02 May 2004

I've really gotta watch my HTML codes. Forgetting to close one code can mess up my layout on the whole =OO;;= Eh...Why did I want to post a second post again..? I'm definately suffering from amnesia...


Ah. There we go. Was looking at people's Xangas and Amy's deadjournal, and somehow the thought of 'online tests and quizzes came across my mind' [see, amnesia...]. So I thought I'd say this: I love taking those things. They're fun, and I have a whole list of results save in my harddrive. So another section of Sancta is, in addition to pictures, shoutouts, and of course, obsessions [esp naruto stats that people don't seem to know], there'll be a whole section dedicated to all the tests and quizzes I've taken and had a record of! (proud grin) Not that Sancta will be done anytime soon nor that anyone will care...

Types of Amnesia
Anterograde amnesia - Inability to remember ongoing events after the incidence of trauma or the onset of the disease that caused the amnesia
Emotional/hysterical amnesia - Memory loss caused by psychological trauma; usually a temporary condition
Lacunar amnesia - Inability to remember a specific event
Korsakoff syndrome - Memory loss caused by chronic alcoholism
Posthypnotic amnesia - Memory loss sustained from a hypnotic state; can include inability to recall events that occurred during hypnosis or information stored in long-term memory
Retrograde amnesia - Inability to remember events that occurred before the incidence of trauma or the onset of the disease that caused the amnesia
Transient global amnesia - Spontaneous memory loss that can last from minutes to several hours; usually seen in middle-aged to elderly people

I think I have Transient global amnesia...except I'm nowhere near being middle-aged...yet. Hmm...maybe I should consider neuroscience or neurobiology as a career. But then again, that'd mean scraping the edge of medical studies, which I have no desire to lean towards, even though the brain is so mysterious and interesting...

'Cultivate your hunger, before you idealize
Motivate your anger, make them all realize
Climbing the mountain, never comming down
Break into the continents, never falling down...' - Wind : Akeboshi//Naruto :: First stanza. Gotta love the song despite its Engrish-ness.

Furious Angel - Bob Dougan//Matrix Reloaded :: Thanks Arnie for sending me the song.

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