23 September 2004

R-Ants: Miniscule, Profuse, Biting, Itching, Just Wanting to be Noticed.

Last night a black cat passed by our back door and was intrigued by our cat's attempt to chase him off his territory by speaking human, so it perched right outside of the back door, in Byakko's face and much to my hormone-overflowing cat's enmity.

NARUTO Chapter 232 was...like 231, but a tad more interesting, seeing their 'signature' attacks [which are not their invention] deviating. I still think Naruto's tail and ears are cool *_* Episode 102 had deformed faces—clearly something not based on Kishimoto-sensei's sketches. It was very obvious that it's a filler and undoubtedly implausible [either that or Tsunade's crazy]. Sasuke showing off his skills was funny, but strange that he went shopping with Sakura.

D-ko [COMICS?231] updated with a chapter 231 parody; I laughed myself silly:
Sasuke: (2nd Stage?)...But I am more special than you...
Naruto: (Kyuubi-Naru Stage) You*..
Naruto: (with very cute chakra ears) You cross-dresser**! That hair! Those lips!
Sasuke: Who did you say, you rascal!? [perhaps 'bastard' would be more appropriate?] (turns around and looks at a hand mirror) Hmm?
Sasuke: (Drops mirror, stares at reflection in horror) What is thaaat...I have Lipstick...Ah, but the Sharingan number is a weak point [I have no idea what she meant by that...]
Naruto: Sasuke!! Make-up remover! Make-up Remover! Drive out the Cross-dresser!
(Orochimaru's Den, somewhere else)
Orochi: His curse seal is specially made, unlike all others~ fufu-n <3 Kabuto, tea.
Kabuto: There is a quick-make-up function included. And cannot be taken out [I think?] Yes sir.

When my grandfather died, I cried for half an hour. The last half, I remembered, was forced, not because I was 'sad', but it felt like I should cry more. I didn't even know why I cried. I didn't feel sad. I love him. I cried, partly, because I thought that was what I'm suppposed to do. Partly. Especially the last fifteen minutes.

Father is especially irratible today. Probably from my lack of sleep but still went to robotics and breaking the plastic lid for one of the containers. The latter is not my fault, because it's plastic, dammit, and plastics do loose their flexibility!

I am having trouble writing the outline for my essay.

Mother gave me an art book of various artists, painters and photographers alike.

Talk to Dartnell and Underwood about Aragon Robotics website.

I am tired.

38/41 in History and 24/31 in Bio. Probably a 10 in Bio Free Response though.

In my STAR tests, I'm 'advanced' in English, Physics, and History but not Summative Hich School Mathematics. Ha. My highest score is in English, of 441. How Ironic [situational irony]. Apparently I suck in Physics' 'investigation and experimentation' and History's 'causes and effects of the Second World War'. My Algebra 1, Geometry, and Prob/Stats were average. Wow. My score is higher in all catagories for English. The world as I know is gone. Doomsday!!

This week's Asuma & Kurenai I'm pretty satisfied at. Next week will either be Jiraiya/Tsunade or Genma/Hayate. Then I think I should do Sakura/Lee again.

Ms. Ward's aunt or something is on Survivor, I think. She was trying to get Mr. Faustine to watch it, who said something along the lines of being immoral, teaches teenagers to backstab, and always having some women with their boobs hanging out. He commented that watching re-runs of West Wing is much better.

Dammit. The ART website is in serious need of updating.

I will worship anyone who can do things I can't, do things I have wanted to do, and do things much better than I.

um. Should get back to working. it's 23:06.

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