06 March 2005

Fanfiction: Fata Morgana by Sinful Serenity

I must keep watch on this fic.

Title: Fata Morgana
Author: Spirallin (Sinful Serenity)
Chapters: 2/?
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating: Dunno...PG-13/15?
Word Count: 12,0009
Summary: ...I'll get back to you on that. >>; Buuut, it's a garbled mess involving eventual SasuNaru, a Rehab AU, a generous helping of OOC, and long stretches of incoherent sentences. Wewt.

■ Fata Morgana Verse 1

ef="http://www.geocities.com/spirallin/fatamorgana2.htm">■ Fata Morgana Verse 2

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