, or risk wrecking his notebook to retreive the data—something Mr. Underwood can do (proposed by Mr. Faustine).
Um, also had to design some horizontal hook thing. Ah, come to thing of it, an idea that wasn't ripped from last year's robot just smacked me in the head, screaming something about PcBY's mundane-ness. Better draw it before I loose track of...now where did that wretched thing go?

Argh, I still need to talk to Ms. Dartnell.

Afterwards—After staying another half hour or so looking over the practice test with Al and speaking to Ms. Ward about my Open Assignment, which is now classifying the unknown plant in my backyard that we eat from, the plan was to finish all other homework quickly and start studying.

Obviously and inevitably, the girl didn't get past her plan to 'finish homework' after completing the last three questions for Japanese. The short haired began reading fanfics [some very good ones at that], occationally turning some much-needed attention towards her English homework—The T.S. Elliot Introduction to The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn—which she failed to finish anyway. At 00:30 this morning, her hair washed but not completely dried, she climbded upon her bed, shook out her blankets [which badly needed to be fluffed out, as she found out with a rather horribly restless night of sleep the night before], and, contrary to getting the sleep that her body had been begging for [her excuse for not being able to concentrate and accomplish the necessary], she began to read a non-fiction of ghost stories. Until 01:00am. Though she woke up with her usual fluffy and disoriented hair, in addition to less sleep than she needed to survive the day without feeling drowsy, she was pleased that she shook out her blankets that night—it was an uninterrupted, dreamless, warm night.

Ookay. That was strange. I suddenly decided I would write in thrid person...it must be the fanfictions finally getting into my brain and poisoning me.

Anyhow, despite today being a late-start day, I went to school at my normal time and went to the Bio room to cram for the Bio test. I didn't go check my score at brunch, but I'm sure the test score isn't all that bad. The rest of the school day was spent half-listening to various teachers and half cramming for the History test, which I have in 6th period. Skipped Recycling Club for Starving Artists' Support Group at lunch, crammed while Lauren A. talked, and didn't eat lunch. Crammed during Japanese project presentations, I did also.

The test didn't turn out all that bad, afterall. Many questions on the test he practically discussed with us in yesterday's review.

I must have problems with typing small entries...this is getting long.

Oh, another thing: Inoue, Kazukiho [voice of Kakashi//NARUTO, Eiri//Gravitation, etc] is wacky...sorta like the Kakashi, Perverted version. And...it's a bad combination to put Takeuchi Junko [Naruto] with Paku Romi [Temari, Edward Elric] in the same broadcasting room, in the same show. Think. They have the same kind of gaki, noisy voice, and both of their personalities are not what I'd call soft and quiet. On another note, Morikubo, shotarou [Shikamaru//NARUTO, Genji//Get Backers] is an AWSOME guitarist. It seems he belongs to a band that only produced three songs so far o_O; and he's a singer himself, I think. [well, he goes on tours and has a fan website ><;;] Hey, Look! He's also Shuuichi in the HanaKimi Drama CD!

I feel like I have more to say, but it's probably just whining about how I'm really trying to get Sancta picture done, as well as think of a new layout for Aragon Robotics. [talk to Dartnell and find out how to get into the .org account of Aragon to change redirect link.]

'When you post your mails, remember to look beneath the beneath.
In other words, look the front side up' - Inoue, Kazuhiko as Hatake, Kakashi//NARUTO : Oo! Naruto Nippon!
:: Usually the guests would say they've hijacked the show or something...then there's the thing about Ouenka* turning to an Oh! Enka!*

Music: GYU-RU-RU - Uzumaki Naruto [Really! That is the actual artist listed!], voiced by Takeuchi, Junko : NARUTO movie theme.

Anonymous-san: Sigh, there we go again. So who is it that said they'd get 1000?
[/Kitsune]: Good luck~ But then again, I still owe you a kiriban**...

*Ouenka & Oh! Enka!: Ouenka is a type of 'encouragement song', and 'enka' is the new style of jap pop, or something of the sort. Anyways, Jun-chan wanted to make a song for her radio show and asks the guests to contribute lyrics. They all come up with strange ones, and when 'kakashi' poked fun at the fact that it doesn't seem like an Ouenka, then name got stuck as Oh! Enka!

**Kiriban: This is what I've been calling 'Lucky Hit', so it's more English-person friendly?

19 September 2004

I found bugs—lots of them!

In my sad attempt to do homework, which I did fail to do, I decided to go check deadjournals, livejounals, and xangas. But I couldn't get to anyone's Xanga, save for ChrisY's. Xanga kept saying I found errors, which they called bugs =D

My cat has never loved me so much. Earlier we were preparing for Byakko's weekly bath, and I held the cat. As I walked into the bathroom, Byakko first stuck to me, and upon realizing that I will move if he doesn't, Byakko put his paws around me and wouldn't let go. As soon as I released my shirt from the cluches of a clawed paw and tried saving the other part of my shirt, the former paw would snap back onto its original place on my shirt like motor molecules. Even more desparately, he tried sinking into me and pressed his neck under mine, like a child about to get a shot. ['Yada*! I love you very very much! Don't make me goooooo! >w<'] My kitty's adorable *_* (about to make a comment on Sasuke, but stops herself in time)

On another note, an interesting paragraph was posted in the Shirohane Yahoo!Groups: "The same is true of another feature of anime that regularly puzzles Americans. That is the large number of effeminate male warriors. This, too, comes from the samurai tradition. The samurai, like the ancient Greeks, regarded same-sex relationships between men as a vital part of warrior training. In particular, relationships between an older samurai and the boy he was training were common. Actually, the ideal samurai stopped short of sleeping with his young ward. He loved from a distance, hopelessly, resolutely, and loyally. Samurai literature is filled with references to beautiful young men who were also fine swordsmen and fearless warriors. The Kabuki theater catered to Samurai patrons by bringing such youths to the stage. Later, the all-female Takarazuka theater added to the tradition by having such roles played by women." (Samurai from Outer Space: Understanding Japanese Animation; Antonia Levi, Ch.4)
[From: "J :\)"
Date: Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:50 pm
Subject: Ha! I've got it in writing!
Group: Yahoo! shirohane]

Ah, yes, I also somewhat attempted to fix the menu on your left. It still doesn't work. But, I did change the splash for Sancta. Last night and today I managed to clean up more lines on the pending layout picture, but it still has a long way to go.

Um, I also found a new picture-hosting site, and I will put my 89 [yes, I took yet another one] screenshots of NARUTO101 up...Some, I hope, will be used to make .gif Icons. That is, if I can find good gif-making programs... =/

I no longer worship anime/manga translators like I used to. NARUTO 101, subbed by ANBU, especially disapointed me; I had been distrustful of the A-H speedsubs before, but ANBU's mistranslation really saddened men. Now I shall wait for the AonE version. Also, it seems as if Inane has been mistranslating also, as informed through the Shirohane yahoo!groups. A completely, if not opposite, meaning too. Good thing I've been downloading the Japanese version too.


I ranted. Again.

「えア...こんな所に呼び出す悪かったよなぁ...えア...すも...話していいでも、たいした 話ないんだ...オレは...お前から、お前の事が(ヒソヒソッ)好きだ(/ヒソヒソッ)ダカラ、何度もよわせな!お前のことは好きだ。」
'Hey...Sorry to be calling you out to a place like this...Well, you see...I have something to say... but it's nothing much...I've always... from a long time ago...(whispers)likedyou(/whisper)...So... do-don't make me repeat myself!
I like you.' - Uchiha, Sasuke//'Non-tan' [Sugiyama, Noriaki] [taken from O-! Naruto Nippon! Radio Show Translations] : 20040531, O-! Sasuke Nippon!, recording #35
:: Non-tan, or rather, Sasuke, was asked to make a confession ^^;; Then Jun-chan asked Non-tan to use his 'chibi' voice to make that same serious confession and ended up with Non-tan breaking down in laughter.

Sasuke's Theme - Masuda, Toshiro//NARUTO

*Yada: No; I refuse!

17 September 2004

Warning: NARUTO Rant, Animal Abuse, and Homocide Ahead.

Usual students would normally enjoy a night of little homework assignments by utilizing those few blissful hours for sleep, entertainment, or whatnot after finishing their homework. Yesterday was such a chance. I was given the chance of a breath from my perpetual swim in assignments and projects. What did I use it on? Taking screenshots of Naruto episode 101, entitled 「見たい、知りたい、確かめたい!カカシ先生の素顔!」(I want to see, I want to know, I want to confirm! Kakashi-sensei's true face!).

This episode is quite silly, expanding from only three pages of manga to a twenty-three minute episode. The best part, though, is the frightfully out-of-character Sasuke. The guiltily positively beaming, animatedly sighing, curiously peering, contentedly tea-sipping Sasuke is just a sight to behold. If you ask me, I would say Sasuke gave Team Seven's mission to 'uncover Kakashi's face' away. Anyone, and I mean anyone, would just know something is wrong when Sasuke smiles cheerfully, whether the problem be a Sasuke who was abducted by aliens with purple eyeshadow, whether it be a Sasuke who got electrocuted in the head, or whether it be a Sasuke who is cooperating with Naruto on a prank. Greatly entertaining, it was.

It went all well until the second half, when the Moya* brothers make their appearance. Then it just felt like Metabots. Still, moments like Sasuke and Naruto in the hotspring, Kakashi's 'get-up' in the hotspring, and Kakashi pulling down his mask are cherishable. As long as squrriels cherish their nuts anyways.

Thus, the end of my excuse for taking 1.5 hours to watch this episode. [Besides going screenshot-abusive and took 88 screenshots of NARUTO101...]

Ah, NARUTO Chapter 231. Two things:
1| Sasuke looks poorly designed in his final curse seal stage. Kimi-zilla looks much better.
2| NARUTO is beginning to feel like DBZ with those constant power-ups.
3| Naruto looks much cooler in his Kyuubi-hybrid form.
4| I KNOW HOW TO COUNT! It's two! One..two...th...oh.

Ah, and it looks like the anime is really trying to stall and let the manga stay ahead. REAL fillers for the new two weeks...(sigh)

Now if only I can remember what 'Animal Abuse' was for...Ah Ah! Today I will provide another animal video. This time is a commercial, I believe. http://yll.loxa.edu.tw/avi/a/02100219560359.avi

Eh, and I was playing Halo after school...X____O;; I was killed many times, without shooting much...at least I managed to kill Ryan once... =_=;;

Eck. I want to go on the Sojourn Trip, but it's right smack in the middle of build period of robotics, dammit!

That reminds me:
1| talk to Dartnell about website
2| talk to Ward about Open Assignment
X _________O;;

'Naruto...you're special...but I'm special-er than you!!' - Uchiha Sasuke, curse seal final stage : NARUTO Ch 231 :: no, it wasn't that silly, and no, I didn't read it after I saw NARUTO 101, but that's what it felt like when I read it [in Japanese anyways]. Eh, I hoped to put up some Mark Twain [such a cool name] quotes, but Sasuke just seemed to have struck the silly side this week, eh?

Anonymous-san: No, I was more like frustrated, and the 'getting angry means they win' doesn't really apply to that anyways. I mean, as far as I know, the Youngs still doesn't know the text messages are being sent to me [apparently they think discontinuing the phone service doesn't mean also cutting off the text message service], and you have no idea how disturbing it is to know that the daughter STILL has not come back or can be contacted, to date.

[/Kitsune]: Look! It's the WEEKENDS! I have so much to do/want to dooooo! XD Narutimett!!

*Moya: haze

13 September 2004


More than I would like to admit, these numerous, stressing things that kept happening is making me weary. More tired than usual and making me quite stressed. The cell phone incident did not help, the lack of responsibility on the supposed more wise adults did not help, waiting for a AT&T staff to talk to for over an hour did not help, and certainly, arguing with my father about twisted logic and personal rights did not help. No, I confess that I lost my temper in the first argument, for I was just plain stubborn. But the second and third, where his views on the wickedness of human and incomplete logic and lack of consideration for the privacy for the other family just went over the top. And he was just saying humans don't like their ugliness to be seen!

It took at least ten minutes of raised voice, in attempt to knock some of my viewpoints in, before I left for my room in irritation over my father's over-protectiveness over 'customer rights'. Soon after he came in and sought out logic...I was annoyed to no end. Anyhow, he finally believed that the family had nothing to with the possible tapped lines. It was probably because he didn't listen to the worrying tone of the mother, nor did he realize that...bloody hell, there are many families like such [hey look, there's one close relative that lives right next to us that is around, though not as bad, as the situation of that particular unknown family I've been getting calls from!], and they, while are not as 'well brought up', are not completely dirt, as my father so kindly implied.

quote later. not in mood.

11 September 2004

The Impossible Happened. [ready for some AT&T bashing?]

Note to self: rant about the incompetance of two Aragon HS staff after, because there is a very small connection to the incompetance of AT&T.

The JACKIE Incident
While watching Farenheit 911, I recieved a call around 22:15-22:30, whose female caller asked for a certain Jackie. Since I only know of one Jackie, who I do not know enough of to be asked for, I informed her that she got the wrong number. I had recognized her voice; she had called a bit earlier in the day. After a few times of double-checking my phone number, including the area code, the women, in turn, told me to tell 'Jackie' that Jackie is supposed to be at home at ten, also that the women apologizes if she truely got the wrong number.

At 22:36, she called again, trying to, once again, confirm the number which she dialed, then exchanged information, such as how her daughter got the phone a few days ago, how she had mangaged to contact her daughter using 'our' cell number before, how she called AT&T and was told the possiblity of two cells using the same number is impossible, locations, names, and confirmed that I'm not just one of 'Jackie's' friends 'playing a cruel joke' on her mother. In listening to my conversation with this women, or Mrs. Young, my father asked me to not give out much of my personal information, for it could be someone hacking into our phonelines.

Two other times she called, once talking to who I assume as Jackie's father ['we could not contact our daughter, and here's a girl of our daughter's age answering...'], and the second time asking for my parents. It was around 23:00 by then. My father and I conducted two experiments in between, using his cell to call mine, seeing if he can reach Jackie's cell, but they were in vain. After the fourth call of the night from the Young household, my father experimented with the last possibility—turning my cell phone off while he calls my number. Bingo.

On the other end of the line was not my voice message, but one belonging to none other than the adolescence[?] in question: Jackie. And yes, she does sound around my age. Apparently she had her phone off. After leaving a voice message to her and changing my 'standard' voice messages to ones that contain my name so her parents may reach her with me cell off, I decidedly felt that I am obgligated to tell her worried parents about the discovery on our side. It was one hour and fifteen miniutes after the time of their daughter's supposed curfew time.

Here pretty much concludes the whole incident, though I will need to complain to AT&T about their incompetance: not only did they created more confusion than necessary to worried parents, such mistake also costed us, the 'valued customers', precious time and attention.

Now, please direct your attention to the incompetance of two of Aragon's staff. It's only the second one that have a slight connection to the incident above, so sit tight.

Mister Doug Smith, manager of the Aragon website
Now that I've ranted about this to at least 4 person already, I don't quite want to rant no more. But here's a brief word/sencence or two [or three] about Mr. Smith's...inability to keep up promises and conversation that happened only 5 minutes ago. He had promised me to sent the ART website files to me. He said he was waiting for Arnauld to check if he has all the files. Arnauld told me that Mr. Smith will sent the files. I really don't know who's the one missing the conclusion. Honestly, sending the website files and wait for him upload them is one of the slowest means of updating a website. I understand that there are plenty of people who itches to screw the school server over, not to mention to put vulgar content on the website, thus the reason for this extra step, but to have someone as...unpromising as him to go through is really only the start of a trail of pain. In where, I'm sure everybody have their own ideas. It's very unproductive to update through another because of human lag time, and with the need to be able to update quite frequently [as I want more website usage, and not the 'sit-stay-gather dust' website it is now], going through Smith is a really bad idea. Perphaps I should go hunt down Ms. Dartnell instead and work through her. Or, we can move to a paid server, which really can't cost much, comparing to our other expenses. Dammit, I must remember to ask Patrick and Arnauld for their level of web-coding abilities!

Kuso*, I ranted anyways. On to the next issue. I have a feeling that this should be in two or three entries, instead of the crammed one it is now.

The Announcement Lady
Simply put, I turned in two announcements, one for Go club and another for anime club. The Go club one should appear Friday and Monday, with meetings on Monday lunches. The Anime club's announcement should appear on Monday and Tuesday, with meetings on Tuesdays at lunch. Well, apparently the announcement lady, Ms. Curry or something, thought I wrote the dates for the Anime Club wrong [for they say the announcements should be turned in the day before, before 10:15 to be printed, but also have a space for when the announcements appear] and took the liberty to change the anime club meetings to Mondays, its announcement appearing on Friday. Chikusou**! Now I have to rush the announcement for Anime Club for TUESDAY to explain how the previous one was wrong [not my fault, no less], all on Monday morning.

Ugh, small mistakes from one not paying attention costs others so much more time!! These people deserves to be kicked, tied up side down by their toes, then poked repeatedly with a pointy stick [cactus, perhaps?]!!

Oh, NARUTO 230 wasn't quite so as quote-able as the others, nor where there much impact, and I have not seen NARUTO ep 100 yet. No NARUTO rant yet.

I started cleaning up my room, so as usual, the floor and desk contains more entropy than before, while most work was put into the now very clean and organized bookshelves [except bottom shelf of one of my shelves—it never seemed to have the potential to achieve orderliness, it being the 'oversize' section of my bookshelves.]

'AP Bio ruins your social life, and I love it!' - Ward, Katie : AP Biology teacher in AHS

*Kuso: shit in Japanese, quite literally, and used the same way =D

**Chikusou: Literally meaning beast or animal [in negative context], it is used as 'damn'. I was going to use
Shimatta, which means dammit!, but chikusou sounds harsher =D

09 September 2004

Of Cats and Duct Tape

O________O;; Poor Kitty. The first 3 were funny, but the last one's just cruel. Do you see how FAR the tape went...down?! o____O;;

Squaaaaaaaaaaa!'ea...konna tokoro ni yobi dasu warukatta yo na...ea...sumo...hanashite i demo, taishita hanashinain da...ore wa...omae kara, omae no koto da (whispers)suki da(/whisper)...DAKARA, nandomo yowasena! Omae no koto wa suki da.'
Hey...Sorry to be calling you out to a place like this...Well, you see...I have something to say... but it's nothing much...I've always... from a long time ago...(whispers)likedyou(/whisper)...So... do-don't make me repeat myself!
I like you. [taken from O-! Naruto Nippon! Radio Show Translations]

I'll type the Japanese version [as in 'not in romanji'] tomorrow...when I use it as a quote! The Uchiha Sasuke no O! Sasuke Nippon! was very amusing indeed. Non-Tan's non-human voice was hillarious, especially when 'it' tried to do a serious love confession [which Non-Tan ultimately failed at, from uncontrollable laughter]

Eh. I'll stop. Too many words already.

Musings: Shiro [again] and NARUTO 101

From: "Wing Zero"
Date: Wed Sep 8, 2004 4:51 pm
Subject: Re: Wahhh! So boring!

...Let's not make puppy references and call a guy who's (nearly) in
his twenties 'cute'. I have more than enough of that with my female
friends. ^^;;;;;

Eh, I's only got 5 hours of sleep and was in school for 10 hours today oO;;

Anyways, I think I'll love NARUTO Ep 101: it will be on September 15, Kakashi-sensei's birthday, and it will be the 'filler' where Team 7 takes upon the quest to unmask Hatake, kakashi! I will enjoy seeing the 'trying-to-keep-a-straight-face' Sasuke. Damn. I missed another all-members raffel in Narutofan.com. (Points to picture) Me wants that hitai-a.

The first week of the school year featured Kakashi and Iruka in my homework log. The second week of school was Sasuke and Naruto. This week is supposed to be Lee and Sakura, but I don't seem to be Lee-able. Sakura, with her drawn in a 'fighting pose' and her eyes shaded a tad too dark, looked strange also. I will try in drawing a Lee tomorrow; I don't really want to repeat last week's 'drawing status'—in trying to draw both Sasuke & Naruto sitting, which are extremely difficult positions for me, I didn't get past the rough drafting of their limbs. Suprisingly, it is Sakura's upper body that I'm having trouble with—usually it's the lower half. Her legs and feet turned out quite nicely, though I won't guarantee the longevity of this claim.

Hmm...I need a picture and/or a drawing for Japanese...

'If a person offend you, and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional or not, do not resort to extreme measures; simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick.' - Advice to Youth by Mark Twain :: Gotta love his humor.

Anonymous-sama: I had the initiative to begin an anime new-blog to keep track of certain things that I'm interested in, which, I believe, is still at AchromaticAlcoholism.blogspot.com, but it's really too much trouble to keep track of. That is all.

EDIT: I came back to this post at least 3 times right after posting. Some sentences just didn't quite make sense.

07 September 2004

Iruka-sensei & Seki, Toshihiko.

Hmm...What can I say after wasting 40 minutes of my life [and a bit more because of this 'review' that I am typing] listening to #18-19, the first two of Seki, Toshiko's [Iruka] show? I've got to say that Seki-san is kinda mean to Takeguchi-san [Naruto], and they're both horrible in instruments! Seki-san seem to keep much away from himself, too. Joke around to avoid some of the regular 'games', he does. =_=;; Meh, I don't quite like the way he makes Iruka's voice a bit on the squealy side anyways...

The more I listen, the more I think Takeguchi-san, or Jun-chan, as Seki-san referrs, is unable to do girlish voices, because her 'natural' voice is quite boyish. I mean, the gaki* and hyper boyish-type. Her female characters are probably quite tomboy-ish ...No wonder the female Naruto voice is done by another ^^;;

After Iruka, which I still have 2 interviews of, I will give in to my craving and listen to Inoue, Kazuhiko's [Kakashi]! OOh, Or maybe I should finish Non-Tan's! It just makes it that much more fun for Jun-chan [and me] that Non-Tan is nervous on live radio shows ^^

Eep. Oops, another long entry. I really should use this rambling to write fanfics, draw fanart, or better yet, do homework!

06 September 2004

Uzumaki Naruto no Oo! Naruto Ninpon!

Basically my day was spent between reading Shiro's fanfictions, looking at his Yahoo!Group's messages, and from that I found a radio show in Japan called Uzumaki Naruto no Oo! Naruto Ninpon!, which is basically a talk show hosted by Takeuchi, Junko, the voice for Naruto, and have other NARUTO seiyuu's a guests. After a few confusing dead links, I've managed to aquire #31-33 of the talk shows, featuring Sugiyama, Noriaki, the voice for Sasuke. Good thing they had translations too, for there's no way in any bloody world [especially in this one] would I understand any of the contents...Currently slowing downloading the rest of the interviews through IRC, by the way.

My impression of it is...weird, and they talk very fast ><;; There were some parts that were hillarious, though it may only be my twisted sense of humor. Two of the highlights that I remember must be the nickname Takeguchi-san gave Sugiyama-san—Non-Tan*—and the fact that cats in Non-Tan's neighborhood fight over who gets to snuggle Non-Tan X3

Oh, yes, I did homework too. But I didn't get quite as far as I've hoped. Err, I didn't do 2 night's worth of History homework. I think that's not good.

Back to the talk show. It's very interesting to hear Takeguchi-san's voice, which, while sounding not quite as...cracked as Naruto, is pretty similar [though quite different than that of Gon Freece, one of her other roles]. Non-Tan, though, sounds quite different, in my opinion. Can't wait to hear Inoue, Kazuhiko's [Kakashi] and Seki, Toshihiko's [Iruka] interviews! (melts under Inoue-san, Seki-san, Non-Tan's voice) I'm actually quite looking forward to Morikubo, Shoutarou's [Shikamaru] interview also!

Eh, is that a promise to waste more time oogling over NARUTO?! Eeh?! [Their way of talking seemed to have rubbed off me...;;;;]

Aa, almost forgot: Mother cut my hair today. It's now quite short and in need of gel-ing very morning =_=;; My two strands of extra-long hair now just looks out of place too...meh (continues to rant and complain) but I always complain...I really should be more thankful [?] to mother for giving me free hair cuts. 'To be thankful' is in question though, because she used my hair to experiment, in truth.

As for why my Xanga said I updated, but there weren't any changes, I did update...my first entry. If you look closely, the link to the anime blog is GONE! Bleh, it was just too hard to keep up ^^;; I'm not all that dedicated.

Word of the Day for Saturday August 28, 2004

bon vivant \bon-vee-VONT\, noun:
A person with refined and sociable tastes, especially one who enjoys fine food and drink.

Eh, I'm already using Ad-aware, and Father said something about having a expiration crack for softwares, which I'll try on McAfee[?]; confound Norton for going expire on me! [It came with my new computer ;_;]

The 'Non' part comes from Noriaki, and -Tan is a childish way to say -chan ^^;; Takeguchi Junko is weird.

My Computer Has Come Down With a Flu, Probably.

I suspect my beloved computer has either gotten an adware or a virus, or both; it has been acting strangly sluggish lately.

Yesterday we had a barbeque in our backyard. The best things were our grilled, home-grown, flavor-condensed tomatos and grilled, store-brought, sweetened corn.

MAARGH! Contrasting to my promise finish homework yesterday [since it didn't get itself done on Saturday], I barely got any done. My goal today is to finish all before 17:00, so at least I can do a bit of cleaning oO;;;

And by the way, I have decided that I can fall in love with Shiro...(Ah-Hem) Anyways. But what's up with that 'Sasuke's confession' .wav file in his Yahoo!Groups? o___O;; B..bu...but, it IS the voice actor of Sugiyama, Noriaki [the voice actor]! He really can't be anyone else, I don't think, since he has only participated in 4 roles in voice acting so far...but that could also mean he's inexperienced and has the same voice. On a semi-related note, he is the voice actor of Ishida, Uryuu in Bleach! Sasuke & Ishida-kun* are both the cold-ish type, but Ishida-kun is much more caring =_=;; Bleach and Ichigo 100% has been said to be made into anime a few weeks ago in Jump. I wonder if anyone's subbing Bleach...

Some Seiyuu**'s voices are born to be drooled over.

'Latest comic chapters reveal Kishimoto-sensei’s true form for once and for all—a closet doujinshi-ka***!' - Shirohane : footnote of Ookami Ch 13

NC: Yes, you are, but you haven't requested anything from me =)

*-kun: Japanese suffix meaning young Mister. Used by girls to address classmates of semi-close relationships? And note: I used 'Ishida-kun' because I think that's what one girl in Bleach calls him...
**Seiyuu: Voice actor/actress
***Doujinshi-ka: Fan comic artist.

03 September 2004

After Reading Inane Version

Meh, looks like I got a few things off...for my translation of 'what is in you', Inane's 'what the hell are you' makes so much more sense -_-;;

And I probably have to konw more about the use of 'made', since they translated it as 'then'...um...yeah...

There goes my sense of accomplishment.

'AP doesn't stand for Advanced Placement! It stands for Adolescent Punishment!' - Amy Chow

2nd Week Accomplished.

Um. There goes the second week, and finally a long weekend. Nevermind my hope to get less homework—it will not be happening anytime soon. As much as I blog, I find explaining things difficult; I tear between keeping myself clear and 'sound' sophisticated.

Looking back at my last post, I couldn't believe how much grammatical errors I had. Although it was five or six in the morning and I was hysterical, it only makes me fear more for my A.I. essay.

Hm. IE has been acting strangely lately. Maybe it's just my cluttered hard drives. Must remind myself to burn off old anime episodes.

O______O;; Yumeo knows Japanese, English, and Chinese. [Found out from 'eavesdropping' Jon Y & Yumeo K's conversation. Damn he's smart. -_-;;;;

The first conversation that Sasuke & Naruto had in 229: サ:「お前は一体...何なんだ...?」ナ:「友達だ」('That thing in you...what is it?' 'A friend.') Naruto expressed his one word with so much bitterness that I could practically hear it. I was compelled to use it as a quote, but finally decided that it's not powerful enough by itself. For once, I have an excess of quotes I'd like to present, one of which a Word of the Day from dictionary.com. But back to 229, I think any fangirl could've picked up the the fan service Kishimoto-sensei provided. Either I am too much of a glomping, analyzing fangirl or it's that obvious. Many would probably say the former though o___O;; And Kishimoto-sensei is getting better and better at cliffhangers with a striking quote. I really liked how he drew the scene of Sasuke's recognition of Naruto...from right after Naruto slams Sasuke into the rock statue until Sasuke puts his hitai-a*.

Ah, another episode of time-filling episode. It's quite nice to see the development of Lee's and Tsunade-hime's decision for the surgery, as well as giving a break from all the Naruto-ness. I understand that some would like to see all out fights throughout the whole anime, but I must say that these breaks give NARUTO meat to the characters and plot. Without it, NARUTO would just turn into another DragonBall Z. This also applies to flashbacks in the last few [5-10?] chapters of NARUTO. All the talking gives personality, thought, and depth to the cast, which is somewhat rare in all of the manga I've read. It's easy enough to argue that the anime stall is to compliment the movie premire/showing, and I wouldn't argue against that, but these recent episodes are not thoughtless—they actually adds character and fills in plot holes that the manga had. [hey, they provided updated stats in contrast to when the Character Data book, Hiten-Rin no Sho, had...oh wait, nevermind. Whoa, team 7 is the worst rookie team on record—10 has done 2 C-class and 8 has done 3 C-class. Anyways, I deviate ><;;]

Whee—look! It's an analysis! (points up)

'Come, Naruto...Until I break that bond, if that is the case!' - Sasuke : NARUTO ch 229 Um, I had to do a little rewording, but my translation this time should be quite accurate, though there were some things, like dattara, I didn't know ^^ And I translated it all by me-self! I practically looked up all of the words, but it's for the sake of accuracy, really.

Larry: Um. Thank you. Though your encouragements, i.e. 'i failed my summer reading and still got an A', wasn't exactly comforting because I'm nowhere as intelligent as you are, thank you for commenting; you probably can't begin to understand how much better comments make my day. Whether you are too bored or what other reasons you have for commenting, I still immensely appriciate it. Um, I'm actually in the process of finding a suitable free server, as well as a layout to go with the gallery, but such work requiers time, which is something I lack this moment. Perhaps I'll get to it around winter break...or better yet, this weekend, after I tirelessly finish my homework by tomorrow! [Oooh, talking big there]

*hitai-a: forehead protector.