03 June 2004

This is it— the end of the school year. It only seems like we're on a week-long break though.

Anyhow, I was drawing practically nonstop today. For people's yearbooks. (scratches head) I have a ton more to go...they're either my closest friends', or that I have their email oO;;

I also have to make 3 cards for teachers that are leaving.

So I still have homework. Ah, need to buy my AP Bio book too.

I didn't go to PE because I was drawing stuff for Jeff, and Soaps told me Mr. Flynn marked me absent. uh-oh. oO;;

I got a pile of yearbooks for me to sign [which I didn't finish] in Japanese...should I feel loved, or taken advantage on? ...But then again, I did all those drawings out of my own will...

At least I got all the entries for Seniors done. Too bad I didn't make copies for most of the drawings though...Oh well. To be expected.

And I advertised this blog XD

Ah, the 4th RSOM started!! oO;; Considering last year's standards, I think I have a small chance to win something...Better not get ahead of myself though.

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