09 June 2004

A few days ago I said it's going to be Itachi's birthday, and I'd've forgotten, if I didn't look at Razu's blog on the 6th and she said 'Happy Birthday'...it's wrong though. it's today, the 9th. Happy forever 17, Older Uchiha.

(the 6th was the Oni Bros, appeared as Team 7's 1st apponent in the Mist country arc)

Anyways...I've been playing FFX...got around 19hours on it to date in 3 days oO;;

**rant mode on**
Would've still be playing now, except a mad father [provoked by my cat relieving itself on the kitchen floor] kicked be off, telling me to clean my room. It wasn't an outragous request, only that I was quite far off from a save point [at the end of 1st map of Thunder Plateau], so I had to run back. That took time, thus my father hollered at me more for taking so much time, and threatened to 'rip the rom up' if he finds that I'm not trying to get to a save point as soon as possible, like I said I was.
**rant mode end**

Amy came over for 1.5 hours today, from 17:00 with Patrick, and I wasn't being a good host at all...I just kept playing FFX oO;;

Um, yes, I still have yearbook pages to draw...but I've drafted Razu's Iruka that I promised some time ago...Oops, there's also Charlie's Iruka that I have to work on...and I still have a list of at least 15 people to draw for ^^;;;

I also stared at my cat's picture to learn how to draw a cat for my layouts ^^;;

I gained fat. No, I don't have a working scale in the house, and I don't know my current weight, but I can kind of feel it. I've been eating less too [2 meals a day, not under hungry conditions either], but that's because I've been moving less all together. I didn't walk past my house gate for the past 2 days...go figure.

I think I will squeeze an episode of FMA in before I sleep...Don't worry, I don't think FMA will become a new obsession of mine, because, and I've given thought to it, the plot and characters are nowhere as in depth as Naruto. The art is not as good also.

My hands are shaking quite badly. Is it the after effects of playing too much video game?

「貴様(きさま)など、殺(ころ)す価値(かち)も無(な)い。愚(おろ)かなる弟(おとうと)よ…この俺(おれ)を殺(ころ)したくば、恨(うらめ)め…憎(にく)め…そして醜(みにく)く生(い)き延(の)びるがいい。逃(に)げて逃(に)げて…生(せい)にしがみつくがいい。」?うちは イタチ : NARUTO

'You're not even worth killing...Foolish little brother. If you want to kill me, hate me, detest me. And survive in an unsightly way. Run, run, and cling onto life.' - Uchiha, Itachi : Naruto :: Posted again in honor of Uchiha, Itachi.

Music: Favorite Daughter - Oshima, Michiru//FMA :: Lieutenant Huges is hillarious, always using the millitary line to call Lieutenant Colonel Mustang to brag about his daughter. And this is the background music for the calls ^^

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