30 October 2004

NARUTO Chapter 237 & Eplsode 106

106 was is crap. In terms of plot, it is disgustingly cliche and childish. Sakura breaksthe fall with Chakra, then the rock she grips on breaks. Also, if she is strong enough to pull out a mast, shouldn't she be also strong enough to carry both her and Sasuke's weight? The fight scenes are vulgar and without style. The final attack of Naruto's Rasengan left me with a bad taste also. Aoi spun from the attack. Not punctured with a huge chakra hole/burn, but spun off into the whirlpool, screaming. It's pathetic.

I couldn't help but wince at the horrible animation. As a starter, the faces are demented—especially so in Naruto's profile and front. Face too wide, chin to pointy, eyes too small and far apart. The crowd are skimpily drawn. Oyabun (Boss) looked different with longer hair and unattentive eyes. I am sure that there's bad animation on Sakura's part too, but I can't pinpoint from memory. Also I doubt the usefulness of bandages on top of Sasuke's clothing will be of any help from him, especially when his worst injury is from electrical shock.

Ah, also bad perspectives makes Naruto look strange [i.e. when he's getting up]. Back to Oyabun at the end of the race, Oyabun and his subordinates are of a child's proportion! Hidious! And what's up with Idate confessing his guilt on the rope?!

(Not very happy with this arc, aren't we?) YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! We get back to good plot and animation next week! Ooh, Sasuke in long pants and a shirt without a high collar... I made funny squeals ('ni, niiii~') when watching the preview~~

Moving on...

There you have it. Team Seven now walks the footsteps of the Sannin (slaps forehead). Kakashi talks to Obito once more. Who is Obito? Yondaime? An Uchiha? Three years, huh? I understand the condition of Orochimaru, but is Akatsuki only stalling for the convenience of Kishimoto-sensei (haha)? Um...so there'd mostly be training for at least the next couple of month, provided that Kishimoto-sensei covers all of Team Seven. Go Naru-chan! Learn more than the same attacks you always use!

That intrigues me. Naruto must know more than the few attacks he uses in the manga—even in the few hours of Narutimett, he knows of more attacks. I would really like to see more...(wants to see Iruka-sensei fight, but thinks he's only a playable in gamecube or whatnot...)


Yeah, I didn't watch 106 until today...busy...at least the filler is done...whee...

Oh, and Jai got Kiriban, again. 1111. I didn't belive it until I went myself and I was 1112. The Next may be 1234?

Link of the Day: 白兎(Shiro-Usagi//White Rabbit) — Waah! Pretty fanart! Mostly Yondaime, Some kakashi, few Sasuke. (dies) She is absolutely awesome. It's Japanese page, but the menu is english and pretty self-explanatory.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! So I caught up with you, in the anime at least. But I sort of wish I didn't, and had instead given up Naruto for the entirety of this month.
    They shouldn't try to make filler related to the plot...
