30 October 2004

NARUTO Chapter 237 & Eplsode 106

106 was is crap. In terms of plot, it is disgustingly cliche and childish. Sakura breaksthe fall with Chakra, then the rock she grips on breaks. Also, if she is strong enough to pull out a mast, shouldn't she be also strong enough to carry both her and Sasuke's weight? The fight scenes are vulgar and without style. The final attack of Naruto's Rasengan left me with a bad taste also. Aoi spun from the attack. Not punctured with a huge chakra hole/burn, but spun off into the whirlpool, screaming. It's pathetic.

I couldn't help but wince at the horrible animation. As a starter, the faces are demented—especially so in Naruto's profile and front. Face too wide, chin to pointy, eyes too small and far apart. The crowd are skimpily drawn. Oyabun (Boss) looked different with longer hair and unattentive eyes. I am sure that there's bad animation on Sakura's part too, but I can't pinpoint from memory. Also I doubt the usefulness of bandages on top of Sasuke's clothing will be of any help from him, especially when his worst injury is from electrical shock.

Ah, also bad perspectives makes Naruto look strange [i.e. when he's getting up]. Back to Oyabun at the end of the race, Oyabun and his subordinates are of a child's proportion! Hidious! And what's up with Idate confessing his guilt on the rope?!

(Not very happy with this arc, aren't we?) YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! We get back to good plot and animation next week! Ooh, Sasuke in long pants and a shirt without a high collar... I made funny squeals ('ni, niiii~') when watching the preview~~

Moving on...

There you have it. Team Seven now walks the footsteps of the Sannin (slaps forehead). Kakashi talks to Obito once more. Who is Obito? Yondaime? An Uchiha? Three years, huh? I understand the condition of Orochimaru, but is Akatsuki only stalling for the convenience of Kishimoto-sensei (haha)? Um...so there'd mostly be training for at least the next couple of month, provided that Kishimoto-sensei covers all of Team Seven. Go Naru-chan! Learn more than the same attacks you always use!

That intrigues me. Naruto must know more than the few attacks he uses in the manga—even in the few hours of Narutimett, he knows of more attacks. I would really like to see more...(wants to see Iruka-sensei fight, but thinks he's only a playable in gamecube or whatnot...)


Yeah, I didn't watch 106 until today...busy...at least the filler is done...whee...

Oh, and Jai got Kiriban, again. 1111. I didn't belive it until I went myself and I was 1112. The Next may be 1234?

Link of the Day: 白兎(Shiro-Usagi//White Rabbit) — Waah! Pretty fanart! Mostly Yondaime, Some kakashi, few Sasuke. (dies) She is absolutely awesome. It's Japanese page, but the menu is english and pretty self-explanatory.

W32/Bagle.bb@MM & W32/Bagle.bd@MM

From McAfee Dispatch:
W32/Bagle.bb@MM and W32/Bagle.bd@MM are Medium Risk
mass-mailing worms that try to open up a hacker backdoor on
your computer. Carried inside an email attachment, the
viruses spread by forwarding themselves to e-mail addresses
stolen from an infected PC. Like their predecessors, they
also try to terminate anti-virus and other security software

--> What should I look for?

FROM: Varies (spoofed)
SUBJECT: Re:, Re: Hello, Re: Thank you!, Re: Thanks :),
Re: Hi
BODY: :), :))
ATTACHMENT: Price, price, Joke (with an extension of .exe,
.scr, .com or .cpl)

--> How do I know if I've been infected?

Presence of wingo.exe file in Windows system directory.
Outgoing messages and attachments as described above.

26 October 2004


This is the second bloody week in a row that my semi-new eraser just disappeared after Anime Club. Poof. Just like that. Last week I thought I lost it, but this time I think someone stole it. For the love of all things squishy, moderately sized, new, and well placed erasers just don't disappear for no reason! My pens, which were placed together with my eraser on my clipboard, didn't disappear. So why the eraser? And two weeks in a row? That eraser was barely used!!

Dammit. I'm tired.

csrjjsmp: I did warn of mild SasuNaru. But if you're really that bored, I recommand Geno Calamari. He writes quite well. Only 8 one-shots, but each one-shot is long and a few are connected. Also, try Naruto Primer [101 chapters total] by Link and Luigi; I've never read it [though had always mean to], but they get around 18 reviews per chapter—usually that is a sign of pretty good stuff. Oh, Don't forget their sequel.

22 October 2004

Response to Amy's October 12 Deadjournal Entry

My Response to Amy's Deadjournal:

2004-10-22 17:35
Hey, if you're writing a complaint, I'll do it with you. I've never gotten a detention [so far], but I do think it's silly. Perhaps a complaint/reasoning will get the school administration to change their policies. I discussed this issue with my parents perhaps two weeks ago, and while they gave me alternative ideas to the policy they have now, they completely missed my point and started to lecture me on the order of things...-_-;;

The said journal entry reminded me that I should not hide my fallen grade in shame.
Here we go...
US History AP - A
Japanese 7H - A+
Calculus 1 AP - C+
Art 1 - A
English 5H - C
Biology 3 AP - B-
Sci Research - A-

Apparently my mother had thought the school sent us the wrong scores, LoL.

Link of the Day: GenkiGang: I guess pretty cute hats. I would rather make them myself, but I think hand-making the hats and making a business out of it is awesome.

NARUTO Chapter 236

Yay! Three cheers for Sakura for deciding to be less useless! But Sakura's decision was expected—after all, Team 7 walks the step of the Sannins, whether Kishimoto meant it to be so or not. Which reminds me of the anime. In episode 103 or 102, Sakura ripped up the mast of the ship and swung it around—horribly similar to Tsunade. Gah! They're even starting to look similar!

Urm, Sakura hesitation to enter Naruto's hospital room is bothering me. But then again, Sakura's unforced smile in promise to bring back Sasuke together with Naruto probably makes up for it.

In 234, the word 「必死」(hisshi) was repeatedly used, and Inane translated it as 'inevitable death,' which makes complete sense in this chapter. Looking up the definition for this word, I realize that it's a mistranslation: Hisshi, while literally means 'inevitable death', means 'inevitable result' only in what I suspect as spoken language. Using this same definition in 236 makes much more sense.

ARGH! Tsunade and Sakura are looking too much alike! Though Kishimoto seems to draw female eyes the same, at least they look cute now~

「私は...泣きついただけ...アナタに頼って、すがりついただけ...自分じゃ何も...」 'Watashi wa...nakitsuita dake...anata ni tayotte, sugaritsuita dake...jibun ja nani mo...'
'I...only begged in tears, relying and clinging on to you...and did nothing myself...' - Haruno, Sakura : NARUTO Chapter 236

csrjjsmp: It's not that Naruto's head is unnaturally large that bothers me, it's that his head-body proportion is freakishly large comparing to Idate. O____O;; How do I get my weekly NARUTO fix so early? I watch the raws, just to try to see if I can pick up the meaning of some Japanese...Ah, and I know they're out from checking NarutoFan.com

It Was A Dark And Quiet Night....

Yes, I know it's quite late, but it's the earliest at which I got my homework 'done'. To sleep. But one little thing first:

Despite me not liking the Bleach Opening by Orange Range much [by no means I dislike it as much as the current NARUTO ending], it's stuck in my heeeeaaad~ Argh! Darn seemingly off beat lyrics o____O;;

Ah. I just read an awesome SasuNaru fanfic. Spoilers, minimal implications, and it made me shed a tear...yay! Fade Away Forever by Sinful Serenity

21 October 2004

A Few [Hopefully] Short Words About Various Things and NARUTO Episode 105

A few [hopefully] short words about various things.

1| Participated in the Maestro Project today after school and got a $25 gift card to Borders. That increased my Borders gift card allowance by 200%

2|I better contentrate today; I have many things due/to work on tomorrow, such as tests and projects.

3| The Anime-Heaven: NARUTO division has apparently splitted from A-H, and will be continuing their fast (?) subbing services under the name Dattebayo. Very cute name. I was going to use that as a NARUTO shrine...but oh well.. <_<;;>[Source: NarutoFan, AnimeSuki Forums]

4| NARUTO 105: Why are they still dragging the plot--?! I understand that the producers are trying to let the manga plot move a bit further ahead before following the original plot, but all those Idate flashbacks are starting to bother me. And the proportions of Idate and Naruto were horribly distored when Naruto carried Idate up the stairs of the Shrine. Naruto was generally larger than Idate in that scene, despite his child proportions. And Comparing that to Idate's teenage proportions yet seemingly same height with Naruto, both of them look like they have some sort of genetic disorder. I cringe at that sheer largeness of Naruto's head.

This is getting long.

Link of the Day: A-No-Ne Waah! What a great artist she is! Buu <--(...?)—I'm envious! Pwetty website too. Even her sketches look better than something I spend hours and hours on... SQUA! (worships Patara)

20 October 2004

Day Two

And you ask, where's Day One?
And I answer, It's right up where Day Zero is. <--(...)

It has only been two days, my room has already stopped smelling like me. In fact, only one day is needed for my room to take on the smell of my grandma and her oils.

Concentrating for anything seems especially hard with another presence in the room, even if such presence turned her back on me as she slept on. Being told to go to sleep at 23:00 and on, in addition to being repeatedly lectured on getting sleep, proved annoying in itself also.

Being monitered, being watched, being controlled.

I presume that feeling pushed my cousin to skip school and have 'study sessions' with whoever without noticing her family. Though I don't believe I would do such thing. Too attached to my computer, I am.

Do not mistake this as animosity (suprisingly this word came to mind before 'hatred' or 'enmity'...) towards my grandmother...I just feel disrupted at the sudden population explosion occuring at our household, which led to my annoyance towards more family members living in a set amount of living space. I need my personal space, dammit!

I fear...
an ant just dropped right on my table in front of me with a sharp tab. Is it going to be raining ants now? And what a frightening thought it is...(yura yura*)

Eep. I must do History and Bio and English and Update the Robotics website.

* Yura Yura: Onomatopoeia for 'tremble in fear'

csrjjsmp: That's for pernament low estrogen, isn't it? Either way, I drink plenty of cow secretions. <--(...!) About 104: You have a Y Chromosome. You think differently than corrupted, double X carriers...(emphasis more on the corrupt than than double X...) And I partially (?) resent the comment on your word choice of 'homoerotic fanfictions'...the majority of fanfictions don't make characters (only) screw around. Though some do make random pairings like TemariSasuke, SasuHina, KakaSasu (..!), NejiShika, etc.

17 October 2004


雨が降れっているよ。It's raining.

—Not what I would describe as pouring, but close enough. My cousin happily romped around our pavement driveway, joyously laughing, overtaken by an unknown glee. I slid open the dirty window, feeling moisture-ridden air blowing across my face and through my stuffy room, smelling its distinctly fresh and clean smell. Music uncharacteristically blared from speakers, electronic guitars and vocals and drumsets and vocals and violins and Sanshin purposefully deafening all thoughts of worry. I screamed along with whatever lyrics I happened to remember as eyes stared out of the window, as all thinking shut down.

The computer's power suddenly stopped again, and I swore in a single syllable again.

I didn't need more problems than waking up with uninvited guests, despite being a family who lived next door, ravaging through food not prepared for them. Three walked in and started to eat food prepared for our family, then amonst them, my uncle beckoned another cousin to join them, all four unwillingly invited. A Serving for four won't serve eight. All the while I slept on, exhautsted from accumulated lack of sleep for the past four days, in addition to my tendency to refuse waking up to a large, chattering group. Unsuprisingly, our impudent and lazy relatives reduced my brunch ration to a small bowl of porridge and not enough leftovers. And to think that those relatives came to deprive our family of edibles only because their mother left for work before cooking their breakfast. Two are adults and another in April! Now, blaming the one in seventh grade will not do; despite already old enough to cook for herself, cooking for her aunt, older brother, and her father (because of the laziness of the said family) is unreasonable.

Thus, I woke to loud chattering and lack of food, both of which contributes to grouchiness. Add that to the mountain of pending homework, an arriving grandmother [thus I have to clean up my room], and a spilled water container under my desk. This healthy mixture of stress produces a running-away PcBY! Yay! (Incoherence of sentence due to L'arc~en~Ciel music)

Argh. Screw trying to write vividly. Yesterday was PSAT, which I will skip over, but afterwards Amy brought her DDR Max2 over, and we grooved a bit, then we went downtown for her hair dye, but ended up not buying the dye. She wants to dye her hair dark purple. Hmm...then we talked about what to do for the Anime Club. Ummm yeah. [Accoring to Strunk, wouldn't this be much more clear and to the point than writing vivdly? Also, according to Baker, wouldn't this paragraph have much more voice than all of the previous? =D]

I hate being low on estrogen, dammit. [Day 3]

雨が止まれた。The rain stopped.

Music: One Step Closer - Linkin Park : Hybrid Theory :: I got through hallucination and apparently, I'm in Angry Music catagory <_<;;

Larry: I haven't been responding to your comments, huh? I'm too lazy. I'll get to them by email..., perhaps?

13 October 2004

NARUTO Chapter 235 & Episode 104

I am supposedly be working on either my vignette for English or my Open Project for Bio. But ever since I saw the raw NARUTO episode 104, I felt like I would burst if I don't rant about it...also because I have decided to use this as a warm up to my vignette.

There is a new opening and ending song in NARUTO, marking it the start of the fourth season. Honestly, just to get it out of the way, I don't like the ending. Even more so than Ryuusei. While 流星(Ryuusei) seems unfit to be in NARUTO, the new ending for NARUTO, "Mountain A Go Go Two" by Captin Stridum just came with bad visuals. The colors used are completely unplesant to the eyes, the whole thing is pretty much panning several unmoving cells in outline...well, I'm exagerating. I actually thought the colors and effects where pretty cool. It seems Bleach-ish though o___O;; But the one thing that bothers me the most are all those fully colored Naruto heads. The few seconds of Naruto heads zooming by seems like minutes, as I cringe and frown at each head. I despise those five seconds...! (eh, you'll get used to it...)

Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts...

The producers of the new opening, "Seishun Kyousou Kyoku" By Sambo Master, has definately read chapter 234. It practically juts out to poke you in the head, screaming 234. 青春狂想曲(Seishun Kyousou Kyoku) literally means, "Crazy Youth Song", which I gaped at when I first noticed the title. It's another energetic song, but less hyper than Go!!! (I seem to be swallowing my own words a lot lately) I also love the opening itself. Oh the symbolism (and spoilers)! Kyaa~it's...it's...it's like...超サスナル (Chou* SasuNaru). But even the manga has been giving off such vibes lately, so it can't be helped (heart) <--(oi.) Ah, so the brief fight scenes are very nice. More action-ish (+), but less cute(-). I adore the part with Sasuke picking up the headband~~ Orochimaru swishing his hair is a bit disturbing though, isn't it? (Despite the fact that he already use female speech pattern?)


[Please ignore the next paragraph...it's a rant of my fangirl from within.]

Honestly I'm a tad upset about the excessive NaruSaku in the filler episode, especially this episode. I know that Naruto's supposed to like Sakura, but it seems a bit forced. I honestly believe that they teamwork should be much better and that Sasuke is just plain cruel for leaving Sakura behind. As we know from the start of the Mist Country arc, Sasuke won't leave Sakura behind, as much as she hovers over Sasuke like a fly. But somehow, in my twisted logic of a fangirl, that just promotes SasuNaru more. Sasuke goes to rescue Naruto first, but leaves a fainted Sakura behind in the water? To me, that seems very forced. Sasuke just oozes trust and understanding of Naruto when he stops Sakura from interrupting Naruto chastising Idate. And do you see Sasuke's expression when Naruto ran on the water to save Sakura? It was jealousy, whether from Naruto being stronger and/or caring so much about Sakura. I think my mind is very much tainted by SasuNaru-ness...Yay! (?) Corruption!

Alright. Chapter 235.
Very cool, it was. This chapter concludes the mission, and various team members are being treated. A huge introduction to the medic-nins, I guess. Their methods are awsome too. Since the Sasuke-Naruto fight has been pretty much concluded [as Naruto will need a few day's bed rest at most], the focus shifts to the rest of the team. Hey, is that Neji with his hair cut short? =D So the women we were introduced earlier in the Inuzaka Clan is not Kiba's Mother, as I had first thought, but his Older sister. The last part of the chapter focused on Shikamaru. In nine pages, we got to know Shikamaru better than the Genius Slacker Kishimoto seems to have labeled him as. The pressure and responsibility that he had kept in check finally breaks upon him, revealing the inexperienced boy he is. Neither IQ or EQ matters. In fact, he has kept his worries well within himself, only to break upon Tsunade's words. His father and Temari were no use, dammit! Only Tsunade understood Shikamaru's pressure, and by contrasting that to his father's and Temari's harsh accusations, Kishimoto builds an even stronger Hokage image for Tsunade-Hime. (Temari~ Don't be so mean to Shika-kun! It's either you or Ino!!) <--(Just ignore PC.)

Ehh..it's now 11:32...dammit.

「次こそは...完璧にこなしてみせます...!」'Tsugi koso wa...Kanpeki ni nonashite misemasu!'
'Next time, I'll do it perfectly for sure...!' Nara, Shikamaru - NARUTO ch235

12 October 2004


She hated it with a passion. Hated that panic, that stress, with every nucletic acid that composed her whole being. The crack between tests, grown wider from resting days, exhausted her. Picking herself up from instinctive and mechanical brainworks proved itself to be utterly difficult, despite the popular belief that one should feel fully rested at the start of the week.

Thus, she learned to avoid the whole matter altogether.

At first, she only pretended to disregard; but without detection, her carelessness grew, until it finally overtook the master of its creation. It became a habit.

Oh how sweet oblivion could be.

But as all things that don't belong in the sky, one day they will fall, and nothing will save them from that harsh fall.

Oh how happy everyone was when she told a tale of an easy glide towards the blue, blue sky. Never did she mention that she never opened her wings to soar...

No, she did not lie about the ease in which she can glide in.

She merely fabricated and dwelled in her world for so long that she believed it to be true.

She had told herself countless times, "I'm just doing this because...", excusing herself from the guilt for not doing her best.

Sometimes, she wished she can just leave her world behind her.

Falling hurts. Her body impacted upon the ground, straining every nerve with guilt, shattering her daydreams....

11 October 2004

A Minimum Day, Today Is.

Currently trying to download Sims 2.

Minimum day today.

Found out I won four Naruto Gashapon figures and two Headband candy toys from a Narutimett Hero 2 trivia thing this morning. Yay. I rarely win anything at all, but yay! (Hopes she gets the Tekkou* in one of the candy toys for her costume~~) I least hope for the headbands that are not black. =\ Too bad they're randomly shipped...I'd love to choose mine...As for the Gashapon figures, I don't mind any; I just don't want doubles.

I stayed a short while after school to finish designing our robot.

Walked home. The weather, I suspect often, has bi-polar disorder. But more likely because it was 13:30, the scorching sun was terribly uncomfortable.

I think I will go play a bit of FFX before I start homework.

'Is it so bad then to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.' - Ralph Waldo Emerson//Self-Reliance

Text Item

Q: Where do the characters go when I use my backspace or delete them on my PC?
A: The characters can go to different places depending on whom you ask:
» The Catholic's approach to characters: The nice characters go to Heaven, where they are bathed in the light of happiness. The naughty characters are punished for their sins. Naughty characters are those incloved in the creation of naughty words, such as "breast", "sex", and "contraception."

» The Buddhist explanation: If a character has lived rightly, and its karma is goood, then after it has been deleted it will be reincarnated as a different, higher characted. Those funny charactes above the numbers on your keyboard will become numbers, numbers will become letters, and lower-case letters will become upper case.

» The 20th-century bitter cynical nihilist explanation: Who cares? It doesn't really matter if they're on the page, deleted, undelleted, underlined, etc. It's all the same.

» The Mac user's explanation: all the charactesr written on a PC and thin deleted go straight to PC hell. If you're using a PC you can probably see the deleted characters abecause you're in PC hell also.

» Stephen King's explanation: every time you hit the [del] key you unleash a tiny monster inseide the cursor, who tears the poor, unspecting characters to shreds, drinks their blood, then ears them, bones and all. Hah, Hah, Hah!

» Dave Barry's explaination: the deleted characters are shipped to Balled Creal, Mich., where they're makde into Pop-Tart filling; this explains why Pop-Tarts are so flammable, while chrap imitations are not flammable. I'm not making this up.

» IBM's explanation: They characters are not real. The exist only on the screen when they are needed, as conceptes, so to deleted them is merely to de-conceptualize them. Get a life.

» PETA's (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) explanation: You've been DELETING them? Can't you hear them SCREAMING?? Why don't you go CLUB some BABY SEALS while wearing a MINK, you PIG!!

This is riddled with error, as I typed this in 12 minutes will all my vigor. But then again, so was the original..[OOOH, look at all those grammatical errors that I fixed....]

10 October 2004

It's Sunday. Look. It's Naruto's Birthday.

I dunno. I guess I can say I feel a bit lost? This post only exists for the sake of...existing, I guess.

To Great Mall I went yesterday. I got to play what I believe was DDR Extreme, yay! Only regret was me wearing boots instead of something a bit more dancable in. I found a Matrix trenchcoat—orange style! Pictures later. <--(and when is that, PC?)

Friday Byakko caught his first mouse~yay! [A real one at that] Too bad he let it go =_=;; and was whining for it to come back to play with him....! o_O;;

Um. I should go do homework. I do want to play DDR.

Today happens to be the Tenth of October, the day Kyuubi no Kitsune was sealed inside the newly born Uzumaki Naruto! XD Happy Birthday, Naru-chan! I hopefully I'll draw some B-day pict for Naru-chan within the next week, perhaps?

Speaking of birthdays...(Gasp!) I realized that Arnie's birthday was last month's 7th on the 6th of this month! That completely escaped my mind, it did...

Let's see...Open Project due Friday, Newspaper deadline Thursday, and History ch12 quiz tomorrow! Kuso~!

Quote to be added L8er...

Music: Nobody's Listening - Linkin Park
:: (sweat) I downloaded a big album of Linkin Park around a week ago for no apparent reason [I am not updated on popular music...] and finally got a chance to listen to it..This song has Japanese flute in the background! With rap, yes, but flute! YaY!

05 October 2004

NARUTO Chapter 234 & YAOI FanGirls

Yaay, another issue of NARUTO earlier than usual...a very awsome chapter at that. Not nearly as BL FanGirl-y, but very shoujo-/doujinshi- styled, with all that symbolism. I'm getting more convinced by the issue that Kishimoto-sensei is a closet doujinshi-ka! Especially with all that light and dark thing >___X;; And yet again, I understood 90% of the chapter in Japanese! I am so Cool! [oi, oi...what's with that sudden egotism?] But what's with that Fly-Trapper-Akatsuki?! o___O;; I like Itachi and Kisame better, I think...[hey there's nothing wrong with Kisame except he looks like a cross breed between a human and a sharK! Kisame is silly!]

On a slightly related note, Sasuke's expression in 234 ignited a discussion regarding the sexiness of 'dead-fish-eyes' in Shiro's eGroups.

That's right, I have not much(?) homework tonight...[isn't that slightly misleading since you have plenty of projects, readings, and labs to do, PC?] Yaay. I even went to Robotics today..which reminds me of the member list updating and layouting I promised to do...damn. Speaking of websites, I still have to work on the main image for Sancta [I'm sorry! Don't throw eggplants at me!]

Do I feel a need to rant excessively every time I blog? Seems like so. Anyhow, in giving up drawing this week's planned pair of NARUTO characters, Genma and Hayate, I drew Naruto and Sasuke, basing their design on a fanfic called Spiral Falling by BeccaAmon, which is basically them in the tie, white shirt, and dark pants of a school uniform [plus glasses on Sasuke's part]. Meh, yes, I will admit that I'm a BL FanGirl, but not as crazed as the YAOI FanGirls of our anime club!

Yes, we have YAOI FanGirls in our anime club! I'm hoping that their 'YAOI' takes the 'Americanized' definition of 'any homosexual relationships between guys [BL, shounen-ai, etc]' and not the original definition of YAOI: no plot, no charaterization hard core sex of guys. >___O;;

Ki-tan [Kit-chan/Kitsune] had said, after that particular section of our club screamed, 'we want yaoi' when I tried to introduce them to Bleach and Yakitate! Japan, they are scary in that they are forceful...Not to mention their speech patterns? Then we went on a short discussion on the effects of just the speech pattern, but that's really irrelevant.

Which just newly inspired me to say another thing about me in My Window that I will be presenting in perhaps a month or more: My speech patterns of 1) in mostly two parts and 2) is often interrupted by my own thinking represents the fact that I see things as related, whether being cause/effect, contrast, etc. and that I learned to relate one thing to another to another until the last thought I have [before I stop myself] has nothing to do with the first.

That big, long sentence doesn't really quite make sense...

Oh well.

'Ore wa...Anta no iinai ni wa, naranai...!'
'I...won't become what you say I'll become...!' - Uchiha, Sasuke//NARUTO ch 234 :: yaay, Sasurin's (?) realization! (hearts)

Music: Eternity ~Memories of Light and Waves~ - Kokubu, Hiroko//FFX-2 : Final Fantasy X-2 Piano Collection

Larry: You're right, it doesn't, but what can any of us say; the seasons are sepearated by episode numbers, not plot. Did George say something about such stuff? I wouldn't know. They're just things that come to mind as I type...just so happens that my plant [which I didn't repot anyways] is right in front of me and CAL games is not. Happy? That's just me getting somewhat enough sleep after being deprived of it...I'd call me being high, even. It's like a drug...(drools)

01 October 2004

Yay! It's Naruto 233! And the Kiriban 1000!

After the recent release from the internet ban, I immediately went hunting for the NARUTO chapter 233 raw. The JoJoHot version, the raw that narutofan.com provides, is indesirable for its advertising/credits on the side, often blocking conversations. A minimal amount of rummaging at NARUTO fansites from memory brought me to narutoex.com, which has great scans of the shounen Jump.

Ch 233: OH THE HINTS RABID SASUNARU FANGIRLS CAN WORK OFF OF! The end to Sasuke and Naruto's fight was very well done, and it probably make many happy. Gasp! At the symbolism of Naruto's attack! Squee-- There wasn't much dialogue, but I liked it. Another proof that supports the thesis, 'Kishimoto-sensei is a closet doujinshi-ka!' (waves little SasuNaru flags) eh...the discussion at Shirohane eGroups was amusing. All the Sakura-bashing is going a bit overboard though? Yes, Sakura is quite useless, she hadn't happeared for quite some time, and she is quite annoying with her Sasuke-hailing, but she's really not that bad...Maybe I should resume checking downloadanime.org forums for their opinions...

Ep 103: LoL. Ibiki's little bro. LoL. No anime fix next week, for they must prepare for the 4th season and a new opening.

CONGRATULATIONS JIN for getting 1000 on my kiriban! (Yay!) He requested 6 things, of which includes a photo of me [eep!], a picture, and a hug. Erm, yeah. Am I just making trouble for myself to put a kiriban up? But then again, I think getting 1000 hits on a blog is pretty impressive...at least to me.

Another thing, as Kit-chan brought up the topic of my Angst Poem, the 'Fifty Word Rant': I find it amusing that I have such an interesting vocabulary when I'm angsting. Hey, another point for my window.

»type up club member lists for Anime and Go for attendence purposes

'Nature says: He is my creature, and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me. Not the sun or the summer alone, but every hour and season yields its tribute of delight; for every hour and change corresponds to and authorizes a different state of mind, from breathless noon to grimmest midnight.' - excerpt from Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson :: Emmerson is a cool guy. I know; I did a project on the Transcendentalists three years ago. (gasp) It's not an anime quote!

Music: Shimauta - The Boom ::The song the Jap 7-10H class will be singing for the next month. At least it's a very good song, and not kiddy song nor bad-lyric love song. I like the Cantonese version I have too!

Recollection of the Past Few Days

Erm...Wow. That thing that I vomited out is pretty ugly and ansty, isn't it? Anyways, to give a backgound as a reference for my future self, as well as to anyone who cares (which can be counted with one hand, probably), I broke, again, from my workload from procasination and refusual to devote my YOUTH! to homework, and the history essay due the next day wasn't exactly helping...I ended up getting 45 minutes of sleep and half a page short of the requiremented 2.5.

I skipped robotics for the whole week and got naps after school, and was banned from the internet for 2 days...Tomorrow is the CAL games, isn't it? Maybe I should've gone to yesterday's meeting afterall. But then again, I really did need my 3-hour nap ><;;

Yay! I think I did well on both the English and History tests! Vocab is somehow many times easier to memorize now—the credit of flashcards or the memory-improving stuff I've been eating? Father says both.

I really should pay more attention to my Calculus class, in any case. By my twisted logic that I am good at math, I have been pushing the study of the said subject to last, skipping its homework and dozing off in class. The period before lunch, when blood sugar is at its lowest, does that. Result: two Cs in the past two tests. Perhaps I really should focus less on English? History is out of the question, since I already rely on taking full advantage of having 6th period History and cram this subject in all my preceeding classes.

I was semi-productive today, getting half of the Bio study guide done! Erm, I plan to finish all homework on my homework log, by not procasinating and finish work early!

Er, Thursday, or was it Wednesday, that Yumeo presented his window. I'll comment that it was interesting, but its actual events are for our class' memories and anyone who manages to hack into my blog only.


MUST DOs [in the order they come to mind]:
»do homework
»re-pot my plant
»burn stuff off my comp [anime, manga...]
»organize my comp [stuff are everywhere!]
»Open Project [Bio]
»CAL games
»Throw up some ART website designs and do photoshop layouting for them [in other words, just layouting...not actual coding]

Um. I think that's it for the mundane stuff. A seperate entry will be created for...more interesting things.

Larry: It's not the evilness of anime...it's just me. And for random blogs, go to blogger.com, scroll down a bit. On the right side should be a list of blogs recently published and blogs noticed lately. Usually they have a bar to go to random blogs [I covered mine] (sighs) as I've said, you're just smart.
Kit-chan: As I've told you, I can't look at your journal entries...