19 September 2004

I found bugs—lots of them!

In my sad attempt to do homework, which I did fail to do, I decided to go check deadjournals, livejounals, and xangas. But I couldn't get to anyone's Xanga, save for ChrisY's. Xanga kept saying I found errors, which they called bugs =D

My cat has never loved me so much. Earlier we were preparing for Byakko's weekly bath, and I held the cat. As I walked into the bathroom, Byakko first stuck to me, and upon realizing that I will move if he doesn't, Byakko put his paws around me and wouldn't let go. As soon as I released my shirt from the cluches of a clawed paw and tried saving the other part of my shirt, the former paw would snap back onto its original place on my shirt like motor molecules. Even more desparately, he tried sinking into me and pressed his neck under mine, like a child about to get a shot. ['Yada*! I love you very very much! Don't make me goooooo! >w<'] My kitty's adorable *_* (about to make a comment on Sasuke, but stops herself in time)

On another note, an interesting paragraph was posted in the Shirohane Yahoo!Groups: "The same is true of another feature of anime that regularly puzzles Americans. That is the large number of effeminate male warriors. This, too, comes from the samurai tradition. The samurai, like the ancient Greeks, regarded same-sex relationships between men as a vital part of warrior training. In particular, relationships between an older samurai and the boy he was training were common. Actually, the ideal samurai stopped short of sleeping with his young ward. He loved from a distance, hopelessly, resolutely, and loyally. Samurai literature is filled with references to beautiful young men who were also fine swordsmen and fearless warriors. The Kabuki theater catered to Samurai patrons by bringing such youths to the stage. Later, the all-female Takarazuka theater added to the tradition by having such roles played by women." (Samurai from Outer Space: Understanding Japanese Animation; Antonia Levi, Ch.4)
[From: "J :\)"
Date: Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:50 pm
Subject: Ha! I've got it in writing!
Group: Yahoo! shirohane]

Ah, yes, I also somewhat attempted to fix the menu on your left. It still doesn't work. But, I did change the splash for Sancta. Last night and today I managed to clean up more lines on the pending layout picture, but it still has a long way to go.

Um, I also found a new picture-hosting site, and I will put my 89 [yes, I took yet another one] screenshots of NARUTO101 up...Some, I hope, will be used to make .gif Icons. That is, if I can find good gif-making programs... =/

I no longer worship anime/manga translators like I used to. NARUTO 101, subbed by ANBU, especially disapointed me; I had been distrustful of the A-H speedsubs before, but ANBU's mistranslation really saddened men. Now I shall wait for the AonE version. Also, it seems as if Inane has been mistranslating also, as informed through the Shirohane yahoo!groups. A completely, if not opposite, meaning too. Good thing I've been downloading the Japanese version too.


I ranted. Again.

「えア...こんな所に呼び出す悪かったよなぁ...えア...すも...話していいでも、たいした 話ないんだ...オレは...お前から、お前の事が(ヒソヒソッ)好きだ(/ヒソヒソッ)ダカラ、何度もよわせな!お前のことは好きだ。」
'Hey...Sorry to be calling you out to a place like this...Well, you see...I have something to say... but it's nothing much...I've always... from a long time ago...(whispers)likedyou(/whisper)...So... do-don't make me repeat myself!
I like you.' - Uchiha, Sasuke//'Non-tan' [Sugiyama, Noriaki] [taken from O-! Naruto Nippon! Radio Show Translations] : 20040531, O-! Sasuke Nippon!, recording #35
:: Non-tan, or rather, Sasuke, was asked to make a confession ^^;; Then Jun-chan asked Non-tan to use his 'chibi' voice to make that same serious confession and ended up with Non-tan breaking down in laughter.

Sasuke's Theme - Masuda, Toshiro//NARUTO

*Yada: No; I refuse!


  1. Anonymous21.9.04

    Yes, talking to Ms Ward must be so difficult, seeing as you see her every morning for AP Bio and everything.

  2. Anonymous21.9.04

    Hum, it's the 21st of September, ten minutes past nine in the evening, and the counter is at 990! *hopes to hit 1000 tomorrow or Thursday.* :D

    No new entries? =]


  3. Anonymous21.9.04

    No, 1000th page view will be mine! Mwahahaha.
    Now back to hw >.<
