30 October 2004

W32/Bagle.bb@MM & W32/Bagle.bd@MM

From McAfee Dispatch:
W32/Bagle.bb@MM and W32/Bagle.bd@MM are Medium Risk
mass-mailing worms that try to open up a hacker backdoor on
your computer. Carried inside an email attachment, the
viruses spread by forwarding themselves to e-mail addresses
stolen from an infected PC. Like their predecessors, they
also try to terminate anti-virus and other security software

--> What should I look for?

FROM: Varies (spoofed)
SUBJECT: Re:, Re: Hello, Re: Thank you!, Re: Thanks :),
Re: Hi
BODY: :), :))
ATTACHMENT: Price, price, Joke (with an extension of .exe,
.scr, .com or .cpl)

--> How do I know if I've been infected?

Presence of wingo.exe file in Windows system directory.
Outgoing messages and attachments as described above.

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