03 May 2004

I got 3 hours of sleep last night because of my speech [yes, with lots of fanfic distraction], so right now besides being begged to collapse on the bed, I'm actually quite hyped. I'm typing faster than usual, and, perhaps from the 4minute speech that I had to make, in which I talked too fast, I'm talking a bit more that usual. (passerbys gawks, amazed that she can actually talk)

Err, anyways, I can't believe I brought my Physics grade up to an A-. When and how, I'd never know. Now I just need to acually be serious about Pre-Calculus and get that up to an A-, which won't be hard. Yeah, my parents gave up on me getting an A in English some time ago. Now as long as I don't drop my B to a C+, I'll be happy. I'll be counting on my AP and Honor classes next year to bring up my GPA...if that's ever possible...I can probably do it in Japanese...

Now, if only I'll get myself un-distracted from homework, I'll study, do my homework that I didn't do for the weekend, do a bit of tomorrow's [Ha! like that's going to happen], and sleep early.

Wishful thinking.

My entries are too long, isn't it?

' My knee's still shaking, like I was twelve
Sneaking out the classroom, by the backdoor
A man railed me twice though, but I didn't care
Waiting is wasting, for people like me...' - Wind : Akeboshi//Naruto :: 2nd. Oh, Love the Engrish.

Veggie - Arujuna OST II

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