01 June 2004

Completed Finals: 4
Finals to go: 2 servings
Days until Kakeru starts remodeling: 2
Days until Sancta gets worked on: 3
Sancta Main page: 3

Plans for today: Study for History, draw Yu-Loung's Itachi, something for Jeff.

Passerby A: You forgot 'study for Japanese'.
PCBY: oh yeah (puts in in list)
Passerby A: (leaves)
PCBY: (takes off 'study for Japanese')

Yesterday my Aunt [dad's youngest sister] came back from Tibet gave me the prettiest bracelet from there. All's good except it broke after 10 mintues of roughplay, consisting of sitting in the living room eating dinner, from me. Not a problem though, since I have a ton of bracelet-making things to fix it >)

Sunday Amy went to FanimeCon, as posted before, and she bought me Naruto bookmarks ;__; (touched) (heart) (glomps Amy) No, my happiness cannot be expressed with words, only actions =D

The Pre-calc test was much easier than I thought. And I spent the whole time during the PE final to make the '3�5-notecard-that-is-8.5�11' too. >
By the way, I've been meaning to post this tidbit that I found in the wonderful fandom of fanfiction, but I always forget� Kakashi Smilie: ^_\\ PUAHAAHAHA. (rofls)

Ah-hem. Anyways. This blog is turning very much like a rambling section again. And there I thought I could make it through without using excessive amounts of smilies and sound effects and abbreviations. Or get obsessed with Itachi's quote from last post. But when it happens, it happens.

'Word of the Day for Wednesday May 26, 2004

cap-a-pie \cap-uh-PEE\, adverb:
From head to foot; at all points.

Evening Wind - Miyazaki Hayao//Tonari no Totoro :: Stole it off Jeff's website on Sunday =D

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