09 September 2004

Musings: Shiro [again] and NARUTO 101

From: "Wing Zero"
Date: Wed Sep 8, 2004 4:51 pm
Subject: Re: Wahhh! So boring!

...Let's not make puppy references and call a guy who's (nearly) in
his twenties 'cute'. I have more than enough of that with my female
friends. ^^;;;;;

Eh, I's only got 5 hours of sleep and was in school for 10 hours today oO;;

Anyways, I think I'll love NARUTO Ep 101: it will be on September 15, Kakashi-sensei's birthday, and it will be the 'filler' where Team 7 takes upon the quest to unmask Hatake, kakashi! I will enjoy seeing the 'trying-to-keep-a-straight-face' Sasuke. Damn. I missed another all-members raffel in Narutofan.com. (Points to picture) Me wants that hitai-a.

The first week of the school year featured Kakashi and Iruka in my homework log. The second week of school was Sasuke and Naruto. This week is supposed to be Lee and Sakura, but I don't seem to be Lee-able. Sakura, with her drawn in a 'fighting pose' and her eyes shaded a tad too dark, looked strange also. I will try in drawing a Lee tomorrow; I don't really want to repeat last week's 'drawing status'—in trying to draw both Sasuke & Naruto sitting, which are extremely difficult positions for me, I didn't get past the rough drafting of their limbs. Suprisingly, it is Sakura's upper body that I'm having trouble with—usually it's the lower half. Her legs and feet turned out quite nicely, though I won't guarantee the longevity of this claim.

Hmm...I need a picture and/or a drawing for Japanese...

'If a person offend you, and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional or not, do not resort to extreme measures; simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick.' - Advice to Youth by Mark Twain :: Gotta love his humor.

Anonymous-sama: I had the initiative to begin an anime new-blog to keep track of certain things that I'm interested in, which, I believe, is still at AchromaticAlcoholism.blogspot.com, but it's really too much trouble to keep track of. That is all.

EDIT: I came back to this post at least 3 times right after posting. Some sentences just didn't quite make sense.

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