21 October 2004

A Few [Hopefully] Short Words About Various Things and NARUTO Episode 105

A few [hopefully] short words about various things.

1| Participated in the Maestro Project today after school and got a $25 gift card to Borders. That increased my Borders gift card allowance by 200%

2|I better contentrate today; I have many things due/to work on tomorrow, such as tests and projects.

3| The Anime-Heaven: NARUTO division has apparently splitted from A-H, and will be continuing their fast (?) subbing services under the name Dattebayo. Very cute name. I was going to use that as a NARUTO shrine...but oh well.. <_<;;>[Source: NarutoFan, AnimeSuki Forums]

4| NARUTO 105: Why are they still dragging the plot--?! I understand that the producers are trying to let the manga plot move a bit further ahead before following the original plot, but all those Idate flashbacks are starting to bother me. And the proportions of Idate and Naruto were horribly distored when Naruto carried Idate up the stairs of the Shrine. Naruto was generally larger than Idate in that scene, despite his child proportions. And Comparing that to Idate's teenage proportions yet seemingly same height with Naruto, both of them look like they have some sort of genetic disorder. I cringe at that sheer largeness of Naruto's head.

This is getting long.

Link of the Day: A-No-Ne Waah! What a great artist she is! Buu <--(...?)—I'm envious! Pwetty website too. Even her sketches look better than something I spend hours and hours on... SQUA! (worships Patara)

1 comment:

  1. Since when does an anime fan dislike abnormally large heads?
    And how do you always get the naruto episodes so early...it's not fair, my connection is probably 6x faster than yours, too.
