29 June 2004

Yes, I have been avoiding blogging in hope to finish the new layout before excessively needing to blog. And yes, it failed. I had typed up most of this entry a few hours ago, only to find my browsers dead after finishing dinner [and I did not 'save as draft' before I left, as the idiot that I am], and didn't feel up to typing the entry again.

Anyhow, as for Sancta V.1, all the graphics is done, but when I tried to code, I ran into a bit of a problem— I want to try something new, so I went for CSS [Cascading Style Sheets], onMouseOVer, and Drop-Down menus for this layout. The only problem is, I love customizing everyting [can you imagine my frustration now for not knowing how to change the login screen and start menu bar?! Please tell me if anyone knows], but to do that I need to understand the basic construct of CSS and Javascript—which I don't. And sadly, the site that I often relied my internet resources on, both for other tutorial sites and tutorials in general, tifa.net, had closed, along with her other sites. That cut me off from simple, easy, clear scripts SUCH AS the drop down menu.

Thus began my feverish search of good scripts with nice sites that explain things in an understandable manner, which ended in peril. In the end, after distracting myself with absolutely hillarious NARUTO chapter koma's from D.co, and the endless list of technical websites, I decided to aquire a reference book instead. See, I have been working on my site; I'm not really slacking that much. Oh, and I ended up buying one from the half.ebay instead because theirs are cheaper.

[Borders bookstore: 10:30-12:15]

Dad also asked me to go to the Coyote Park with my cousin from Vancouver, at her request, with her. We saw adorable lambs hired to 'cut down' the dry grass along the coast. I picked up some shells, sanded glass, and a few rocks.

[Coyote: 13:30-4:30]

As a result, I completely forgot about going to the robotics meeting [and the fact that I need to ask Ms. Ward a question regarding number 5 on the Summer AP Bio homework], and did not remember such event until around 21:30. Talk about my lack of prospective memories. This could make a nice part of my journal entry for Psychology =D

Mother told me to eat some strawberries. I asked if they're sweet. She said they're a bit sour and suggested me to eat it with whip cream. I did. Right after I finished the 10 or so that were left, presumably for me, since no one eat them as I did, she stared at me suprised, because I 'either didn't eat any or ate them all'. My aunt says it's because of the whip cream. It's only part of the truth though, really. I had noted some time ago that I like strawberries.

No, I haven't really done anything productive today, other than immersing myself in blissful fanfiction, doujinshi, and D.co's koma's.

I think that's all. In my last post I also included a translation of one of D.co's koma. It is very humorous, but I don't feel like translating it again from Japanese. It's hard to read as is. By the way, I adore D.co's simple lines; it's something I cannot do, even though her characters usually have overly pointed chins. Except for Chibi's though. Those are adorable.

BTW, I downloaded some recommanded music from vivola.net's mp3 rotation site, and am listening to them.

Music: Flame - Iwasaki Taku//Witch Hunter Robin : one of her rec songs from the WHR OST. I happened to have the OST too.

koma: comic strip
doujinshi: fan comics. I really should learn php so the Japanese I use/abbreviations can be defined automatically in a link or something. urgh.

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