28 April 2004

Damn it. The adwares and spywares are getting worse by the day. And here I thought I've cleared most of them, by Ad-Aware and manually. Well, I guess this gives me more new motivation to revise my speech.

Putting that aside, today is such a nice weather. Warm sun and slight breezes [okay, it's not so slight, but it sounds good @___@;;], a day perfectly comfortable to wear a short-sleeved shirt in. Ah...what comfort! Especially after two days of insanely hot, not to mention sudden, weather!

Okay, I am charged guilty of being happy all day [gasp!] after getting 5 hours of sleep and a cup of Burger King coffee [4 packs of sugar, 4 containers of half-and-half that I should cut to 3]. The combination of sleep-deprivation and coffee with too much half-and-half gives such an amazing result. [eh, note: 5 hours is not really that little except when I didn't get much, meaning 8 hours or more, of sleep for the past week o____O;;]

Can't believe this is Masaki-sensei's last week in Japan. Can't believe how fast one year passed. Still remember when Miyamoto-sensei showed us Masaki's picture before he came, Kat said that he's not kawaii**. He just had his birthday not long ago, so he's 23 now =D Well, I gotta finish homework quick so I can make/draw him something, though he draws very damn good. He's cool. He'll be going to Australia afterwards, to get away from working, he said. Hm... I'll probably see him friday afterschool for that Go thing...I wonder if I can finish my thing for him by then. I have a feeling it's gonna be crappy.

Ugh, I just keep torturing myself lately. Why do I do that? It's either the PMS [strangely I get it not 2 weeks, but right before MS], the estrogen imbalence, or both. Does longing for something/someone have a say in this matter?

And I should reply people's mails. Sorry Razuki & Gigi! I'll get to it...soon...

Time just flies by, doesn't it? we only have a month left of school, then it'd be summer; I will soon be going to summer school and to HK/China [hooray!]. The summer would pass quickly with [hopefully!] Sancta opened, fanfics written, arts done, galleries organized, and faster than any Anbu can assassinate, I'd be a Junior and SATs would be looming over me.

Why do I always manage to cox myself into thinking about major tests? But then again, it's normal.

'When romances do really teach anything, or produce any effective operation, it is usually through a more far subtile process than the ostensible one. The Author has considered it hardly worth his while, therefore, relentlessly to impale the story with its moral as with an iron rod—or, rather, as by sticking a pin through a butterfly—thus at once depriving it of life, and causing it to stiffen in an ungainly and unnatural attitude.' - Lenox : Preface to House of Seven Gables :: Ahh, sorry for another insanely long quote. It just doesn't make sense with just the butterfly part...

GO!!!! - Flow : Naruto 5th Opening [avaliable for download at Narutofan.com]

**It's a joke. Masaki's full name is 'Masaki Kawai', and 'Kawaii' means 'cute' in japanese. Kat, among other people, couldn't tell the extra 'i' in 'cute' [because we were in 1-2]....yeah.

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