17 October 2004


雨が降れっているよ。It's raining.

—Not what I would describe as pouring, but close enough. My cousin happily romped around our pavement driveway, joyously laughing, overtaken by an unknown glee. I slid open the dirty window, feeling moisture-ridden air blowing across my face and through my stuffy room, smelling its distinctly fresh and clean smell. Music uncharacteristically blared from speakers, electronic guitars and vocals and drumsets and vocals and violins and Sanshin purposefully deafening all thoughts of worry. I screamed along with whatever lyrics I happened to remember as eyes stared out of the window, as all thinking shut down.

The computer's power suddenly stopped again, and I swore in a single syllable again.

I didn't need more problems than waking up with uninvited guests, despite being a family who lived next door, ravaging through food not prepared for them. Three walked in and started to eat food prepared for our family, then amonst them, my uncle beckoned another cousin to join them, all four unwillingly invited. A Serving for four won't serve eight. All the while I slept on, exhautsted from accumulated lack of sleep for the past four days, in addition to my tendency to refuse waking up to a large, chattering group. Unsuprisingly, our impudent and lazy relatives reduced my brunch ration to a small bowl of porridge and not enough leftovers. And to think that those relatives came to deprive our family of edibles only because their mother left for work before cooking their breakfast. Two are adults and another in April! Now, blaming the one in seventh grade will not do; despite already old enough to cook for herself, cooking for her aunt, older brother, and her father (because of the laziness of the said family) is unreasonable.

Thus, I woke to loud chattering and lack of food, both of which contributes to grouchiness. Add that to the mountain of pending homework, an arriving grandmother [thus I have to clean up my room], and a spilled water container under my desk. This healthy mixture of stress produces a running-away PcBY! Yay! (Incoherence of sentence due to L'arc~en~Ciel music)

Argh. Screw trying to write vividly. Yesterday was PSAT, which I will skip over, but afterwards Amy brought her DDR Max2 over, and we grooved a bit, then we went downtown for her hair dye, but ended up not buying the dye. She wants to dye her hair dark purple. Hmm...then we talked about what to do for the Anime Club. Ummm yeah. [Accoring to Strunk, wouldn't this be much more clear and to the point than writing vivdly? Also, according to Baker, wouldn't this paragraph have much more voice than all of the previous? =D]

I hate being low on estrogen, dammit. [Day 3]

雨が止まれた。The rain stopped.

Music: One Step Closer - Linkin Park : Hybrid Theory :: I got through hallucination and apparently, I'm in Angry Music catagory <_<;;

Larry: I haven't been responding to your comments, huh? I'm too lazy. I'll get to them by email..., perhaps?

1 comment:

  1. I finally fixed my comp and watched 104...and I had just taken your word for the stuff you said earlier. Either I am not very perceptive (I'll blame my glasses) or you read too much homoerotic fanfiction.

    Writing descriptively (first part, with all the random use of adjectives and adverbs) is not the same as writing well. Neither is being overly concise, but the first usually makes people not want to read it, while the second, at least, is simple and easy to follow.

    If you're low on estrogen I think you're supposed to drink more milk (for the calcium, not for the hormones). Otherwise you might get osteoperosis. And you wouldn't want that, now would you?
