30 March 2005

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and Sandman

I thought I haven't read it and I told Amy in the Library so. But I did; I remembered three sentences into the book.

Relating with what I posted yesterday, "It's is easier to floss with barbed wire than admit you like someone in middle school." Haha. I have a mentality of a middle-schooler.

I'll start homework after I eat lunch. I woke a quarter to twelve (11 hrs of sleep!) ad have been reading Speak.

Last night I went through all three volumes of Sandman that I borrowed. Amy is right; it is a great story, though the art scares me a bit and some are just gross. -_-;;

Music: Blood - Blind
(I have been listening to my jRocks that I downloaded but never had a chance to listen to...and deleting all that involves harsh screaming croaking into the microphone.)

1 comment:

  1. Sandman is famous for being more dark and "mature" than traditional American comics. Which really just means that they try to gain a fanbase by going out of their way to shock people.
