30 April 2004

(squee!) I love Itachi's voice Y! And Ep 81 seems to be better than the manga, considering it makes the scenes a lot more clear. I thought the small Naruto interceptionsn were really nice. Konohamaru is so cute, kore! XD Interesting...Itachi uses 'Sasuke's Theme'...Well, they almost look identical except those slashes around the eyes and a ring and blue fingernails and long hair =^^;;=
Well, this is the last I'll probably see of Masaki Kawai. At least I talked to him before he left. There are pictures, which I'll put online or something when Sancta gets a layout. [Which will be...?]

I groomed the cat outside today afterschool, for it's shedding. Cat got impatient, tried to bite, scratach, and and even hissed at me. It got yelled at after each. That darned creature even shedded enough on me to give me a coat. Got a picture of that too, which will be uploaded when the Masaki pictures are loaded.

'It doesn't matter if you're going crazy, as long as there's someone to miss you when you're gone.' - Some Naruto fanfic that I forgot the name of (dodges flying kunais aimed toward her)

Hinata vs Neji - Toshiro Masuda//Naruto : Naruto OST II :: I especially like the version that appeared in ep 80...I love ep 80...

28 April 2004

HeyHey!! Special Notice! I just 'visited' this blog of mine and I noticed the counter says '209'!! So Besides hitting 200 [Wow this page has been loaded 200 times? People read my blog?], I'd really like to know who hit 200! Contact me!
Alrighty. Back from getting a free ice cream scoop from Basket Robins [spelling?] Their Almond Fudge is okay, I guess, but I still like Haagen-Dazs ice cream better =9
Damn it. The adwares and spywares are getting worse by the day. And here I thought I've cleared most of them, by Ad-Aware and manually. Well, I guess this gives me more new motivation to revise my speech.

Putting that aside, today is such a nice weather. Warm sun and slight breezes [okay, it's not so slight, but it sounds good @___@;;], a day perfectly comfortable to wear a short-sleeved shirt in. Ah...what comfort! Especially after two days of insanely hot, not to mention sudden, weather!

Okay, I am charged guilty of being happy all day [gasp!] after getting 5 hours of sleep and a cup of Burger King coffee [4 packs of sugar, 4 containers of half-and-half that I should cut to 3]. The combination of sleep-deprivation and coffee with too much half-and-half gives such an amazing result. [eh, note: 5 hours is not really that little except when I didn't get much, meaning 8 hours or more, of sleep for the past week o____O;;]

Can't believe this is Masaki-sensei's last week in Japan. Can't believe how fast one year passed. Still remember when Miyamoto-sensei showed us Masaki's picture before he came, Kat said that he's not kawaii**. He just had his birthday not long ago, so he's 23 now =D Well, I gotta finish homework quick so I can make/draw him something, though he draws very damn good. He's cool. He'll be going to Australia afterwards, to get away from working, he said. Hm... I'll probably see him friday afterschool for that Go thing...I wonder if I can finish my thing for him by then. I have a feeling it's gonna be crappy.

Ugh, I just keep torturing myself lately. Why do I do that? It's either the PMS [strangely I get it not 2 weeks, but right before MS], the estrogen imbalence, or both. Does longing for something/someone have a say in this matter?

And I should reply people's mails. Sorry Razuki & Gigi! I'll get to it...soon...

Time just flies by, doesn't it? we only have a month left of school, then it'd be summer; I will soon be going to summer school and to HK/China [hooray!]. The summer would pass quickly with [hopefully!] Sancta opened, fanfics written, arts done, galleries organized, and faster than any Anbu can assassinate, I'd be a Junior and SATs would be looming over me.

Why do I always manage to cox myself into thinking about major tests? But then again, it's normal.

'When romances do really teach anything, or produce any effective operation, it is usually through a more far subtile process than the ostensible one. The Author has considered it hardly worth his while, therefore, relentlessly to impale the story with its moral as with an iron rod—or, rather, as by sticking a pin through a butterfly—thus at once depriving it of life, and causing it to stiffen in an ungainly and unnatural attitude.' - Lenox : Preface to House of Seven Gables :: Ahh, sorry for another insanely long quote. It just doesn't make sense with just the butterfly part...

GO!!!! - Flow : Naruto 5th Opening [avaliable for download at Narutofan.com]

**It's a joke. Masaki's full name is 'Masaki Kawai', and 'Kawaii' means 'cute' in japanese. Kat, among other people, couldn't tell the extra 'i' in 'cute' [because we were in 1-2]....yeah.

27 April 2004

OoH. Casshern looks interesting, though a bit corny. Looks like some American company will buy it and remake it. Hmm...and Hikki (Utada Hikaru) might be in it...

25 April 2004

Aragon got 2nd place in the California High School Go Tournament that took place today from 15:00-17:30 in the Menlo Park Go Club. Congratulations to Jon Yen, Arnold Yim, Masaki Kawai, Chris Lee, and Elton Chan! [in order of board order/strength] Me? I went, but did nil because I'm an extra XD

I guess another weekend of no working on Sancta or even inking my edited version of Sei. Even less time if I keep typing my blog...
I Y Naruto Episode 80! Hey, it's sad, but it's all worth in in the dialogue [the mysterious Kakashi/ANBU dialogue!!], graphics [ooh those gorgeous eyes!], and seeing people in something other than what they've been wearing for the last 79 episodes...and all others comming.

YAY I got the ANBU/AonE vers! Worth the wait! Now, back to taking notes on Enlightenment & Great Awakening...

'When a person dies, he disappears, along with his past, present, and future. Many people die in missions and wars. They die easily and in suprisingly simple ways. Those who die have goals and dreams. But everyone has something just as important. Parents, siblings, friends, lovers...people who are important to you. The bond between the your important people ever since birth and the string that binds them becomes thicker and stronger as time goes by. It's beyon reason, the bond that will do that.' - Umino Iruka : Naruto :: truely displays his teacher-ness, ne? (cheers the dolphin teacher on)

23 April 2004

I got 1 hour of sleep this morning from 6:10-7:10 half-sitting over my stuffed animals on half of my sofa bed as a sofa. Not exactly the most comfortable, but I woke to the first alarm's sound and was high on endorphins all day. Up until 1.5 hours ago when I finished my second game of Go with my pa. So mentally exhausted =O___o;=

Maybe it's the way a slept this morning, but my neck muscles hurt, as well as my right arm. But that's from archery.

Wh00t! FanFiction & Naruto 80! Ep 80 has got to be my favorite ep. Without the hitai-ate on his forhead, Naruto looks cute. Otherwise, he's just a dobe.

'You will only become strong when you have to protect an important person...' - Haku : Naruto :: (Sobs) I love ZabuHaku ><;;

hitai-ate - forehead protector
dobe - 'dead last'. Sasuke's nickname for Naruto.

21 April 2004

Heh, almost forgot that I succeeded in eliminating a large portion of my adware by going through codes and such, and though my poor baby is still not ad-free, at least it's back to it's regular speed. Anyways, moved a few things around on the side and still haven't worked on Sancta yet.

Heh. I still can't believe that using Blogger to blog got me a Gmail account. Wh00t! 1 gig account space! [In Your Face, Jeff!]

I'm completely overjoyed...or, at least I'm very happy, for the character that I helped in creating appeared in Flash's newest chapter that came out today, even if Sei only said 'That would be me' XD Genin is really a good fic, but the I sometimes get confused by the complicated fighting scenes. Sadly it is the meat of the fanfic that I don't get. Then there's a few other good fics like 13th Hour by ChibiOrochimaru and Naruto no Hohoemi by Nazo also updated, which made me very happy. As a note, they're all found on Fanfic.net under Anime �Naruto, but yours truely reads almost all kinds of fanfiction...just a warning.

Fanfictions entertain me greatly.

Ah, and also the newest chapter of Return of a Stranger contain an idea of mine. She used my idea! Yay! And I've noticed I've been popping up quite a lot in the Naruto section, as Ookima said. Ookima writes well too, and it seems like she never runs out of ideas, as she's writing 6 Naruto fics at the same time...I've been appearing much more than I did in the HikaGo section, that's for sure. But then again, HikaGo doesn't nearly have as much fics as Naruto...

Today is a good day. I wonder if more good things will come along in the next few hours?

'Simple really; just contact the person through his/her dreams. It was basic sorcery, but it caused one more problem. What would he say? "Hi, I'm a vampire. My name's Sasuke and I'm in love with you.' - The 13th Hour//Naruto Fanfic by C h i b i O r o c h i m a r u

Aeon - remix by Saphire//Final Fantasy X :: Flash decided it to be Sei's theme, and I find it suiting. Get it from vgmix.com

20 April 2004

In today's STAR CAT LA test, the word 'stotic' popped up as one of the questions. I am proud to declare that I learned that word from reading fanfiction (Sasuke XD).

By the bye, I am so frusterated at the ads that kept popping up and slowing down my computer that I will write my speech on that. I'm pretty sure I can ramble for 4 minutes about Spyware....
I can't believe it took me 55mins to type and upload that last entry. STUPID BROWSER/POP_UP/AD_WARE/SPY_WARE!! +swears colorfully in 3 different languages and regrets not learning more+ And don't click those darned links with the green underline, you!

EDIT [01:11], after having to go back to various entries to delete excess coding of stupid 'viruses': +wails+ I HATE THE WORLD! ESPECIALLY THOSE STUPID, MORONIC, ANNOYING, GREED-AND-DESIRE-DRIVEN SOFTWARES THAT CHANGES MY STUFF! A I don't have a thorough understanding of WinXP file placement either...unlike my knowledge of Win98 that I used to have...
Ah, I'm using my 'precious' sleeping time to write a blog entry...I know how to spend my time well, huh?

Went to Japan town yesterday and bought 2 naruto books— Hiden • Mi no...er...basically the Fanbook and the Character Data book. I failed in figuring out the kanji pronunciationon on these books X| Bought each for $8.85. I'm happy, but not my wallet. That and I bought yet another copic outlining pen, the 0.3mm one, which, I guess, works well in addition to my 0.05mm one. =D But I still have to get used to using them— my first inking using that pen was horrible =oO;;=

Anyhow, in the character data book one of the colored pages is of the ULTIMATE EVIL PICTURE of Kakashi sleeping with his hand over his mouth and nose. VEEERY EEEVIL indeed...But now that I have a hardcopy of an ANBU uniform, I can slowly attempt in making a costume =^^;;=

Bought Macbeth, The House of the Seven Gables, and The Scarlet Letter today. Two of which is for schoo (English, if one would actually need the clarification). Ah, Also the reason for looking at strange Japanese names on Saturday: trying to figure out the meaning of the name of a character in a Naruto fanfiction, found out (Flash practically told Tatsu the answer, who in turn told me because we decided to work together to figure it out) the meaning, and got to design a character for Flash's fic. Well I tried to draw her out...yeah, it seemed to have turned out pretty well...

I played 1 game of Go on Yahoo!games and I sucked really badly. Argh. Jon said that if Aragon is to win, then we'd have to rely on the 3 weaker ones instead of the other two who knows how to play well because they decided that they were not good enough for the other team's 2 best. Actually, I won't drag Arnie into this; only Jon decided. So I figured we'd be lucky if we got 2 wins. One from Masaki (because he's really good now), and one from either Elton or Chris, depending which of them is going. Sadly, as much as I suck, Jon wants a girl in the 5-person team to 'look good'. Maybe I should not go just to agitate him =D

Conclusion: I will be hanging out at the Yahoo!games section this whole week just to 'grab some sand'. <-- that's a Cantonese idiom. So this entry that took me 30min to type will be for the lack of blogging recently. Not that enyone cares.

I PROMISE to no one THAT I WILL WORK ON SANCTA IN THE FOLLOWING WEEK, HOPEFULLY DURING THE UPCOMMING WEEKEND! REALLY! that is, if I have the will to break from the fanfic-dom...

BLOODY POPUPS! Just when I thought I deleted a spyware, two more pops up!! +pulls on hair+ It's making my computer so sloooooooow...Damn them! They should be sent to the bloody hell! AAARGH!!!!

' Hehe I hope you liked it. Please review! Please? *grabs Sasuke and makes him plead along with me*
Sasuke: (glares) Hmph.
(TRANSLATION OF SASUKE TALK: Yes please review! You people out there are absolutely gorgeous. If you review I might decide to strip tease for all of you out there... And then I'll *censored* and *censored*...)
Naruto: Eurghhh Sasuke stop being so dirty!
(N.B: Naruto is the only person alive that can fully comprehend Sasuke talk) ' - I Think I Better Leave Right Now//Naruto fanfic by purrfectly976 : @fanfic.net! :: (pikupiku)

17 April 2004

In Miyasaki prefecture of Japan there're less than 10 (but definately more than 1) people with the name 'Satou', using the kanji that means sugar; In several regions groups of people use the last name 'Katou', using the kanji that means 'deer head', 'deer sugar', and 'singing head'.

And ooh, I like this one: there are people with names of 'sasaki', using the kanji that means 'sandy sandy wood' =D hmm..also people with 'kimura' (can be pronounced 'onimura'), using the kanji 'ghost village' (~180 individuals).
damn those pop-ups. I swear I'll find all of them tomorrow...and BURN THEM!

And go ahead and look at the time of post. Yes, I'm up at such an ungodly hour reading fanfics. And still will for a while.
two things:

1| Sometime in this past week some adware sneaked into my cute computer and started advertising. So now I'm very mad and annoyed

2| My very good friend from HK, whom I've never met, sent me this, which I thought was hillarious. [look at all those commas!]

4 difference types of college student:

Commoner: We're having a Math test next week??!!
Average : We・re having a Math test tomorrow??!!
Above normal: We・re having a math test next lesson??!!
God-like: We just had a Math test??!!

Larry: How come there are only two file on the desktop?
David: I don't know. There were two only two when I woke up. (recieves stares)
Larry: Like you ate one in your sleep or something?

13 April 2004

First day of this year's STAR testing: English. Not as easy as the HS Exit Exam, but I actually understood almost all of the vocabulary, in contrast to the PSAT that I took...=oO;;=

Today was also the Japanese 5-6 chapter 17 test. 5th period was the last period so we had extra time to finish our tests...not that I didn't finish, just didn't go over my answers because I was too busy drawing illustrations for my written portion, which is news about finding bunnies on the moon, ninja turtles scarecrows (a KAKASHI!), and a ramen-eating dolphin (an IRUKA!!). See how obsessed I am?

But anyways, Jon Yen (otherwise known as 'Taku-san'*) just wouldn't give up on finding the one mistake that Masaki-sensei told he had...and stayed 20mins after school because of that. I was waiting for Amy/Kitsune to finish =^^;;= Taku-san also tried to make Masaki-sensei tell him the answer, but was replied w/ the MOST HILLARIOUS answers...which is, the reason for my post�he QUOTE!

And...I never knew that guys would write/read shounen-ai/BL...WHOA. He writes very well too =>.O=

Taku-san: is this an i-keiyoushi or na-keiyoushi? Masaki!
Masaki-sensei: I don't understand Spanish. Hola.

NOTE: Kakashi = scarecrow in japanese = character in Naruto
Iruka = dolphin in japanese = character in Naruto
-sensei = an honorific that means 'teacher'
takusan = a lot
* Okay, as for why Jon's nickname is 'Taku-san'. His japanese name is Takuya, and the japanese honorific for 'mr, ms, or mrs' is '-san'. So that'd make 'Takuya-san'. But as lazy people we are, Amy discovered that taking out the 'ya' would make him a 'taku-san', which means 'a lot'. BTW, children and familiar females and sometimes lovers will abbriviate the other's names, i.e. Kitsune would become kit-chan.

ah, and the Haagen-Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Bar is of the most excellent. Right at the dark-choco vanilla & coffee almond league =)

12 April 2004

(rofl) ...Neji doing a moonwalk...XD This is why fanfictions are great....(falls off table and rolls on the floor, laughing) No, seriously imagine it...(collides with the chair) ow... [18:37:23]

(nods) yeah, I don't have much homework considering it's STAR testing this week, but I have make-up work in History X( [22:04:01]

'Maa...that� not fair, Iru-kun... Kakashi inwardly thought, eying the younger man with intense scrutiny. You�e better at wearing masks than I am.�- Midnight Confessions//Naruto fanfiction by Evil Kasumi :: don't let the 'Confession' part scare you; it's really not romance-based X)

11 April 2004

Maa...I can't believe it's the end of spring break, I haven't worked on the website one bit, and just started my sentence like Kakashi would. (hahaha, 'field scarecrow' and 'sea dolphin' (grin)) About the only place I went is to flim the Japanese project and to the gift convention thing.

I saw a really cool 'pocket knive' there...reminds me of a shiriken...X) and right after I got back from there I found a picture of Shikamaru holding a BIG version of that pocket-knive!


Ah. What happened to the ANBU & AonE release of Naruto 78? it's been aired since thursday and they still haven't released it yet. I like their version best, and there's a new opening and ending and I want a better version that the Baka-san or S0 one ;___; I love the new Naruto opening song, 'GO!!!!' by Flow.

(hums) We are FIGHTING dreamers! oiyoioio just go my way...

True Light [Paino Version] - D.N.Angel

09 April 2004

Well, so I didn't. But I really do need to at least finish the Japanese script. It's really rare for me to slack on Japanese...but, well, too bad. Who told me to discover the joy of naruto fanfics right BEFORE Spring Break and right AFTER robotics?

Ah, the reason for my post. I was just glancing at the Naruto ch 212 raw and found something truely delightful�the 3 Sand Ninjas, Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara�are back! And they're in this 'Konoha Alliance', thus are helping Shikamaru, Kiba, and Lee in defeating Tayuya, Sakon, and Kimimaro! Wh00T! YAY! Gooo Sand-nin comback! (can't anyone tell I'm obsessed?) GOOOOOOOO Gaara! (kimimaro is scary, with all those ribcages sticking out)

It's scary I pulled all those names out from my head...especially Tayuya and Sakon...Too bad I forgot a syllable in 'Temari', and I had to look it up. =p I find Shikamaru's luck with women very amusing, considering he's the one saying women are troublesome XD
Arg. I read that story until almost 04:00 before I slept. I really REALLY have to work on homework now...=~ ~;;= except I'll be going to the San Mateo Expo Center for this convention thing...and when I get back I'll probably NOT want to do homework but read the latest chapters of Naruto fanfics..not to mention discovering MORE of them...

NO. I WILL BE DOING HOMEWORK. (not guaranteeing any specific amount done...)
Sorry, I can't resist, this is too funny...or that I have a weird sense of humor:

"By comparison with you, a jellyfish is uptight," Iruka muttered.
"Jellyfish are uptight," Kakashi replied drolly. "Cranky little bastards. Lousy tempers, sting like a demon from hell if you even look at 'em funny..."
"The point here is finding a way to pay off our debt, not debating about the personality traits of jellyfish!"

(unable to complete the blog entry due to abdominal pains from laughing too much technical difficulties.)

EDIT [1:14]: Fanfics are great. They satisfy a fangirl's daily dose of bishounen torture?...I mean, how often do YOU hear (a VERY perverted) Kakashi say that his dream job, besides being a jounin and ANBU member, is to be a porn star?

08 April 2004

Two-thirds into my can of Pepsi and its effects are already comming out-- my hands are shaking. GOOOOOO CAFFEINE! (takes another sip) [this is around 16:00]


In another case, I FIGURED OUT WHY IRUKA IS SO CLOSELY ASSOCIATED WITH A DOLPHIN! IRUKA means dolphin! LoL! Like Kakashi meaning a scarecrow, LoL. X3 Wh00T! ka-wai-i~ [I've already finished my Pepsi by now][this is around 17:00]


I did less work than yesterday although I said I'd concentrate on homework...Got too absorbed in fanfics...hehee... [this is around 21:00]

'Surely we can figure out something besides homicide and slacking that I'm actually good at.' - Hatake Kakashi : Side Effects//Naruto Fanfiction :: I'm staying up late [again] to read fanfic, this time because this one is so darn funny X3
Okay, I really will have to concentrade on doing homework today...except the chances are I'll start reading fanfics [in lack of doujins], like yesterday. I found a really long [36 chapters and going] fanfic, and it's really good, so I spent most of last night reading it...She say she'll update again of Friday, yay. [She just updated last night when I was reading ch35 too X)]

Yes, I just woke up.

07 April 2004

Whoa. there's around 230 Witch Hunter Robin Fanfics on FF.net now. Sure was a difference compare to right before it was aired in US, when there's...10 fanfics. ff.net is down currently... =(
Whoa. I read fanfiction 'till 03:00 last night...And my last one is about a vampire too [hehehee] Guess I'll have to do homework today =~ ~;;= Though I don't agree with some of the pairings [GaaraNaru? InoNaru? IruNaru & KakaSasu just scares me], the story ideas are amusing. This one I just saw [ehh, no, I'm doing hw =)] 'Young Uzumaki Naruto is one of the CIA's best agents. What happens when he must confront a crime boss: Sasuke Uchiha? How far has this old friend strayed? And, how will Naruto handle it?' This is really amusing. I need to go through my favorites and delete some of the HikaGo ones to leave space for Naruto =D Too bad last night I spent much of my time reading this one that mostly consists of fighting and wasn't even greatly written...Ahh, the one where Sasuke cross-dresses and Itachi gets mistaken as Sasuke serveral times is hillarious..except all that excessive japanese swearing...

�n?�Naruto cocked his head, a bit dazed from the fall, �h, it� you.�Itachi stared. How could Naruto speak so calmly to him when he knew why Sasuke wanted to kill him? �n...�the blond walked over and looked up to meet his Sharingan eyes, �hen� you get so tall, Sasuke?�The older Uchiha boy stared.
�� not-�he started to say.
�h well, I� on a mission to rescue someone.�
�� not Sasu-�
� have to look for Sora, the old hag� niece, have you seen her?�
�eople here said they saw her getting carried to this house.�
�ait a minute, they saw someone like you carry her.�
�o YOU kidnapped her???�
�� not-�
�ILL YOU SHUT THE HELL UP AND LISTEN TO ME???�Itachi yelled, getting very annoyed right now. ��...NOT...SASUKE!!�
� WILL KICK YOUR-wait, you�e not??�Naruto blinked then took several steps back, �o way!! You�e Uchiha Itachi!! What the hell are you doing here??�

sorry for that insanely long 'quote' [does that make ''''?]

: Hinata vs Neji - Toshiro Masuda//Naruto

06 April 2004

Hmm...was looking at the new Naruto game trailer, and though I can't say the graphics are great [they look completely 2-D], it's very interesting to see Naruto getting beat up by Kakashi using Raikiri =@ @;;=

I got the trailer from NarutoFan.com. Very interesting...hmm...and no, I haven't worked on Japanese at all though I was supposed to email my script RD to sensei on THURSDAY night...last Thursday night, that is. Naruto is so much more interesting than writing a section of the news...eh, I'll just write something about discovering bunnies on the moon and about Naruto...=~ ~;;=

I found out that the voice actor for Kakashi is the same one who did Yuki Eiri's voice in Gravitation! I like the kakashi version better =D

'Because after reading and applying the techniques learned here, you'll be able to walk in the door of virtually any secret underground religious cult, and they'll take you as a member�no questions asked, right on the spot' - Photoshop 7 Down & Dirty Tricks

All My Best - Less Than Jake

05 April 2004

I don't even know why I'm feeling so poopy. I finished the library header graphic around 5:00pm, and by the time 6 rolls around, I started to feel...well...discouraged about...something. I should just go work on Sancta...maybe that'll take my mind off things...

OOh. I slept at 22:30 on Saturday night and woke up at 15:05 on Sunday afternoon. That's 15:25 hours of sleep! That broke my own record of 14 hours alright. It's because I haven't gotten enough sleep since Tuesday night, I think. I almost played RO and read manga all 'day' [which is more like 'all night'].

03 April 2004

AWW. As soon as a said, 'X)' to Arnie, he signed off...yeah...I'm delirious from the three days of robotics...hehe.
One exciting thing today is that Larry got his hair sprayed RED and SPIKED it. He looked like a punk, LoL. That picture, is priceless. I'll put a picture somewhere as soon as they're uploaded onto e-Groups or something. So did George... XD The only people who didn't get their hair colored today were Arnie, Tyler, Leibs, the mentors...and I think that's it. We got a little on Jeff, though he didn't want to and tried killing Yu-Loung.

Aw. This morning we lost both of our matches and dropped from 3rd to 7th place, but we still got to choose teams in the elimination rounds. Then we lost to Cheesypoofs in semi-finals. Cheesypoofs are really good, though their students didn't build their robot...but that just makes us prouder that WE, a student-design/run/build/organize team, got very close to winning. [By the way, Cheesypoofs won] Their system is just about perfect: good grabbing system, ball herding, AND a good hanging. One of their faults is that when they have the big ball right on top of them, they can tip over easily. Also, I didn't really notice anything spectacular about their pushing...but that can be fixed w/ their 3-gear transmission. Most of the teams have nice designs; it's suprising how different/similar they all look. I especially like 814, the New Tech High, who has wheels that can go up and down to climb stairs and to lift itself off the ground.

I've never been happier, more excited, and had as much fun in my life than since I started robotics [this sentence sounds funny], and I'm really proud of ART. =) People there were funny; they were dancin'. It was scary when they played the YMCA song though, because there were so many people doing that at the same time...even the judges...The Spirit Squad didn't show up either. They were supposed to, I believe.

EDIT [10:00:00]: Thank yous for Teams 473 & 687 for being our alliance partners. They were awsome XD Also congrats on Spartan [954], Cheesy Poofs [254], and Athenian [852] on winning, Woodside [100]'s team on getting to the finals.
To 840: What can we complain about? Cheesy Poofs chose to use the 'human resources' that they had, while some of us didn't. It's our own choice, and we're proud of that, ne?

'my homework ate my dog' - The Monta Vista Mustangs, Team 1458 Pin

none; I'm too noise ridden these three days to listen to any music.

02 April 2004

HAPPY x2!! It's the robotics competition and one more thing. Guess if you like. Not that I'll promise I'll say if you're right or not...BUT i'm NOT sniffing HAIR SPRAY!...Or rather, I wasn't TRYING to...

'Okay. I'll not try to be late like I was today.' - Yusuke Osada
Okay. Bought red temp hair dye, and so I can go to competition as a red-head XD I'm gonna spray my cat. MUAHAHAHA

Pin-collecting from other teams is FUN. We won an Image Award for our ...er... grieving bands... and t-shirts =D

'souda daiji na mono wa itsumo// the most important things are always
katachi no nai mono dake// without any shape
te ni iretemo nakushitemo// even if you have it or loose it
kizukanumama// you'll never know
' - Kanashimi wo yasashisa ni//naruto : naruto opening lyrics. +heart+
Wh00t. Today was AWSOME. I'm high from going to the SVR @ UCSJ again. Aragon was 3rd and UNDEFEATED out of 40 some teams. PHEW! Two more games tomorrow and if we win both of them, (one of them will be a tough one =D) then we'll be sure of keeping our 3rd [if we don't beat the CheesyPoofs in alliance pts] and get to pick teams. If we lose one, we'll probably still be able to pick teams [top 8], and if we lost both, then we'll be at top 15. Not bad at all. Wh00T! SHE HANGS! SHE HANGS! SHE MOVES! SHE MOVES! XD

It's nice having a SOLID bot that only does one thing, instead of having a bot that does Big ball moving, small ball manipulating, AND hanging. By the way, most teams that have everything is either slow or topple over easily. GO TYLER AND ARNIE AND LEIBS AND GARRIS! [our 4 driver/human player]Tyler is a smooth driver too. I'm proud to say that we're good, and though our autonomous is only going forward, it's very constructive XD

Out of the 6 games so far, we hung in all 6 games and won all of them. WHEEEEEE---!

more later. Gotta go buy temporary RED hair-dye

'Note: we're loud enough today...and to imagine leadership is coming tomorrow...' - Yu-Loung Chang//posted 8:04 @ Xanga

01 April 2004


BTW, I am extremely angry that tagboard.ca only keeps the tags for 1 month and clears the tags every month. VERY UPSET. So if you posted something in the last week in the tagboard, I never read it. So maybe post comments in my Xanga if you have something important to say =(
Yo! I'm back from the Silicon Valley Regional and had dinner. Although today's only the practice rounds, I had to do double the scouting [I blame Elton & Yu-Loung], we had many problems [such as finding out we can't duct-tape our wheels and not plugging in important wires], it was really fun.

06:15 : wakes up, realized I overslept, gets ready in 10min.
06:35 : Arrives at school
06:50 : leaves Aragon HS
07:00 : Listens to 'Angry Music' [the CD is called 'Hellcar'; it's free] for 1/2 hr in Ms. Ward's car.
07:35 : Arrives at UCSJ
07:50 : buys a 18 fl oz 'Flavored Coffee of the Day' [Dark Chocolate Macadamia =* *=]...it's medium...$1.50
08:30 : had to chuck down more than half of it because they wouldn't allow food in the arena/pits [unless they can't see it =)]

Then I scouted and stuff...in the afternoon I find a blank scouting form [Elton's!!] and had to fill that out...thought that team 1422 and some other team doesn't exist, got them pointed out by Yu-Loung so had to scout those teams also [Aww! had to do work!]...

Even after seeing all those robots [didn't get to see Delphi's or Cheesypoofs' thouhg =(], I still thinks our hanging system is the BEST. Ken [inspector] comes along after 3 games [6 rounds] that we can't duct-tape our wheels [so they're more slick], so we had to clean that up. Tried alcohol, and some stuff that can probably melt our wheels off, and finally used borrowed WD-40, borrowed rags, and some rubbing to get them off. Otherwise, by the end of the day, everything works fine. Oh, the autonomous code got changed from dead reconing to: full forward 135 clock cycles. [that's about 25 ft?] and we added a string to the end of the hook for easier release after we hang and have to take the robot down. And flippers got taken down the first thing this morning.

Non-robotics people is probably gonna have no idea what I just said. It's okay though. It's not like anybody visits this blog much....XD

Yes, I'm high right now. Although I didn't eat anything for lunch. I brought scones today. But not tomorrow. Not enough flour to make 30 tonight... =~ ~;;=

I'm really hyper though. XD

I WANT A KAKASHI PLUSH AND A TRIP TO JAPAN AND MONEY! that must go in moi 'wanted' section.


'I went to the competition in Singapore, but I wasn't paying much attention...I didn't even know who won...
Well...I was fooling around with this all-girls team...they were very friendly =D' - Nathanael Horton :: rofl, taken from Larry's Xanga, though I was there listenin' Xp

Harmonia - Rythem//Naruto :: 3rd ending