12 June 2004

No, I have not worked on any yearbook entries for people
Yes, I have tried to draw Razu's Iru-kun
Yes, I have been watching FMA (below for more of that)
Yes, I have been posting at download anime.org
Yes, I have been playing too much FFX.

WAAAH! Last night I watched episode 25 of Full Metal Alchemist and...and...I cried. I already read the manga so I knew what was to happen {SPOILERS: Envy Killed Huges~}, but I cried anyways. Which is strange, because I was fine reading the manga. This is the first time I cried from watching anime...yeah...

'Mama? Why are they burying papa? Papa said that he has a lot of work to do! He can't if they're burying him! Mama?'- Alicia Huges

Anyways, Lieutenant Maes Huges is such a great character. Funny, serious when needed to, supports friends, and love his family. Not to mention Alicia-obsessed XD

(on the phone with Mustang about Military work) Huges:...being so ambitious will get you a lot of enemies, that's why you need someone to support you...so...get a wife (Mustang slams phone down)

I think FMA fangirls are getting to me, but Ed is starting to look feminine o__O;;

Ah another thing. Now that FMA is licensed by FUNimation (shudders), and will be shown in Adult Swim [At least it won't be a kiddy show no more], I found an interesting link to message in msn groups about the future of FMA and the shutting down of FMA fansubbers. GO. If the group ever gets deleted or something, It'll be in Achromatic Alcoholism.

Another thing. Just in case you're wondering about military ranks...Lowest to highest...

Private 1st Class
Corporal/Specialist 4
Staff Sergeant
Sergeant 1st Class
1st/Mst Sergeant
Sergeant Major
Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer
2nd Lieutenant
1st Lieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel
Brigadier General
Lieutenant General
General of Army

source: mistupid

Uh. Yeah. Bombardment of quotes today; I'll regret it later.

Lieutenant Colonel Roy Mustang: It's raining...
1st Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye: no...it's not. It's sunny.
Lieutenant Colonel Roy Mustang: No, it is raining.
1st Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye: Ah, yes. It's raining.

Roy's crying over Maes' death...And this is from the manga version, so it's a bit different from the anime one. 13 & 25 of FMA are my favorite episodes (heart)

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