24 March 2005

NARUTO Chapter 253

I dunno...Neji looks like he either just got out of the insane asylum or just woke up -_-;;; And I just don't know what to say about the thing around his waist...At least he took off that strange buckle-thing that didn't do a thing...

Lee is, well, predictably, a Gai-bunshin.

(gasp!) Yay! TenTen doesn't have those normal shoes! Granted, they look a bit weird, but at least they're somewhat different. I await to see her growth~

Konohamaru still has that ridiculously long scarf...unless it's a weapon, I think it'll just trip him or get caught in branches...

Mogi has the same legging-things as Sakura...maybe it's a fashion fad...or maybe it's just winter and it's cold -_-;; really can't tell though. Are they Ebisu's Genins? LoL.

Wow~ Naruto's very good at kage-bunshin making now, isn't he? So quick <3

Yay. Sakura's much more useful now! Quoting Naruto: "Sakura-chan...Kakkoiittebayo...!"

Uh-oh...what's going to happen? Tsunade won the grand prize in lottery!

Neji's new oufit is still not faring well with me.

(What's up with everybody sneezing o___O?)

Oh, and by the way, if anyone would buy me the 3rd NARUTO Character Official Data book—tataka no Sho for no reason but for the love of me, I'll love him/her forever too. (On sale April 4th) -_-;;

And Look! Kishimoto's coloring is so much better now! Yay!


  1. T.T I can't watch it until I get back to school, so I have no idea what you're talking about.
    Wel, perhaps the first part. In the manga, Neji looked very Itachi-ish after/during his fight.

    Konohamru could learn a bit by watching the Incredibles, eh?

  2. Yeah, I'm stupid. Can't count >.<
