30 May 2004

I tried to study for Pre-Calculus and History. I really did. I even took out all the P-calc notes with all the intention to study.
But I went RO-ing and Itachi-hunting instead.

Itachi is still hard to draw.

While Itachi-hunting, I came across a picture of Iruka, with the captions of
Iruka-sensei, congratulations on being (forever) 25.

Ahh. I was somewhat inspired to write a Naruto fanfic...currently trying to make my plots ideas connect...

Amy went to FanimeCon 2004 today, and called me at 11:30-ish...waking me up, asking if she could buy anything for me ^^

OOh. Itachi's birthday is in 10 days: on the 9th.

Alright! I will wake up around early [09:00] and study tomorrow!! NO RO-ing! NO fanfic-reading and drawing and fanart-hunting either! [okay, so maybe just a little...]

「貴様(きさま)など、殺(ころ)す価値(かち)も無(な)い。愚(おろ)かなる弟(おとうと)よ…この俺(おれ)を殺(ころ)したくば、恨(うらめ)め…憎(にく)め…そして醜(みにく)く生(い)き延(の)びるがいい。逃(に)げて逃(に)げて…生(せい)にしがみつくがいい。」?うちは イタチ : NARUTO

'You're not even worth killing...Foolish little brother. If you want to kill me, hate me, detest me. And survive in an unsightly way. Run, run, and cling onto life.' - Uchiha, Itachi : Naruto :: I love this quote...the infamous Itachi quote...

Music: Viva Rock - Orange Range//Naruto : 3rd ending :: this is the weirdest song =oO;;=

As of 00:43, it took me almost 1.5 hours, including the quote, translations, etc, to type this entry out. And I just downloaded the full version of the fifth ending, Ima Made Nando Mo from NarutoFan. As for the quote, I replayed that part of episode 85 [time: 10:14] at least 15 times to listen to what Itachi was saying in Japanese, but finally went online to look it up =oO;;= I'm proud though, because I only got a few syllables wrong =D

Then when I tried to publish, the Japanese part of the quote turned out in all bold, and it was only then that I realized that I put the bold tags all wrong, so I had to reverse all of them...what a pain.

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