02 June 2004

So yesterday I finished [?] reviewing for History finals.

Today I knew nill on the History stuff, so I wrote a ton on the 'written portion'. Mostly reflection, thus the easiness of the written portion. It really does help to blog. (wink) History scantron took me a bit less than 1 hr [I was rushing and didn't know anything anyways], and the written took me exactly 1. I wrote 3 pages, single spaced on one side using my messy and small handwriting. Wow. Maybe it's all this blogging and sudden fanfic inspirations that...(rambles) Oh Japanese? we had just had a Japanese finals today? LoL.

And I did start/finish Yu-Loung's Itachi. After 2nd/3rd portion of Japanese finals and after school, to be exact.

Wow. And Mr. Neri of Physics rounded our finals from 200 points total to 160. I got the second best score of 169, while the best score was of 170. Wow. It's one thing that Mr. Neri curved the test down 40 points, and it's another that I got 84.5%, but 2nd best score?! Geeze, those seniors..for the love of Newton (wrong as he sometimes is), it's OPEN NOTES! USE ANYTHING BUT THE BOOK! It's a good thing though, because my grade before the final was something like a 90.3%. Actually even if he only took 13 points out of the final, I'd be happy, because that'd make the final an A- =D

So yeah, Chris Suen first told me before the History finals (he was very happy, after school Yusuke tried to hurt me because I got the 'top score' (he went to check grades after Eric Ha told him that the top is 170 now though), and Mr. Neri congratulated me, hoping that he'd see me in two years when he gets enough people to open an AP Physics class...

Hey, Physics was fun, but I think I'll be taking AP Chem. Yes, I can take 2 science classes, but I don't want to give up my AP Art or AP Ceramics..But if Japanese 9-10 doesn't have enough people to start a class, then I guess... ^^;;

So we're done with my year of being a sofa-moron [sophmore], and only two more years to go until going to a U[niversity], hopefully. Less than 1 year until the SATs. Should start applying for scholarships. This year passed even quicker than the last too...and I always say that because it only seems like I do more stuff every year.

Fun year though, and got to know a lot more seniors than I thought I would...(salutes)

It's the end, though it doesn't seem like it. It seems like I still should be doing homework, cramming projects, or something. Well, techinically yes, I have things like that to do [i.e. AP/H summer assignments, web layouts, drawings for yearbooks that I should do today, etc.], but they're not...within this year. Summer Vacation hadn't strike me yet, and it feels weird.

On another note, Charlie burned me the Full Metal Alchemist ep 1-26, yay! And his brother is crazy. I don't know his brother, but Charlie said that he has over 100 different series of anime in his collection. ¬__¬;;

Wow, I really rambled, didn't I? I guess I'm a bit hyped about getting a good grade in Physics.

'You don't need to know everything; you just need to know more than anyone else.' - Elton Chan

Haruka Kanata (Far off the Distance) - Asian Kung-Fu Generation//Naruto :: Somehow it seems fitting to this end-of-year mood. o_O;;

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