06 September 2004

My Computer Has Come Down With a Flu, Probably.

I suspect my beloved computer has either gotten an adware or a virus, or both; it has been acting strangly sluggish lately.

Yesterday we had a barbeque in our backyard. The best things were our grilled, home-grown, flavor-condensed tomatos and grilled, store-brought, sweetened corn.

MAARGH! Contrasting to my promise finish homework yesterday [since it didn't get itself done on Saturday], I barely got any done. My goal today is to finish all before 17:00, so at least I can do a bit of cleaning oO;;;

And by the way, I have decided that I can fall in love with Shiro...(Ah-Hem) Anyways. But what's up with that 'Sasuke's confession' .wav file in his Yahoo!Groups? o___O;; B..bu...but, it IS the voice actor of Sugiyama, Noriaki [the voice actor]! He really can't be anyone else, I don't think, since he has only participated in 4 roles in voice acting so far...but that could also mean he's inexperienced and has the same voice. On a semi-related note, he is the voice actor of Ishida, Uryuu in Bleach! Sasuke & Ishida-kun* are both the cold-ish type, but Ishida-kun is much more caring =_=;; Bleach and Ichigo 100% has been said to be made into anime a few weeks ago in Jump. I wonder if anyone's subbing Bleach...

Some Seiyuu**'s voices are born to be drooled over.

'Latest comic chapters reveal Kishimoto-sensei’s true form for once and for all—a closet doujinshi-ka***!' - Shirohane : footnote of Ookami Ch 13

NC: Yes, you are, but you haven't requested anything from me =)

*-kun: Japanese suffix meaning young Mister. Used by girls to address classmates of semi-close relationships? And note: I used 'Ishida-kun' because I think that's what one girl in Bleach calls him...
**Seiyuu: Voice actor/actress
***Doujinshi-ka: Fan comic artist.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6.9.04

    Those ^ work well, but most antivirus you have to pay for.
