11 September 2004

The Impossible Happened. [ready for some AT&T bashing?]

Note to self: rant about the incompetance of two Aragon HS staff after, because there is a very small connection to the incompetance of AT&T.

The JACKIE Incident
While watching Farenheit 911, I recieved a call around 22:15-22:30, whose female caller asked for a certain Jackie. Since I only know of one Jackie, who I do not know enough of to be asked for, I informed her that she got the wrong number. I had recognized her voice; she had called a bit earlier in the day. After a few times of double-checking my phone number, including the area code, the women, in turn, told me to tell 'Jackie' that Jackie is supposed to be at home at ten, also that the women apologizes if she truely got the wrong number.

At 22:36, she called again, trying to, once again, confirm the number which she dialed, then exchanged information, such as how her daughter got the phone a few days ago, how she had mangaged to contact her daughter using 'our' cell number before, how she called AT&T and was told the possiblity of two cells using the same number is impossible, locations, names, and confirmed that I'm not just one of 'Jackie's' friends 'playing a cruel joke' on her mother. In listening to my conversation with this women, or Mrs. Young, my father asked me to not give out much of my personal information, for it could be someone hacking into our phonelines.

Two other times she called, once talking to who I assume as Jackie's father ['we could not contact our daughter, and here's a girl of our daughter's age answering...'], and the second time asking for my parents. It was around 23:00 by then. My father and I conducted two experiments in between, using his cell to call mine, seeing if he can reach Jackie's cell, but they were in vain. After the fourth call of the night from the Young household, my father experimented with the last possibility—turning my cell phone off while he calls my number. Bingo.

On the other end of the line was not my voice message, but one belonging to none other than the adolescence[?] in question: Jackie. And yes, she does sound around my age. Apparently she had her phone off. After leaving a voice message to her and changing my 'standard' voice messages to ones that contain my name so her parents may reach her with me cell off, I decidedly felt that I am obgligated to tell her worried parents about the discovery on our side. It was one hour and fifteen miniutes after the time of their daughter's supposed curfew time.

Here pretty much concludes the whole incident, though I will need to complain to AT&T about their incompetance: not only did they created more confusion than necessary to worried parents, such mistake also costed us, the 'valued customers', precious time and attention.

Now, please direct your attention to the incompetance of two of Aragon's staff. It's only the second one that have a slight connection to the incident above, so sit tight.

Mister Doug Smith, manager of the Aragon website
Now that I've ranted about this to at least 4 person already, I don't quite want to rant no more. But here's a brief word/sencence or two [or three] about Mr. Smith's...inability to keep up promises and conversation that happened only 5 minutes ago. He had promised me to sent the ART website files to me. He said he was waiting for Arnauld to check if he has all the files. Arnauld told me that Mr. Smith will sent the files. I really don't know who's the one missing the conclusion. Honestly, sending the website files and wait for him upload them is one of the slowest means of updating a website. I understand that there are plenty of people who itches to screw the school server over, not to mention to put vulgar content on the website, thus the reason for this extra step, but to have someone as...unpromising as him to go through is really only the start of a trail of pain. In where, I'm sure everybody have their own ideas. It's very unproductive to update through another because of human lag time, and with the need to be able to update quite frequently [as I want more website usage, and not the 'sit-stay-gather dust' website it is now], going through Smith is a really bad idea. Perphaps I should go hunt down Ms. Dartnell instead and work through her. Or, we can move to a paid server, which really can't cost much, comparing to our other expenses. Dammit, I must remember to ask Patrick and Arnauld for their level of web-coding abilities!

Kuso*, I ranted anyways. On to the next issue. I have a feeling that this should be in two or three entries, instead of the crammed one it is now.

The Announcement Lady
Simply put, I turned in two announcements, one for Go club and another for anime club. The Go club one should appear Friday and Monday, with meetings on Monday lunches. The Anime club's announcement should appear on Monday and Tuesday, with meetings on Tuesdays at lunch. Well, apparently the announcement lady, Ms. Curry or something, thought I wrote the dates for the Anime Club wrong [for they say the announcements should be turned in the day before, before 10:15 to be printed, but also have a space for when the announcements appear] and took the liberty to change the anime club meetings to Mondays, its announcement appearing on Friday. Chikusou**! Now I have to rush the announcement for Anime Club for TUESDAY to explain how the previous one was wrong [not my fault, no less], all on Monday morning.

Ugh, small mistakes from one not paying attention costs others so much more time!! These people deserves to be kicked, tied up side down by their toes, then poked repeatedly with a pointy stick [cactus, perhaps?]!!

Oh, NARUTO 230 wasn't quite so as quote-able as the others, nor where there much impact, and I have not seen NARUTO ep 100 yet. No NARUTO rant yet.

I started cleaning up my room, so as usual, the floor and desk contains more entropy than before, while most work was put into the now very clean and organized bookshelves [except bottom shelf of one of my shelves—it never seemed to have the potential to achieve orderliness, it being the 'oversize' section of my bookshelves.]

'AP Bio ruins your social life, and I love it!' - Ward, Katie : AP Biology teacher in AHS

*Kuso: shit in Japanese, quite literally, and used the same way =D

**Chikusou: Literally meaning beast or animal [in negative context], it is used as 'damn'. I was going to use
Shimatta, which means dammit!, but chikusou sounds harsher =D

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