22 June 2004

Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911)? read and wrote by age 2.5, read Shakespeare for pleasure at age 7, invented the weather maps, Charles Darwin's cousin, thought that only smart people should marry (and reproduce), and proposed the correlational method? a mathematical way of finding whether there's a relationship between two variables.

Source: Rathus, Spencer. Psychology: Concepts & Connections.

Yum. Mangos are yummy. It's best when their meat is neither hard and crunchy nor watery and squishy, when it is smooth and without fibers, a texture between frozen ice cream and pudding. I just found that mangos can also be pickled when green from dictionary.com. Apparently Blogger's spellcheck only recognizes 'mangoes' and not 'mangos', though both plural forms are correct. There are also Mango Birds [Oriolus kundoo] and Mango Fish [Polynemus risua].

My psychology book came two days earlier than expected. Now I don't have to borrow Amy's textbook to do readings; I can do (?) homework now.

Today the Psychology professor issued a challenge to us; whoever that got the answer can have an A?no journals, no exams? for the semester. It requires wide knowledge of Psychology, and only 8 students has ever gotten the answer in her five years of teaching: almost everything we do is conditioned, whether positively or negatively. For example, I read fanfiction because it is entertaining?a positive outcome. But there's a behavioral trait that we posses that is not conditioned. What is it? It's not instinctive or physiological.

I don't think I should've told Yusuke about my plan to put some of my drawings on Sancta. Now he's telling me to make one.

That reminds me. I've drafted the new image that'll be in Kakeru...all I need to do is everything else: from inking, scanning, cleaning up lines on computer to color scheme and coding. I've already decided how to lay it out ^^

Eep. Haven't done any yearbook stuff or Razu's drawing yet o____O;;

Sasuke: (pouts)You told me that you'd teach me some new shuriken moves!
Itachi: I have a crucial mission tomorrow, and I've got to prepare for it.
Sasuke: (pouts more) ...Big bro you liar...
Itachi: (smiles and waves Sasuke over)
Sasuke: ...! (grins and runs over)
Itachi: (pokes Sasuke hard in the forehead) Sorry Sasuke, maybe next time
Sasuke: Ow (frowns at Itachi)

(PCBY dies of all the brotherly love) - Naruto chapter 220

Music: Kanashimi wo Yasashisa ni - little by little//Naruto 4th opening.

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