30 May 2004

I tried to study for Pre-Calculus and History. I really did. I even took out all the P-calc notes with all the intention to study.
But I went RO-ing and Itachi-hunting instead.

Itachi is still hard to draw.

While Itachi-hunting, I came across a picture of Iruka, with the captions of
Iruka-sensei, congratulations on being (forever) 25.

Ahh. I was somewhat inspired to write a Naruto fanfic...currently trying to make my plots ideas connect...

Amy went to FanimeCon 2004 today, and called me at 11:30-ish...waking me up, asking if she could buy anything for me ^^

OOh. Itachi's birthday is in 10 days: on the 9th.

Alright! I will wake up around early [09:00] and study tomorrow!! NO RO-ing! NO fanfic-reading and drawing and fanart-hunting either! [okay, so maybe just a little...]

「貴様(きさま)など、殺(ころ)す価値(かち)も無(な)い。愚(おろ)かなる弟(おとうと)よ…この俺(おれ)を殺(ころ)したくば、恨(うらめ)め…憎(にく)め…そして醜(みにく)く生(い)き延(の)びるがいい。逃(に)げて逃(に)げて…生(せい)にしがみつくがいい。」?うちは イタチ : NARUTO

'You're not even worth killing...Foolish little brother. If you want to kill me, hate me, detest me. And survive in an unsightly way. Run, run, and cling onto life.' - Uchiha, Itachi : Naruto :: I love this quote...the infamous Itachi quote...

Music: Viva Rock - Orange Range//Naruto : 3rd ending :: this is the weirdest song =oO;;=

As of 00:43, it took me almost 1.5 hours, including the quote, translations, etc, to type this entry out. And I just downloaded the full version of the fifth ending, Ima Made Nando Mo from NarutoFan. As for the quote, I replayed that part of episode 85 [time: 10:14] at least 15 times to listen to what Itachi was saying in Japanese, but finally went online to look it up =oO;;= I'm proud though, because I only got a few syllables wrong =D

Then when I tried to publish, the Japanese part of the quote turned out in all bold, and it was only then that I realized that I put the bold tags all wrong, so I had to reverse all of them...what a pain.

28 May 2004

Hmm. English final was hard. Most of us didn't have enough time to write the 4+ paragraphs, and I didn't know half of the definitions for the vocab part. Physics, by comparison, was much easier. We got an open-note test, afterall.

After so many months of waiting, I finally got the last book of Hakushaku Cain [Count Cain]! (sniff) I love Cain and Riff! [Wait, is Riff his first name or is Ralph his first name? oO;;;]

I also read the two extras for Full Metal Alchemist...which was...hillarious.

Ah, I finally got around to reading Eyeshield 21. It's a football manga, but it's not that bad at all. Hiru is funny: he's got various guns he use to threaten [and shoot] people with. He's smart too. Evil though. Veeery evil. >)

Itachi is so hard to draw.

I'm trying to do all the senior's 'yearbook entries' first, since the others I can always delay them until after summer vacation the last day of school, when the seniors can't technically be on school campus anymore...

Went to Kincaid's yesterday for dinner. The food is okay compare to what I eat at home [Yes, I'm very picky on my food =D] The crab cake and Strawberry ice cream pie-thing was worth mentioning though. OOh, especially the pie-thing. It was great. The down side is, it costed us around $35 each, so we spent $110 dining there for 3. =oO;;=

EDIT 17:59: Thanks, Amy for tell me that it's the wrong date; I must've set my timed posting wrong. It's fixed.

Also, please direct your attention to the right side of this window and you'll notice that tagboard has decided to start working again! With some strange coding and missing posts, but it's all well. Thank you for your cooperation.

'I can smell the vocab, I just don't know what they mean...' - Amy Chow

Aeon - remix by Sephfire//FFX

26 May 2004

"I stayed up late celebrating Iruka's birthday by watching a Naruto special that doesn't have Iruka-sensei in it."

Ugh. But the special was lame. Too much emotion on Sasuke's part, and I guessed the ending half way through the special. Not to mention badly drawn characters, especially Kakashi. But then again, I have always disliked the anime Kakashi a bit. The plot is horrible, in comparison to the main storyline, and the fact that I completely guessed the ending. Even I could've been more creative than the ones comming up with the story. Waaay too much emotion, sasuke has in the Special...

And it doesn't make sense. Considering how short Sakura's hair is, it must take place after the Chuunin Shiken [Examination], and that means Sasuke could've used Chidori. And no, I don't think the 'hero water''s effects are so short termed. For Kishimoto's sake, they said the Waterfall villages use the water to fight through a war!

Bleh, so except gaining a few concepts on the Takigakure no Sato [Hidden Village of Waterfall] and a some potential fanfic/fanart material. It's not really worth watching.

So to make myself feel better: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOLPHIN! (heart) ^^
(sings) Gotta love the dolphin-man, Lalala...
Happy Birthday, Iruka-sensei. It's May 26th, birthday of our favorite dolphin! XD

[then there's the 20th of Amy, whom I keep forgetting to mention when I blog or see her...Great friend I am o_O;;]

The slideshow I made for the English project on The House of Seven Gables turned out okay, I guess...I'm a bit bitter about my English teacher playing a little favoritism in grading and his not explaining why points were taken off.

25 May 2004

Your comment box thingy for your blog hasn't been working for a while.. is it just me? Or is it actually down?
Posted 5/24/2004 at 11:28 PM by NeonCloud

yeah, it's dead. ��; if I wait a while, it might magically come back to life. It really depends if tagboard.ca decides to fix itself sometime soon. Well, if it's still down by the time I ready another layout for Kakeru, then bye bye Tagboard.ca and time to hunt for another tagboard =)

And Jeff here just decides to FAKE a counter...without realizing that the barcode is different, LoL. Go look at his comments on yesterday's post for the picture.

'Clouds are so nice...so free...' - Nara, Shikamaru//Naruto

Sanctus - Angel Sanctuary

24 May 2004

So let's see how much homework I got done: English.

Didn't review for Physics, didn't make my notecard for Pre-Calculus test, didn't memorize the script for my Japanese project, didn't find the pants that I'm supposed to wear tomorrow for the Japanese project, didn't read for History.


Although I am particulary proud of finishing The House of Seven Gables before reading the Analysises online, and that one of the 6 slides for the English projects turned out quite handsomely. I might use that for a splash page somewhere, even.

I can't believe that stupid book only developed plots on the LAST HALF OF THE BOOK! GARH!

Anyways. Busy doing-homework-during-the-period-before day tomorrow.

20 May 2004

Naruto Rant Warning.

Saw ep 84. Poor Sasuke ;_; It's really interesting how Sasuke normally has this tough guy look but once he's beaten then he looks really vulnerable. Naruto just masks everything up with with his stupid smile; Sakura blows her steam off from 'Inner Sakura'; Kakashi hides everything behind his mask, I presume; and Iruka is just too forgiving and nice oO;;

'Shaan narou! [hell yeah!]' - Inner Sakura//Naruto
As the slow idiot that I am, I just discovered many new Blogger options. Yes, that includes commenting option and 'previous posts' options. I won't be around enough to integrate all those new options into the current layout until June 3rd, when school's out, but watch out for a some new options on this blog soon!

And you'd think it's time to make a new layout because of all these options. Very well. I was thinking of making a huge renovation on this layout because I spent so much time and heart into it, but I guess 7 months is long enough of a time to keep one layout. I'll see after Sancta.

On another note, I made a new blog, naming it the same as my Xanga: Achromatic Alcoholism; strangely and irrelevantly it's probably going to mainly feature anime news.
It's always the little things that makes me post.

Anyways, the official trailer for FFVII Advent Children is out�the trailer and about half the site is in English. The trailer is a bit different from the other ones too. Waaai--look at the awsome power of Flash!! (amuses herself with the spinning character menu) It's going to be on sale sometime this year so buy me one, okay? [Although the price/release date is not set yet]

Well, well. Just for the oblivious ones, there's a commenting funtion in this blog, and it's at the end of each post. And I do sprinkle revelant links in my blog, i.e. the words 'official trailer for FFVII Advent Children' up there is actually a link. Hover your mouse and you'll see.

(Slaps forehead) There's something wrong with my cat and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with its hormones. Last night it just started meowing, barking, and screeching at the top of its voice, and still hasn't gotten out of its 'loud phase' yet. It's crazy. We even let it out in our yard, but apparently the meowing wasn't for going out because it's roaming around our yard meowing insanely loud as I type. oO;; A screeching cat at five-am is not exactly plesant if you usually wake up at 7. Ugh. What's wrong with it?! That's it. I'm going to neuter it somewhere soon! ><;;

Word of the Day for Thursday May 20, 2004

abecedarian \ay-bee-see-DAIR-ee-uhn\, noun:
1. One who is learning the alphabet; hence, a beginner.
2. One engaged in teaching the alphabet.

1. Pertaining to the letters of the alphabet.
2. Arranged alphabetically.
3. Rudimentary; elementary.

Simple & Clean [PlanitB mix] - Utada Hikaru//Kingdom Hearts

19 May 2004

Ah. Aren't eventful days delightful? At least it gives one something to blog about. Three things so far today:
1| CSM finally processed my Summer semester application, but I have to wait until May 27th to register my classes.
2| Tomozaku Seki is going to be a guest in AnimeExpo 2004! Too bad I won't be going, but he's really an amazing voice actor. Ineed he's strange and even was a Power Ranger, but nonetheless.
3| A 2k4 SAT prep course over the summer, from 0614-0618, $180 for GATE students. I guess if there's more than 15 who signs up, then my pure-do-nothing 2 weeks of summer will be cut in half =oO;;=

Tomozaku Seki is really amazing. Voicing from the hyper Shindou Shuuichi [Gravitation], to the split personality Chichiri [Fushigi Yuugi], to Ken [Wei?Kreuz], to Kenji [pokemon, dub name Tracy], to our favorite kitty Souma Kyou [Fruit Basket], to Kinomoto Touya [Card Captor Sakura], to Sagara Sousuke [Full Metal Panic], to Van [Escaflowne], to Shinbo Hiroshi [Chobits], to the announcer and Mermaid [Doraemon], to Shirou Kamui [X/1999], honestly he has voiced practially all genres of anime. Not to mention being Hiwatari Satoshi in the D.N.Angel drama CD....and his yummy voice...

Oh, by the way, he was also villager 2 in episode 11 of Magic Knight Rayearth. ^^;;

'Out, Vile Jelly! (pokes King Lear's eye out)' - Cornwall : King Lear//Shakespeare :: Thankyous to Asaf.

Wasuremono [Forgotten thing] - Minawo//D.N.Angel

18 May 2004

It's always nice to have something memorable every day. For example, today I checked my Gmail account and it says that I used 19mb (0.0%) out of 1000000mb, in contrast to the 1000mb that it used to say...hope they're not going to fix it, though I wouldn't know what to do with so much space. Maybe I can store my Anime on there! (dreams about 1000gigs of webspace) I even took a screenshot of it.

Also Larry emailed me and say he got 300 hits. =^^= Wow. look how many times this page has been loaded! XD Yosh! I'll work hard to get Sancta open!!

I'll have around 2 weeks of pure-do-nothing time until summer school and going to Hong Kong [aaah! No internet for 3 weeks!!], so I believe Sancta will definately be open before July...! Hope is always a good thing.

I looked back to some of Byakko's [my cat's] younger pictures, and it's so adorable =* *= (pokes cat) so much cuter than it's now. (gets scratched)

Yum..had Black Angus beef for dinner.

Q: How did you get the scar on your nose?
Iruka A: Aa..this scar, huh? i got this in an important S-class mission, when I was surrounded by ten enemy Jounins...Eh? You can tell I was lying? ^^

Loneliness - Toshiro Masuda//Naruto

17 May 2004

O the benefits of Senior Activity Day!
1° - Mr. Daniel [English] supervises the day, video-watching
2° - [Physics] Only 5 students of non-senior origin, study hall
3° - P.E.
4° - Mr. Serrao [P-calc] supervises the day, study hall
5° - Japanese Oral Exam, "Work on project"
6° - [US Hist] Worksheet regarding the Constitution

So I was blessed [?] with the privilege of staying in the state of brain-dead for most of the day.

In the 26th Animage readers' poll, Full Metal Alchemist seems to have taken tops on...everything. How popular can a series get?

Naruto's 10th...

26th Animage Awards:
Favorite Anime Series
01. Full Metal Alchemist
02. Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
03. Get Backers
04. Saiyuki Reload
05. Uchuu no Stellvia
06. Inuyasha
07. D.C. Da Capo
08. Prince of Tennis
09. Peace Maker Kurogane
10. Naruto
11. D.N.Angel
12. Onegai Twins
13. 12 Kingdoms
14. Kaleidostar
15. Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan!
16. One Piece
17. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
18. Hikaru no Go
19. Meitantei Loki Ragnarok
20. Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi

Source: ANN/lelola.net/Anime Nation

Q: Why doesn't Iruka-sensei plan to become an Anbu, Jounin, etc?
Iruka A: There aren't any decree from above, but I think I'm better at being a teacher and contributing to the village.*

Shell - Witch Hunter Robin : Opening

*Eep. That was hard to translate. I still don't think I have the most accurate translation, but the main idea's there =^^;;=

16 May 2004

Instead of doing homework on a Sunday afternoon like any good girl would do, yours truly read posts from even before the site was publicized--20030516 : my first blogger post.

Then that means...I just realized that today is the 1 year anniversary of this blog! I can't believe how quick time passed, not to mention how hideous my writing was, screaming included.

I didn't realize that Kakeru's 1 years old until I looked for when my first blog was. Wow. It must be some kind of subconscious thing for me to choose this very day to look back at old posts.

You can say I went a long way, and you can say I didn't. I've had this layout for at least seven months and Sancta is still not done. This is my 158th post, and yet that's less than half a post a day for the past year.

But I'm proud of my soon-to-be 300 hits. I'm 292, so only 8 more to go, peoples!

Must draw something [and finish my Anbu-Ruru picture] to celebrate kakeru being 1 years Old! (throws out apple cider, table cloth, cakes, and other party necessities such as confetti and penguins) Cheers!

Blogger likes my site name, Sancta, so much that it tells me to change it in spell check ^^;; ...But then again, Blogger isn't the party-ing kind of guy blog, since it doesn't know what confetti is...

EC: so u r saying embryos came from plants?
JN: no, just that thers no such thing as plant eggs
Whole conversation here.
Okay. I changed a few things on the sidebar, including 'Wanted' and 'Music'. So now you ALL will know what to buy me for no apparent reason, right?

Also, I'm trying out a few commenting programs that are avaliable, so the chances are the commenting option down there will be changing much in the next few days.

I gave up my drawing originally drawn for the main page of Sancta [Team 7 & Byakko], replacing it with a doodle of a young Anbu Iruka I drew this week in my homework log. So that's being colored and suff =^^;;=

I might re-draw Team 7 & Byakko some other time, because I need practice drawing multiple people. And because I love my KITTY! XD

Q: About how long do you take in hot springs?
Iruka's A: When I think about tomorrow's lesson, around two hours...!*

Depend on You - Ayumi Hamazaki

* It's true! Off directly from my Naruto Official Fanbook!

15 May 2004

From Nowhere, anime blog:
Composer and singer Okazaki Ritsuko, best known for her work on Fruits Basket, died last Wednesday [20040505] from a blood infection. She was 44 years old.

Okazaki contributed music for Love Hina, Princess Tutu, Stratos 4, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijo (His & Her Circumstances), and UFO Princess Valkyrie, as well as writing music and penning lyrics for artists such as Hayashibara Megumi and Horie Yui.

I'm not particularly fond of her, but this is one less talented composer and singer on this world.
So yesterday I spet about 4 hours roughly coloring Yukigawa Sei. I guess it turned out okay, but honestly, I skimped. Her face is blotchy, many places went without shading, etc. I kinda got tired and just didn't bother with highligting her bottom half =oO;;= So anyways, it'll be in sancta. I'll be working on the main picture today, and hopefully some coding will get done.

On another note, there's going to be a FFVII prequal game out! I still want the FFVII sequal, Advent Children...despite the fact that I have never played the original FFVII =D

Word of the Day for Saturday May 15, 2004

hullabaloo \HUL-uh-buh-loo\, noun:
A confused noise; uproar; tumult.

Yasashii Yoake - SeeSaw//.hack//SIGN : ending :: Yasashii Yoake means 'gentle dawn'

13 May 2004

Hmm... Many people have been a little paranoid about FUNimation's license on Full Metal Alchemist, but looking at their trailer on their website, it doesn't seem that bad. I've seen around 4 episodes of this series, and have read 2 volumes of the manga, and I guess I'm just not attached enough to this series. Alphonse's English voice actor doesn't seem that bad. Apprently Cartoon Network will keep the Japanese Opening too...

EDIT 20:37: Actually, I thought the dub Al and the translation for the beginning was quite like the Japanese Al and the subtitles...

And I quote Pan-chan of lelola.net:
"The other day, I was speaking to a friend of mine about how anime used to be marketed in comparison to how it is marketed now. A few years ago, anime had to be disguised to be sold to an American audience. Unless you already knew, the casual viewer would have no clue the show came from Japan.

It's only very recently, over the past few years, that anime has gotten the following it needs to be marketed as anime itself. This has given many of the companies leeway on how they can market it. It is now possible for them to market anime as anime.

This doesn't mean that there still isn't a need to "Americanize" anime, especially for mainstream audiences, but the need has diminished over the last few years. The fact that the general public has problems accepting anything foreign is a reflection of much deeper societal problems that deserve a book or two of their own.

I hope that her words are true.

12 May 2004

I actually did my homework right after I got home. I haven't done that in...since I can remember. Since at least kindergarten, I think. =oO;;= I got my History, Math, and Japanese done...wow (amazed at her own effiency)

Now if I can bring myself to read The House of Seven Gables and read two chapters of Physics...but first I'll read fanfics! =D

It's bad to be called a bromide.

Word of the Day for Wednesday May 12, 2004
bromide \BROH-myd\, noun:
1. A compound of bromine and another element or a positive
organic radical.
2. A dose of potassium bromide taken as a sedative.

And this is the place where people either stop reading [the bromides] or say, 'what?!' or something more blunt, 'WTF?!' Anyways. Not quite done yet, I was.

3. A dull person with conventional thoughts.
4. A commonplace or conventional saying.

LoL. There.

You expect a quote after that lovely Word of the Day? Dream on, child!

eX-Dream (string Quartet Vers) - X

11 May 2004

According to both our Anime Club president today at lunch and lelola.net, Full Metal Alchemist has been licensed. Aw, and I haven't gotten around to bit torrent ep1-27...Good thing I've downloaded 31 yesterday though =^^=

Well, yeah, ditched robotics for naps again today. According to Ms. Ward, I have a viral infection (sniffs and blows nose), and Yusuke shooed me out of the classroom =~ ~;;=

EDIT 20040513: I have a bacterial infection, I realized.

'Silence at the
proper season
is wisdom and
better than
any speech' - Asian Art Museum

09 May 2004

The post about the salad was post one hundred and fifty. Just so you all know, that would make this post 152.

I found the most disturbing interesting Naruto fansite. It's filled with illustrations of Bloody Kakashi or Uke Kakashi. The webmistress really likes to hurt our scarecrow, eh?
I went to the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco today. It's Mother's Day so it's free. There are awsome ancient sculptures and things. As usual, I took too much pictures, now if only I get my eyes off the fanfiction, I'll make a gallery for these things.

Which reminds me— I've already decieded what to do with Sancta, and yes, that means that I had given up on my HikaGo layout Idea =;__;= and I wanted to try the pup-up menus too...But NO, my other side of the brain just wouldn't let me.

I've even drawn half of the picture I'm gonna use too. (beams proudly)

Ah. Blogger just changed its user interface. Now the Editing and Posting windows are in differnt places =;___;= I liked it when the previous posts are right below my current one better. It's easier to check my lack of html ends that way. Oh well.

'Books bear the
messages of the
wisest of mankind
to all the
generations of men' - Somewhere in Asian Art Museum :: how convenient; I just finished posting the lyrics of Wind and here I find more quotes =D

Alive - Raiko//Naruto : 5th[?] ending

08 May 2004

I just finished eating some kind of fruit salad my mum made and the fruit that I supposed was cherry strangely tasted like some kind of meat.

And I realized I like strawberries. The good ones.

'You still are blind, if you see a winding road,
'cause there's always a straight way to the point you see...' - Wind : Akeboshi//Naruto :: 7th

06 May 2004

Oi. I just decided to give Amy & Razu-Hime a request because:
1) They told me their hit #
2) Amy got 265
3) Razu-Hime came very close to 200: 203 =D

So...when you two see this post, tell me what to do =^^;;= I have the right to alter/refuse anything/everything though...
I'm tired and don't want to do History. You hear me whine about History only because we're seriously crunching...and that means reading a lot in one night. Reading about wars doesn't help either.

Why are strawberries cute? No, really, I'm serious. That's how I'd describe strawberries. But...Why?

'Take your time, baby, your blood needs slowing down.
Breach your soul to reach yourself before you gloom.
Reflection of fear makes shadows of nothing, shadows of nothing....' - Wind : Akeboshi//Naruto :: 6th.

05 May 2004

I took another nap from 17:00-19:00. I think I might be addicted to them now =oO;;= Anyways, this looks fun, so I'm going to not do History and...

italicize 10 things that makes me happy. [abridged]

2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
3. A hot shower.
7. Taking a drive on a pretty road.
9. Lying in bed listening to the birds outside.
10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
14. A good conversation.
16. Finding a 20 dollar bill in your coat from last winter.
17. Laughing at yourself.
18. A huge sale at your favorite store.
21. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
22. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
23. Laughing at an inside joke.
24. Friends.
25. Making other people laugh.
26. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.

31. Sweet dreams.
32. Hot chocolate.
34. Swinging on swings.
36. Making chocolate chip cookies.
37. Having your friends send you home-made cookies.
39. Running into an old friend.
40. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.
43. Knowing that somebody misses you.
45. Knowing you've done the right thing, no matter what other people think

By the way, Amy's speech on PDAs (public displays of affection) is brilliant. I've gotta ask for it to up it up somewhere, or you go ask her for the script.

I really should go do my History now.

'You say, dreams are dreams
I ain't gonna play the fool, anymore
You say, 'cause I still got my soul...' - Wind : Akeboshi//Naruto :: 5th
Yesterday I skipped robotics to take a nap after school. 16:00-19:00. Then dinner and math homework. By the time I finished it [I didn't do a ton of homework; oh how they pile up!], it was 01:00 [yes, I deviated and was also looking at fanarts], and I decided to not do my already late History homework. Oh well, I'll just miss 1 homework...I think I can afford it.

This morning I walked to schooL! Woke at 07:30, out the door by 08:57, and reached schoolgrounds by 08:26! [That's less than 30 minutes; I usually take around 30-40mins walking home, downhill] So anyways, I'm quite energized thanks to the excercise in the morning and getting 9hours of sleep yesterday, including my nap.

Conclusion: I will take another nap afterschool =D

By the way, I'm at school, right now is lunchtime, and I'm in the Japanese Classroom borrowing sensei's computer.

'Don't try, to look so wise
Don't cry, 'cause it's alright
Don't dry, with fakes or fears
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end...(repeat)' - Wind : Akeboshi//Naruto :: 3rd and 4th; the essence of the song! (pretty much)

03 May 2004

Ugh. I have a headache from sleeping 3 hours last night, and I can feel the pulsing on my forehead very well with my hands...that can't be a good sign...Sleep deprivation is finally taking effect.
I got 3 hours of sleep last night because of my speech [yes, with lots of fanfic distraction], so right now besides being begged to collapse on the bed, I'm actually quite hyped. I'm typing faster than usual, and, perhaps from the 4minute speech that I had to make, in which I talked too fast, I'm talking a bit more that usual. (passerbys gawks, amazed that she can actually talk)

Err, anyways, I can't believe I brought my Physics grade up to an A-. When and how, I'd never know. Now I just need to acually be serious about Pre-Calculus and get that up to an A-, which won't be hard. Yeah, my parents gave up on me getting an A in English some time ago. Now as long as I don't drop my B to a C+, I'll be happy. I'll be counting on my AP and Honor classes next year to bring up my GPA...if that's ever possible...I can probably do it in Japanese...

Now, if only I'll get myself un-distracted from homework, I'll study, do my homework that I didn't do for the weekend, do a bit of tomorrow's [Ha! like that's going to happen], and sleep early.

Wishful thinking.

My entries are too long, isn't it?

' My knee's still shaking, like I was twelve
Sneaking out the classroom, by the backdoor
A man railed me twice though, but I didn't care
Waiting is wasting, for people like me...' - Wind : Akeboshi//Naruto :: 2nd. Oh, Love the Engrish.

Veggie - Arujuna OST II

02 May 2004

I've really gotta watch my HTML codes. Forgetting to close one code can mess up my layout on the whole =OO;;= Eh...Why did I want to post a second post again..? I'm definately suffering from amnesia...


Ah. There we go. Was looking at people's Xangas and Amy's deadjournal, and somehow the thought of 'online tests and quizzes came across my mind' [see, amnesia...]. So I thought I'd say this: I love taking those things. They're fun, and I have a whole list of results save in my harddrive. So another section of Sancta is, in addition to pictures, shoutouts, and of course, obsessions [esp naruto stats that people don't seem to know], there'll be a whole section dedicated to all the tests and quizzes I've taken and had a record of! (proud grin) Not that Sancta will be done anytime soon nor that anyone will care...

Types of Amnesia
Anterograde amnesia - Inability to remember ongoing events after the incidence of trauma or the onset of the disease that caused the amnesia
Emotional/hysterical amnesia - Memory loss caused by psychological trauma; usually a temporary condition
Lacunar amnesia - Inability to remember a specific event
Korsakoff syndrome - Memory loss caused by chronic alcoholism
Posthypnotic amnesia - Memory loss sustained from a hypnotic state; can include inability to recall events that occurred during hypnosis or information stored in long-term memory
Retrograde amnesia - Inability to remember events that occurred before the incidence of trauma or the onset of the disease that caused the amnesia
Transient global amnesia - Spontaneous memory loss that can last from minutes to several hours; usually seen in middle-aged to elderly people

I think I have Transient global amnesia...except I'm nowhere near being middle-aged...yet. Hmm...maybe I should consider neuroscience or neurobiology as a career. But then again, that'd mean scraping the edge of medical studies, which I have no desire to lean towards, even though the brain is so mysterious and interesting...

'Cultivate your hunger, before you idealize
Motivate your anger, make them all realize
Climbing the mountain, never comming down
Break into the continents, never falling down...' - Wind : Akeboshi//Naruto :: First stanza. Gotta love the song despite its Engrish-ness.

Furious Angel - Bob Dougan//Matrix Reloaded :: Thanks Arnie for sending me the song.

01 May 2004

I cleared the bottom sofabed of my clothing after lunch, my first meal of the day, today. Reason being giving me the option to collapse on the bottom bunk, instead of my own on the top, if I'm really tired at 3am but don't feel like going through the ceremony before going to bed.

And it looks like I won't be working on Sancta this weekend either—I barely got my History done [only have to type up the notes now], still have a few small things to do, and prepare for my speech on Spyware and Adware. I've finally rid myself of the worse ones, but still have to scan my system 2 times a day to prevent any updates from various adwares. But I have a feeling that I deleted something that I need...

'4 difference types of college student:
Commoner: We're having a Math test next week??!!
Average : We??re having a Math test tomorrow??!!
Above normal: We??re having a math test next lesson??!!
God-like: We just had a Math test??!!' - from Gigi's forward :: So which level are YOU on?

: Wind - Akeboshi//Naruto : 1st Ending :: Love the lyrics. The next posts' quotes will probably be the lyrics