29 June 2004

Yes, I have been avoiding blogging in hope to finish the new layout before excessively needing to blog. And yes, it failed. I had typed up most of this entry a few hours ago, only to find my browsers dead after finishing dinner [and I did not 'save as draft' before I left, as the idiot that I am], and didn't feel up to typing the entry again.

Anyhow, as for Sancta V.1, all the graphics is done, but when I tried to code, I ran into a bit of a problem— I want to try something new, so I went for CSS [Cascading Style Sheets], onMouseOVer, and Drop-Down menus for this layout. The only problem is, I love customizing everyting [can you imagine my frustration now for not knowing how to change the login screen and start menu bar?! Please tell me if anyone knows], but to do that I need to understand the basic construct of CSS and Javascript—which I don't. And sadly, the site that I often relied my internet resources on, both for other tutorial sites and tutorials in general, tifa.net, had closed, along with her other sites. That cut me off from simple, easy, clear scripts SUCH AS the drop down menu.

Thus began my feverish search of good scripts with nice sites that explain things in an understandable manner, which ended in peril. In the end, after distracting myself with absolutely hillarious NARUTO chapter koma's from D.co, and the endless list of technical websites, I decided to aquire a reference book instead. See, I have been working on my site; I'm not really slacking that much. Oh, and I ended up buying one from the half.ebay instead because theirs are cheaper.

[Borders bookstore: 10:30-12:15]

Dad also asked me to go to the Coyote Park with my cousin from Vancouver, at her request, with her. We saw adorable lambs hired to 'cut down' the dry grass along the coast. I picked up some shells, sanded glass, and a few rocks.

[Coyote: 13:30-4:30]

As a result, I completely forgot about going to the robotics meeting [and the fact that I need to ask Ms. Ward a question regarding number 5 on the Summer AP Bio homework], and did not remember such event until around 21:30. Talk about my lack of prospective memories. This could make a nice part of my journal entry for Psychology =D

Mother told me to eat some strawberries. I asked if they're sweet. She said they're a bit sour and suggested me to eat it with whip cream. I did. Right after I finished the 10 or so that were left, presumably for me, since no one eat them as I did, she stared at me suprised, because I 'either didn't eat any or ate them all'. My aunt says it's because of the whip cream. It's only part of the truth though, really. I had noted some time ago that I like strawberries.

No, I haven't really done anything productive today, other than immersing myself in blissful fanfiction, doujinshi, and D.co's koma's.

I think that's all. In my last post I also included a translation of one of D.co's koma. It is very humorous, but I don't feel like translating it again from Japanese. It's hard to read as is. By the way, I adore D.co's simple lines; it's something I cannot do, even though her characters usually have overly pointed chins. Except for Chibi's though. Those are adorable.

BTW, I downloaded some recommanded music from vivola.net's mp3 rotation site, and am listening to them.

Music: Flame - Iwasaki Taku//Witch Hunter Robin : one of her rec songs from the WHR OST. I happened to have the OST too.

koma: comic strip
doujinshi: fan comics. I really should learn php so the Japanese I use/abbreviations can be defined automatically in a link or something. urgh.

25 June 2004

Let's all cheer because PCBY has finally finished the picture for Kakeru's new layout! It took around 4.5 hours to complete. That's actually kind of sad because it has no coloring. I only scanned the image and 'refined' it with Photoshop. Next: Color-scheming, final layouting, and coding! Hopefully post 200 [the next one] will be in a new layout!

'Have you noticed how in shoujo manga girls always happen to run into their crushes?'
'well, that's better than running into a car.' - Mission Complications//Naruto Fanfic by Suke-san [deleted] ::
This took me some time to type because I was trying to find Mission Complications, but I forgot both author and title. I figured it was Suke-san because Suke-San is the only author who makes me love new pairings, but when I looked up Suke-san's profile there it wasn't there. So after a bit of frustration, I remembered that I keep a copy of my Author Alerts. And there it was! XD Except that it's deleted. So that "quote" is actually a "paraphrase". And half way through typing this I forgot about this post altogether.
Despite the amount of things that have been happening, I was too tired/lazy to post.

Wednesday| 7 journal entries were due the next day, so I promosied myself to not play FFX. But I ended up playing RO o__O;; As a result, I didn't get my entries done until 5am.

Thursday| spent my day playing FFX & RO [Got to the Calm Lands in FFX, still trying to find where to find Tough Scale-Like Stems in RO].

Today| Cousin from Vancouver came; father scooting me out of the house for brunch as I type.

Music: Ready Steady Go - L'arc~en~Ciel//FMA

22 June 2004

Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911)? read and wrote by age 2.5, read Shakespeare for pleasure at age 7, invented the weather maps, Charles Darwin's cousin, thought that only smart people should marry (and reproduce), and proposed the correlational method? a mathematical way of finding whether there's a relationship between two variables.

Source: Rathus, Spencer. Psychology: Concepts & Connections.

Yum. Mangos are yummy. It's best when their meat is neither hard and crunchy nor watery and squishy, when it is smooth and without fibers, a texture between frozen ice cream and pudding. I just found that mangos can also be pickled when green from dictionary.com. Apparently Blogger's spellcheck only recognizes 'mangoes' and not 'mangos', though both plural forms are correct. There are also Mango Birds [Oriolus kundoo] and Mango Fish [Polynemus risua].

My psychology book came two days earlier than expected. Now I don't have to borrow Amy's textbook to do readings; I can do (?) homework now.

Today the Psychology professor issued a challenge to us; whoever that got the answer can have an A?no journals, no exams? for the semester. It requires wide knowledge of Psychology, and only 8 students has ever gotten the answer in her five years of teaching: almost everything we do is conditioned, whether positively or negatively. For example, I read fanfiction because it is entertaining?a positive outcome. But there's a behavioral trait that we posses that is not conditioned. What is it? It's not instinctive or physiological.

I don't think I should've told Yusuke about my plan to put some of my drawings on Sancta. Now he's telling me to make one.

That reminds me. I've drafted the new image that'll be in Kakeru...all I need to do is everything else: from inking, scanning, cleaning up lines on computer to color scheme and coding. I've already decided how to lay it out ^^

Eep. Haven't done any yearbook stuff or Razu's drawing yet o____O;;

Sasuke: (pouts)You told me that you'd teach me some new shuriken moves!
Itachi: I have a crucial mission tomorrow, and I've got to prepare for it.
Sasuke: (pouts more) ...Big bro you liar...
Itachi: (smiles and waves Sasuke over)
Sasuke: ...! (grins and runs over)
Itachi: (pokes Sasuke hard in the forehead) Sorry Sasuke, maybe next time
Sasuke: Ow (frowns at Itachi)

(PCBY dies of all the brotherly love) - Naruto chapter 220

Music: Kanashimi wo Yasashisa ni - little by little//Naruto 4th opening.

21 June 2004

Amy, who came over to watch Gattaca for Psychology, dragged along Patrick and Stephen, catching me playing FFX. I had finally beat that...boss...thingy. It was somehow rediculously easy this time. Guess all that training [~5hrs] paid off ^^ Then we watched Matrix Revolution. Or rather I read Amy's Psyc textbook [because mine's not comming until Thursday at the soonest and I have a packet of journals, with references, due on Thursday morning] while the rest watched the two movies.

(reads Nartuo ch 220 and dies of Itachi's big-bro-ness) Itachi looks feminine though...(pokes people around her) Look! Look! The Uchiha brothers are smiling!!

No, really. I'm really trying to work on my blog/website. Argh! I forgot to attempt to contact Ms. Dartnell...

By the way, if anyone would find and buy me "Seiyuu Graffiti" [a CD], I would love him/her forever.

Today's supposed be the day that earth's closest to the sun, so setting an egg upright on a bare table should be easier...

Also, if anyone just happened to have Furigana (Rubi) by Inoue Kazuhiko and Seki Toshihiko, give me that and I'll love you forever too. In fact, anything by those two...XD

'Today I got a bit lost on the road of life...' - Hatake Kakashi : Naruto

20 June 2004

Today we cleaned the house. After daddy cleaned the bathroom my cat started rolling around on the bathroom floor.
Went to blockbuster to rent GATTACA for Psychology today, I did. We ended up buying that monthly pass (which we mean to cancel after 1 month) and rented Final Fantasy: the Spirits Within as well. By 22:30 we've gone through FF: SW, so my dad & I went to Blockbuster to trade that for Matrix: Revolutions. Now We've just finished the movie, and suprisingly I'm tired (yawns). I like the song when the credits rolled. I wonder what it's called. The last fight scene resembled horribly like Dragonball fights o__O;

Glad that Google is my homepage; it reminded me that tomorrow is father's day.

I believe I forgot to mention that I now have 6 invitations to gmail. Thus as soon as I get Kakeru renovated, the next hit will get a prize of a gmail account. So somehow get me motivated enough to completely remake this blog, peoples. Also Sancta.

Damn; I have 3 journal entries to write and I still don't have my book. As nice as it is to buy it for $50 instead of $100, the downfall is the waiting process.

I felt like biting off heads of people who dared to talk to me today, and I will probably continue doing so for the next few days. Maybe a warning sign, written in red ink, with the words 'beware; approach at own risk' is proper. To those so have no idea as to what yours truely is referencing to, I'll repeat last month's words: ignorance is a bliss.

will add quote later.

18 June 2004

SAT prep course ended. In truth, I didn't think it was all that useful, except for the writing portion...which I got a 3 out of 6 today o__O; M: 680 CR: 580, how sad.

Yesterday I started reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, which we have to read for AP US History. It's a wonder that I actually started it =)

On Wendesday night I made a list of Naruto fanfictions I want to read, and last night I finished reading one set of paring's fanfics.

Today I burned some anime, and planned to burn more after dinner. I'll really have to work on website/yearbook entries too. During the SAT prepratory class I did one drawing of a fairy of sorts (which is strange enough, considering I never do fairies), so that's one down on the drawing part of the yearbook entries.

Naruto 88 by Shin-Otaku is out, but I don't feel like downloading it...as long as ANBU-AonE gets theirs out quicker than the last two episodes. Can't wait for the Manga though. Inane's got good people coloring the pages (paintpixel, anbupawn), and the current plot is just too tragic suspenseful for an angst-lover like me ^^;;

'People are just about as happy as they make up their mind to be.' - Lincoln, Abrahan

: Understanding - Evanescense

14 June 2004

(sigh) I dunno...Maybe the amount of AP/H work is weighing on me, maybe i'm getting senior-idis, but I really don't feel like doing so much reference for an supposedly basic class. I just want to...lay around and work on my site or something.

I think the vacation feeling has finally sunk in. I feel like doing nothing academic.

Ugh. I can feel it comming. This mounting of assumed pressure is really the prologue of that horrid monster...always returning...

Don't worry if one does not know what I'm referring to; it's a blithe not to.

Anyways, reminded by Larry, NeonCloud over there (points to the tagboard) got 400.

Cold milk seemed to have soothed me some.
OMIGOD IS THAT A WORM CRAWLING ON MY SCREEN?! No seriously, it was flipping across my screen and crawling down it. Now I don't know where it is.

So after dinner I went to Hollis' to to pick fruits. I got dragged along. Anyways, I decided to not help and went around taking pictures. It's nice since it's sunset and there're a lot of vegetation in his backyard.

What's with Aragon saying I have to return a book by 20040630 that is due 20040827?

Me: How did I get a 4.000? (stares at her row of B's)
Amy: yaaaaaaaay.
Me: Hey.
Amy: Don't complain. Just say yaaaaaaaay.

Anyways. Pooh. Haven't even looked at the Psychology syllabus.
ARGH! So much homework! And other work! ><;;

I don't think I'm going to like the journal entry things for Psychology. And I've decided to drop CIS 110. I couldn't stand the teacher. Besides, the stuff were way too easy.

I have the SAT prep course too. (sigh) summer is definately not getting easier.

I'll be watching FMA 26 & 34 today...And no, I don't want to do homework.

Ah, Death Note 20 & 21, scanlated by OrangeTangerine is out today. It's really intriguing, though there's more thinking/analazying than anything else.

Sasuke: If I recall, that fight [between us] was interrupted.
Naruto: ...! That..that wasn't the fight I wanted. Even now...

NO! If you really can't tell, I'm still not over chapter 219. Note Sasuke's expression when Naruto said that. It leads me to think that Sasuke's not completely tainted Orochimaru's color...yet.

13 June 2004

Well, just a quick post before I start preparing for Summer School tomorrow.

I was drawing cats. A chibi-cat, but the only thing I seem to be able to draw are...well, not chibi. I will be trying to slove this soon.

So, there goes the end of the 'do nothing' week and now I really have to get working. [On people's yearbook entries, especially!]

Um, I was trying to look for the episode where Sasuke waits for Kakashi for training on top of a rock, and I found that I never watched episode 58 until today.

I'm still not quite over chapter 219 of Naruto.

Even more exasperated when reading fanfics. A few of my favorite stories had new chapter posted, so I read fanfics until 03:00 of this 'morning'

Well, all this upcomming work, I guess, will motivate me to play less of FFX [I'm stuck at the Al Bhed airship trying to kill that giant dragon-thing anyways; I think my party's not at a high enough level o__O;;], and do more homework/artwork/webbing/research for digicam. Oh, by the way, how'd you work the Lulu overdrive?

I don't know in detail of what happened with Yang, but it seems kinda...disappointing of sorts that he's leaving ART. He was quite annoying, especially in his PMS sessions, but well, he's still a student, ne? I don't know.

ARGH! I'm going to have to attend the summer meetings in Robotics! (sighs) why can't people like programming? It's important!

'I've been awake all this time from a dream by my foolish self, who wished for a future with comrads drunken with the assurance of peace' - Uchiha Sasuke//Naruto : ch 219 :: I told you I'm not over it. I can't wait to see this part of the anime...I'll probably cry. (sigh)
Let's see...moodiness, check. Excessive sapiness and tears, check. I have a feeling it's comming again. o___O;; But it has only been 2 weeks...maybe this is the minor one and the real one will come in 1.5-2 weeks...the real moodswing, I mean.

...s-sad...poooor Sasu-chaaaan (wails) [just finished reading Naruto 219 by Inane (wow those color pages were pretty!) & Ookami to Kitsune no Monogatari, a fanfic by shirohane] (sniff) NO SASU-CHAN! DON'T DO THIS! Kishimoto Masashi-sensei really showed how Naru-chan and Sasu-chan are different. In fact, they're complete opposites in most aspects!!

I'm a bit frightened. Someone is hollering something two or three blocks from my house in this ungodly hour. And insane laughter was just heard. o___O;;
02:14 - hears glass shatters

'The future is not where my dream is. It's in the past...Where it'll always be' - Uchiha Sasuke :: (sobs and sniffles)(glances at the last panel of 219)(sobs even harder)ITACHI YOU POOPHEAD!LOOK HOW MUCH YOUR OTOUTO LOVES YOU! Sure, maybe that's why you didn't kill Sasu-chan when you massacred your whole clan, but now he has to hate you AND love you! BAKA ITACHI! SASU-CHAN, YOU CAN'T SELL YOUR BODY TO OROCHIMARUUUUUU!!

12 June 2004

No, I have not worked on any yearbook entries for people
Yes, I have tried to draw Razu's Iru-kun
Yes, I have been watching FMA (below for more of that)
Yes, I have been posting at download anime.org
Yes, I have been playing too much FFX.

WAAAH! Last night I watched episode 25 of Full Metal Alchemist and...and...I cried. I already read the manga so I knew what was to happen {SPOILERS: Envy Killed Huges~}, but I cried anyways. Which is strange, because I was fine reading the manga. This is the first time I cried from watching anime...yeah...

'Mama? Why are they burying papa? Papa said that he has a lot of work to do! He can't if they're burying him! Mama?'- Alicia Huges

Anyways, Lieutenant Maes Huges is such a great character. Funny, serious when needed to, supports friends, and love his family. Not to mention Alicia-obsessed XD

(on the phone with Mustang about Military work) Huges:...being so ambitious will get you a lot of enemies, that's why you need someone to support you...so...get a wife (Mustang slams phone down)

I think FMA fangirls are getting to me, but Ed is starting to look feminine o__O;;

Ah another thing. Now that FMA is licensed by FUNimation (shudders), and will be shown in Adult Swim [At least it won't be a kiddy show no more], I found an interesting link to message in msn groups about the future of FMA and the shutting down of FMA fansubbers. GO. If the group ever gets deleted or something, It'll be in Achromatic Alcoholism.

Another thing. Just in case you're wondering about military ranks...Lowest to highest...

Private 1st Class
Corporal/Specialist 4
Staff Sergeant
Sergeant 1st Class
1st/Mst Sergeant
Sergeant Major
Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer
2nd Lieutenant
1st Lieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel
Brigadier General
Lieutenant General
General of Army

source: mistupid

Uh. Yeah. Bombardment of quotes today; I'll regret it later.

Lieutenant Colonel Roy Mustang: It's raining...
1st Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye: no...it's not. It's sunny.
Lieutenant Colonel Roy Mustang: No, it is raining.
1st Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye: Ah, yes. It's raining.

Roy's crying over Maes' death...And this is from the manga version, so it's a bit different from the anime one. 13 & 25 of FMA are my favorite episodes (heart)

11 June 2004

Happy Birthday, Yuuhi Kurenai, instructor of Team 8. She's One of those rare Kunoichi [female ninja] that appears in Naruto. A genjutsu user, She sees Asuma as her 'rival', and was first seen using her techniques against Itachi.

Anyways, I was trying to draw Razu's Iruka, but as the ambitious, but skill-lacking person that I am, I couldn't draw Iruka as I wanted...So I spent over two hours looking up pictures of people sitting at ramen bars eating ramen and Iruka. Iruka pictures were particularly hard to find.

I want to play that Naruto game really badly. I read somewhere that we see Iruka's moves there.

Which makes me realize how Dolphin-obsessed I am. Even more so than Kaka or Sasu [!!] Fwee--

While looking up noodle bar pictures, I found a picture of a cat much like Byakko. Except...my cat has better patterns on its face =D

Ooh, and I also found the real Ichiraku Ramen shop.

Jiraiya: So...have you popped the water balloon yet?
Naruto: meh. DOKI.* o__O;;

Naruto literally said that, and it cracked me up.

Music: Ready Steady Go - L'arc~en~Ciel//FMA : 2nd Opening.

Doki: sound of heartbeat
Dokum: sound of a heavy heartbeat

10 June 2004

Last night I slept around 01:00 and woke, without alarm, at 07:15 this morning. I got 6.25 hours and I thought it was enough? How bizarre. Still on my school-day clock, I guess.

Tidus is really a brat in love
21:00hrs, training Auron to learn Threaten on Thunder Plateau, just recieved the beating of the party's life
Wow. I feel so accomplished. I knew the definition of dictionary.com's word of the day. (homily) [Look! I can spell it too!]

Yes! I knew I heard Shiranui Genma's voice from SOMEWHERE! Hirata Hiroaki is Sanji in One Piece and Sha Gyojo in Saiyuki!

Uzumaki Naruto [Naruto] is also Gon Freecs [Hunter X Hunter],
who is also Gomamon [Digimon/02],
who is also Kanbara Takuya [Digimon Frontier],
who is also Metabee [Metabots]!!
Voiced by Takeuchi Junko.

(Suprisingly , the female Naruto, hereby be called 'Naruto', is voiced by a different person: Kogure Ema.

Interestingly, Uchiha Sasuke is Sugiyama Noriaki's first main role voice =)

I (heart) Ishikawa Hideo's voice [Uchiha Itachi//Naruto, Auron//FFX, Squall//Kingdom Hearts]

AND especially Inoue Kazuhiro's voice[!!] [Hatake Kakashi//Naruto, Yuki Eiri//Gravitation, Souma Hatori(the 'dragon')//Fruit Basket, Kigai Yuuto//X] Waaai, I (heart) his voice.

AND the Animage award winner, Toshihiko Seki, who voices Umino Iruka [Naruto], Watari Yutaka [Yami no Matsuei], Maxwell, Duo [Gundam Wing], Mousse [Ranma 1/2], Genjo Sanzo [Saiyuki], Bluesummers, Lagato [Trigun], and Shougo Asagi [X]!!

Ah, another that caught my eye is Sarutobi Asuma's Seiyuu, Kosugi Juurouta, is also Lantis/Zagato from Magic Knights Rayearth ^^;;

(glomps various voice actor/actresses)

'To trust in love, means you'll not loose to yourself...' - Motherland : Crystal Kay//FMA :: 3rd ending

Wandering Cowboy - Yoko Kanno/Tada 'Ed' Aoi : Cowboy Beebop CD-box OST Limited Edition :: It's so cute o___O;; to-eh, to-eh! be-bop, be-bop!
In AA yesterday I posted some licensed titles, and only today checking lelola.net that i realized 4kids, I mean 4kids, got One Piece. No doubt Sanji's cigarette will be edited, nobody will be bleeding profusely, and the series itself will be heavily edited, considering it's to be shown in FoxBox. Note, FoxBox is the time that Kirby is on ¬__¬;;

More in AA.

09 June 2004

A few days ago I said it's going to be Itachi's birthday, and I'd've forgotten, if I didn't look at Razu's blog on the 6th and she said 'Happy Birthday'...it's wrong though. it's today, the 9th. Happy forever 17, Older Uchiha.

(the 6th was the Oni Bros, appeared as Team 7's 1st apponent in the Mist country arc)

Anyways...I've been playing FFX...got around 19hours on it to date in 3 days oO;;

**rant mode on**
Would've still be playing now, except a mad father [provoked by my cat relieving itself on the kitchen floor] kicked be off, telling me to clean my room. It wasn't an outragous request, only that I was quite far off from a save point [at the end of 1st map of Thunder Plateau], so I had to run back. That took time, thus my father hollered at me more for taking so much time, and threatened to 'rip the rom up' if he finds that I'm not trying to get to a save point as soon as possible, like I said I was.
**rant mode end**

Amy came over for 1.5 hours today, from 17:00 with Patrick, and I wasn't being a good host at all...I just kept playing FFX oO;;

Um, yes, I still have yearbook pages to draw...but I've drafted Razu's Iruka that I promised some time ago...Oops, there's also Charlie's Iruka that I have to work on...and I still have a list of at least 15 people to draw for ^^;;;

I also stared at my cat's picture to learn how to draw a cat for my layouts ^^;;

I gained fat. No, I don't have a working scale in the house, and I don't know my current weight, but I can kind of feel it. I've been eating less too [2 meals a day, not under hungry conditions either], but that's because I've been moving less all together. I didn't walk past my house gate for the past 2 days...go figure.

I think I will squeeze an episode of FMA in before I sleep...Don't worry, I don't think FMA will become a new obsession of mine, because, and I've given thought to it, the plot and characters are nowhere as in depth as Naruto. The art is not as good also.

My hands are shaking quite badly. Is it the after effects of playing too much video game?

「貴様(きさま)など、殺(ころ)す価値(かち)も無(な)い。愚(おろ)かなる弟(おとうと)よ…この俺(おれ)を殺(ころ)したくば、恨(うらめ)め…憎(にく)め…そして醜(みにく)く生(い)き延(の)びるがいい。逃(に)げて逃(に)げて…生(せい)にしがみつくがいい。」?うちは イタチ : NARUTO

'You're not even worth killing...Foolish little brother. If you want to kill me, hate me, detest me. And survive in an unsightly way. Run, run, and cling onto life.' - Uchiha, Itachi : Naruto :: Posted again in honor of Uchiha, Itachi.

Music: Favorite Daughter - Oshima, Michiru//FMA :: Lieutenant Huges is hillarious, always using the millitary line to call Lieutenant Colonel Mustang to brag about his daughter. And this is the background music for the calls ^^

07 June 2004

Wow. Kakeru's code is in a bad need of patching up...I belive I'll be making new layout for it though...if I ever figure out how to draw my cat oO;;

Music: Equivalent Exchange - Oshima, Michiru//FMA
Hehe, I just stopped playing FFX, which I played from 09:00. That's 9 hours of almost nonstop [had to stop to make lunch] staring at the TV oO;; EEp, gotta water my plant and work on the website and draw stuff for people.

Ha! You thought I forgot, eh?

'僕らはいつでも叫んでる、「信じ続くだけが答えじゃない...」' - Tobira no Mukou e : YeLLOW Generation//Full Metal Alchemist :: 2nd ending
'We always scream, ”just continuing on believing isn't the answer...”' - Beyond the Gate

Brothers - Oshima, Michiru/BEPA//Full Metal Alchemist :: (hearts) pretty song. Not Japanese, haha.

06 June 2004

So my mum & I had this long talk/argument on Sancta's new layout. Apparently she is in favor of more cutesy stuff, while, well, I guess I'm far more dark and angsty [blaming things on the shounen-fighting-bloody anime and accompanying fanfictions and fanart, she did].

So I guess bye-bye the 'dark and scary' Iruka layout that I repared for Sancta for the time being. It'd have to wait. Mum said that style and theme didn't "represent me"...if only she can see past that hyper-happy-child that I am at home, eh?

Looks like Sancta won't be open anytime soon.

05 June 2004

I've figured out the layout for Sancta, so now I "only" have to finish up the theme image, some odd graphis for the page, and to code it. At least I have a direction to head in now ^^;;

Yes, yes, I know it has been 2 or 3 years since it came out, but I got FFX today ^^;;; Began to play a bit...yeah...Whee, my 3rd PS2 game! ^^;;

I'm downloading a ton too oO;; Summer is kicking in...better do some homework before I completely slack off.

The Biology textbook and Warriors Don't Cry I ordered from half.ebay were confirmed. They should be arriving within the next two weeks and I'd have all the books I need to read for the summer. Except the bible, which I'll need to find online.

Naruto 218 is all talk between Sasuke & Naruto, eh? I'm sure some fans will be happy...and get fic-/art-inspired ^^ I wonder what would Sasuke's eyes look like in Sharingan now...NARU-CHAN! YOU MUST BRING SASUKE BACK!!

'A person can't gain something without losing something. To obtain something you need something of equal value. This is the Law of Conservation in Alchemy. At that time, we believed that to be the truth of the world.' - Alphonse Elric : Full Metal Alchemist :: guess what I've been watching lately? 3 guesses and two of them doesn't count.

Ready Steady GO! - L'arc en Ciel//Full Metal Alchemist : 2nd opening :: Yay, another song by L'arcs...They're pretty nice...I like their Finale the best...
Two Things. Two Links.

1| Rising Stars of Manga 4 20040601-20040814

2| DDR & Fitness - from CNN.

'"Mine," he happily declared. Because the world didn't seem to end yet, Iruka wondered what the Sasuke look-alike had done with real Sasuke. Or maybe Sasuke had decided that using LSD would be a fun thing to do. If that was the case, Sasuke on acid was very dangerous…' - Ookami to Kitsune no Monogatari//Naruto fanfiction by shirohane

04 June 2004

So school's out. But where was I all day today? At school. I had gone to school around 11:00 to give cards to Mr.Cole, Ms. Miyamoto, and Ms. Trujillo. Miyamoto and Cole are leaving [coincidently they joined Aragon staff on the same year] to study, one to UC Davis, and the latter to Pennsylvania for stats. Cole got a circle thing and a Pi, Miyamoto got a dolphin, and Trujillo got a tree. The tree didn't turn out well, and it's bad planning on my part. The draft I made could be easily fixed.

Me and Amy spent most of the time outside making the cards, then to Sensei's room to talk and finish the one for Trujillo. Outside Faustine saw us and tried shooing us home. Cole's was done the night before and finish written in this morning, and was given as soon as we got to school. 14:40-15:00 spent time @ the History office, where Amy obtained about 1.75 lbs of chocolate truffles and pink paper. Then returned to Japanese class, where we talked and...talked...took a picture...talked more...and departed around 4:30. Sensei cried.

Yeah, I guess it's sad, but then again I have never been very emotional over partings, especially so after my grandpa died. It just seems...not such a big thing anymore, after experienced someone close gone. He or she is gone, and there's nothing you can do about it. So why mope over it?

Well, you can guess that I did quite a lot of reflecting while talking with Sensei. She's great, really, no matter how much other people say she's strict or mean; She's really anything but so.

I should get myself to do the website and other people's yearbook entries now...I promised them.

Again. It doesn't seem like the summer. Maybe it's because it hadn't sunk it yet, maybe it's because it's not warm enough, maybe it's because there's so much to do this summer that there's no relief, but rather the thought that there's more work to do (which we do any day during the school year anyways), but it doesn't seem like summer.

'Let me get this across: it's vacation. GO. HOME.' - Faustine, Bill :: He tried shooing us home =;_;= but we just love the school too much

Kisenai Tsumi [Indelible Sin] - Nana Kitade//Full Metal Alchemist :: I was gonna translate the title as 'Unerasable Sin', but Indelible sounds better.

03 June 2004

This is it— the end of the school year. It only seems like we're on a week-long break though.

Anyhow, I was drawing practically nonstop today. For people's yearbooks. (scratches head) I have a ton more to go...they're either my closest friends', or that I have their email oO;;

I also have to make 3 cards for teachers that are leaving.

So I still have homework. Ah, need to buy my AP Bio book too.

I didn't go to PE because I was drawing stuff for Jeff, and Soaps told me Mr. Flynn marked me absent. uh-oh. oO;;

I got a pile of yearbooks for me to sign [which I didn't finish] in Japanese...should I feel loved, or taken advantage on? ...But then again, I did all those drawings out of my own will...

At least I got all the entries for Seniors done. Too bad I didn't make copies for most of the drawings though...Oh well. To be expected.

And I advertised this blog XD

Ah, the 4th RSOM started!! oO;; Considering last year's standards, I think I have a small chance to win something...Better not get ahead of myself though.

02 June 2004

So yesterday I finished [?] reviewing for History finals.

Today I knew nill on the History stuff, so I wrote a ton on the 'written portion'. Mostly reflection, thus the easiness of the written portion. It really does help to blog. (wink) History scantron took me a bit less than 1 hr [I was rushing and didn't know anything anyways], and the written took me exactly 1. I wrote 3 pages, single spaced on one side using my messy and small handwriting. Wow. Maybe it's all this blogging and sudden fanfic inspirations that...(rambles) Oh Japanese? we had just had a Japanese finals today? LoL.

And I did start/finish Yu-Loung's Itachi. After 2nd/3rd portion of Japanese finals and after school, to be exact.

Wow. And Mr. Neri of Physics rounded our finals from 200 points total to 160. I got the second best score of 169, while the best score was of 170. Wow. It's one thing that Mr. Neri curved the test down 40 points, and it's another that I got 84.5%, but 2nd best score?! Geeze, those seniors..for the love of Newton (wrong as he sometimes is), it's OPEN NOTES! USE ANYTHING BUT THE BOOK! It's a good thing though, because my grade before the final was something like a 90.3%. Actually even if he only took 13 points out of the final, I'd be happy, because that'd make the final an A- =D

So yeah, Chris Suen first told me before the History finals (he was very happy, after school Yusuke tried to hurt me because I got the 'top score' (he went to check grades after Eric Ha told him that the top is 170 now though), and Mr. Neri congratulated me, hoping that he'd see me in two years when he gets enough people to open an AP Physics class...

Hey, Physics was fun, but I think I'll be taking AP Chem. Yes, I can take 2 science classes, but I don't want to give up my AP Art or AP Ceramics..But if Japanese 9-10 doesn't have enough people to start a class, then I guess... ^^;;

So we're done with my year of being a sofa-moron [sophmore], and only two more years to go until going to a U[niversity], hopefully. Less than 1 year until the SATs. Should start applying for scholarships. This year passed even quicker than the last too...and I always say that because it only seems like I do more stuff every year.

Fun year though, and got to know a lot more seniors than I thought I would...(salutes)

It's the end, though it doesn't seem like it. It seems like I still should be doing homework, cramming projects, or something. Well, techinically yes, I have things like that to do [i.e. AP/H summer assignments, web layouts, drawings for yearbooks that I should do today, etc.], but they're not...within this year. Summer Vacation hadn't strike me yet, and it feels weird.

On another note, Charlie burned me the Full Metal Alchemist ep 1-26, yay! And his brother is crazy. I don't know his brother, but Charlie said that he has over 100 different series of anime in his collection. ¬__¬;;

Wow, I really rambled, didn't I? I guess I'm a bit hyped about getting a good grade in Physics.

'You don't need to know everything; you just need to know more than anyone else.' - Elton Chan

Haruka Kanata (Far off the Distance) - Asian Kung-Fu Generation//Naruto :: Somehow it seems fitting to this end-of-year mood. o_O;;

01 June 2004

NOOO--I can't concentrate! That word is bothering me. I always think of 'concentrate juice' when I say concentrate, and that makes me think I spelled it wrong. Bloody Concentrated Juice!

As I was saying. Since last post [around 3 hours ago?], I went Itachi-hunting again. And I found this site full of Itachi fanarts, and they were awsome. (So pretty~)(squee~)

-Go To Grappe-

And I found out the reason for my excessive sound effects�too much manga..or to be precise, too much Full Metal Alchemist. (You know, those katakanas and small dialogues on the side?)

You know what's funny? A Pikmin Kakashi/Iruka!




Completed Finals: 4
Finals to go: 2 servings
Days until Kakeru starts remodeling: 2
Days until Sancta gets worked on: 3
Sancta Main page: 3

Plans for today: Study for History, draw Yu-Loung's Itachi, something for Jeff.

Passerby A: You forgot 'study for Japanese'.
PCBY: oh yeah (puts in in list)
Passerby A: (leaves)
PCBY: (takes off 'study for Japanese')

Yesterday my Aunt [dad's youngest sister] came back from Tibet gave me the prettiest bracelet from there. All's good except it broke after 10 mintues of roughplay, consisting of sitting in the living room eating dinner, from me. Not a problem though, since I have a ton of bracelet-making things to fix it >)

Sunday Amy went to FanimeCon, as posted before, and she bought me Naruto bookmarks ;__; (touched) (heart) (glomps Amy) No, my happiness cannot be expressed with words, only actions =D

The Pre-calc test was much easier than I thought. And I spent the whole time during the PE final to make the '3�5-notecard-that-is-8.5�11' too. >
By the way, I've been meaning to post this tidbit that I found in the wonderful fandom of fanfiction, but I always forget� Kakashi Smilie: ^_\\ PUAHAAHAHA. (rofls)

Ah-hem. Anyways. This blog is turning very much like a rambling section again. And there I thought I could make it through without using excessive amounts of smilies and sound effects and abbreviations. Or get obsessed with Itachi's quote from last post. But when it happens, it happens.

'Word of the Day for Wednesday May 26, 2004

cap-a-pie \cap-uh-PEE\, adverb:
From head to foot; at all points.

Evening Wind - Miyazaki Hayao//Tonari no Totoro :: Stole it off Jeff's website on Sunday =D