06 March 2005

Interlude + Worry

When I started the shower, I noticed some fiber-ish, reddish thing floating towards the drain, and my first thought was, "again? It's not supposed to come for 3 more weeks!"

But it was only lint from my red socks.

Amy and I were just finished talking about Anime Overdose tomorrow on AIM(technically it's today, but as someone onl LJ said, "it's not tomorrow until I sleep, dammit!") and I had to go shower. When I came back, Amy sent me two messages:

earthdragoncali: my stupid father just hit me
earthdragoncali: i didn't do a fucking thing to him
*** "earthdragoncali" signed off at Sun Mar 06 00:49:16 2005.

And now I'm worrying.

1 comment:

  1. Gomen nasai, nee-chan.

    i'll tell you about it tomorrow. Well, assuming you are asleep, it is "today" for you, and MAYBE "tomorrow" for me, as the computer says it's Sunday, but... i didn't go to sleep yet... LoL. (And it's 7a! i'm gonna get yelled at for this, huh? We're always telling each other to sleep more. And on a tangent, i only know how to say half of that in Japanese... what's "each other," e~?)

    Okay, i'm gonna go do stuff and sleep. Mata ne, don't worry. "Momentai" or "daijoubu da yo!" LoL :)

    <3 Kitsune
