22 October 2004

Response to Amy's October 12 Deadjournal Entry

My Response to Amy's Deadjournal:

2004-10-22 17:35
Hey, if you're writing a complaint, I'll do it with you. I've never gotten a detention [so far], but I do think it's silly. Perhaps a complaint/reasoning will get the school administration to change their policies. I discussed this issue with my parents perhaps two weeks ago, and while they gave me alternative ideas to the policy they have now, they completely missed my point and started to lecture me on the order of things...-_-;;

The said journal entry reminded me that I should not hide my fallen grade in shame.
Here we go...
US History AP - A
Japanese 7H - A+
Calculus 1 AP - C+
Art 1 - A
English 5H - C
Biology 3 AP - B-
Sci Research - A-

Apparently my mother had thought the school sent us the wrong scores, LoL.

Link of the Day: GenkiGang: I guess pretty cute hats. I would rather make them myself, but I think hand-making the hats and making a business out of it is awesome.

1 comment:

  1. You have Johnson for English? She grades a bit erratically, so write poorly and see if your grade goes up.
    Calc and bio are inexcusable, though. I can't believe I'm actually recommending this, but do the homework.

    What did the school decide to do now? Being stricter about detentions or something?
