30 March 2005

Petition to U.N. To Reject Japan's Bid For Pernament Seat On the Secutiry Council.

■ Petition to U.N. to reject Japan's bid for Permanent Seat on UN Security Council

As much as I like Japanese things, they did do horrible things to the Chinese during WWII that they refused to apologize for.

1 comment:

  1. True, but it's not as if the current permanent security council members have blameless records either.
    The USA was the last western coutries to outlaw slavery, still executes minors, has supported oppressive dictatorships, and staged revolutions in other countries.
    Britain conquered and colonized various countries across the world, and British introduction of opium into China bankrupted the last imperial dynasty, led to several devastating wars, and a british and french expeditionary force destroyed the summer palace in Beijing.
    Russia executed millions of its own citizens during the soviet purges, and millions more under the czars previously. They sent hundreds of thousands to work camps in Siberia for speaking out against the government.
    China sent tanks from the People's Liberation Army to crush a peaceful student demonstration, has an absurdly high fatality rate in prisons, and executes criminals immediately after trial. (And may or may not charge the family for the bullet if they wish to receive the ashes.)
    France I don't really know that much about; you'd have to ask someone who knows Vietnamese history.

    Well, I'm sure you get the point. While maybe only Russia has commited war crimes on the same scale, it's not as if the other countries got their positions through being virtuous, they got it because they won WW2.
