17 September 2004

Warning: NARUTO Rant, Animal Abuse, and Homocide Ahead.

Usual students would normally enjoy a night of little homework assignments by utilizing those few blissful hours for sleep, entertainment, or whatnot after finishing their homework. Yesterday was such a chance. I was given the chance of a breath from my perpetual swim in assignments and projects. What did I use it on? Taking screenshots of Naruto episode 101, entitled 「見たい、知りたい、確かめたい!カカシ先生の素顔!」(I want to see, I want to know, I want to confirm! Kakashi-sensei's true face!).

This episode is quite silly, expanding from only three pages of manga to a twenty-three minute episode. The best part, though, is the frightfully out-of-character Sasuke. The guiltily positively beaming, animatedly sighing, curiously peering, contentedly tea-sipping Sasuke is just a sight to behold. If you ask me, I would say Sasuke gave Team Seven's mission to 'uncover Kakashi's face' away. Anyone, and I mean anyone, would just know something is wrong when Sasuke smiles cheerfully, whether the problem be a Sasuke who was abducted by aliens with purple eyeshadow, whether it be a Sasuke who got electrocuted in the head, or whether it be a Sasuke who is cooperating with Naruto on a prank. Greatly entertaining, it was.

It went all well until the second half, when the Moya* brothers make their appearance. Then it just felt like Metabots. Still, moments like Sasuke and Naruto in the hotspring, Kakashi's 'get-up' in the hotspring, and Kakashi pulling down his mask are cherishable. As long as squrriels cherish their nuts anyways.

Thus, the end of my excuse for taking 1.5 hours to watch this episode. [Besides going screenshot-abusive and took 88 screenshots of NARUTO101...]

Ah, NARUTO Chapter 231. Two things:
1| Sasuke looks poorly designed in his final curse seal stage. Kimi-zilla looks much better.
2| NARUTO is beginning to feel like DBZ with those constant power-ups.
3| Naruto looks much cooler in his Kyuubi-hybrid form.
4| I KNOW HOW TO COUNT! It's two! One..two...th...oh.

Ah, and it looks like the anime is really trying to stall and let the manga stay ahead. REAL fillers for the new two weeks...(sigh)

Now if only I can remember what 'Animal Abuse' was for...Ah Ah! Today I will provide another animal video. This time is a commercial, I believe. http://yll.loxa.edu.tw/avi/a/02100219560359.avi

Eh, and I was playing Halo after school...X____O;; I was killed many times, without shooting much...at least I managed to kill Ryan once... =_=;;

Eck. I want to go on the Sojourn Trip, but it's right smack in the middle of build period of robotics, dammit!

That reminds me:
1| talk to Dartnell about website
2| talk to Ward about Open Assignment
X _________O;;

'Naruto...you're special...but I'm special-er than you!!' - Uchiha Sasuke, curse seal final stage : NARUTO Ch 231 :: no, it wasn't that silly, and no, I didn't read it after I saw NARUTO 101, but that's what it felt like when I read it [in Japanese anyways]. Eh, I hoped to put up some Mark Twain [such a cool name] quotes, but Sasuke just seemed to have struck the silly side this week, eh?

Anonymous-san: No, I was more like frustrated, and the 'getting angry means they win' doesn't really apply to that anyways. I mean, as far as I know, the Youngs still doesn't know the text messages are being sent to me [apparently they think discontinuing the phone service doesn't mean also cutting off the text message service], and you have no idea how disturbing it is to know that the daughter STILL has not come back or can be contacted, to date.

[/Kitsune]: Look! It's the WEEKENDS! I have so much to do/want to dooooo! XD Narutimett!!

*Moya: haze

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