16 May 2004

Instead of doing homework on a Sunday afternoon like any good girl would do, yours truly read posts from even before the site was publicized--20030516 : my first blogger post.

Then that means...I just realized that today is the 1 year anniversary of this blog! I can't believe how quick time passed, not to mention how hideous my writing was, screaming included.

I didn't realize that Kakeru's 1 years old until I looked for when my first blog was. Wow. It must be some kind of subconscious thing for me to choose this very day to look back at old posts.

You can say I went a long way, and you can say I didn't. I've had this layout for at least seven months and Sancta is still not done. This is my 158th post, and yet that's less than half a post a day for the past year.

But I'm proud of my soon-to-be 300 hits. I'm 292, so only 8 more to go, peoples!

Must draw something [and finish my Anbu-Ruru picture] to celebrate kakeru being 1 years Old! (throws out apple cider, table cloth, cakes, and other party necessities such as confetti and penguins) Cheers!

Blogger likes my site name, Sancta, so much that it tells me to change it in spell check ^^;; ...But then again, Blogger isn't the party-ing kind of guy blog, since it doesn't know what confetti is...

EC: so u r saying embryos came from plants?
JN: no, just that thers no such thing as plant eggs
Whole conversation here.

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